Tuesday 13 January 2009

Z is for Zen

To finish my ABC garden theme I present you with the Japanese (Zen) garden at Kingtson Lacey in Dorset.

Focusing on Zen - the web gurus amongst us will enjoy this site it is a garden for people who enjoy the potential of CSS.

Finally I shall leave you with this Zen thought:
Confused by thoughts,
we experience duality in life.
Unencumbered by ideas,
the enlightened see the one Reality.

Hui - Neng

To see the other ABC Wednesday posts check out the anthology.


jmb said...

Thank you for sharing these beautiful gardens with us Cherie. All beautiful photos.

spacedlaw said...

It looks like a beautiful place.
Thanks for the visual treat.

Liz Hinds said...

Another lovely garden. Thank you.

luisa brehm said...

sooo gorgeous, Fairy !!!
your garden seems a dream ;-))))))))))))

lots of loooooooooove flying to you

Dragonstar said...

That's so beautiful Cherie, a most peaceful garden. Thank you for this lovely post.

Anonymous said...

Like jewels, these pictures.

I am stopping with Zed - enough is enough.

CherryPie said...

JMB - I am so glad you enjoyed them :-)

Spacedlaw - It was a lovely place to visit.

Liz - Glad you enjoyed it :-)

Luisa - Love to you too, perhaps I was dreaming ;-) xoxoxoxoxox

Dragonstar - Thank You. I would love to go back and see it again it was fairly new when I visited.

Aileni - So glad you enjoyed them. I think I am having a breather from it too. I might give your monochrome mondays a go instead!

James Higham said...

Japanese Zen garden? Interesting.

CherryPie said...

James - It 'was' a Japanese garden and fairly close to what a Zen garden symbolises. The thought behind a Zen garden is very profound and thought provoking.

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