
Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thrifting. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fall Dining Room with Thrifty Finds

I can't hardly believe that it's October now, can you?
Loving the fall weather we've been having,
no air conditioning, the windows open and a nice warm robe to wear
in the morning...not to mention the trees!
I'm in love with the golden yellow leaves right now, if only it could last longer.
While fall is here, I wanted to share our dining room and some of my new finds.

I shared my white ironstone platter from Goodwill here. I put it on the table and added a soft fabric pumpkin and a mercury glass owl.

I love to hang banners on my hutch and also loving candy corn looking items this year.
 The banner is my new purchase this year from Emily Anns Kloset

Would you believe its made from burlap and comes in a variety of sizes, perfect for fall decorating.

The subway art is from Eighteen25 and I save each season subway art right in the frame and rotate with the seaons. I've got a thing for scarecrows too and got this cutie from a craft show.
Would you believe me if I told you that everything in this picture is thrifted except the candle?
Thrifting can quickly become an obsession, sadly - I haven't been able to find anything lately
at my favorite Goodwill store.

Are you ready for fall?
Do you change out your accesories with the seasons?
Thanks for stopping by today!
Linking to these parties

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Little Girl Room Decorated with Thrifty Finds

Last week I was able to finish up decorating the spare bedroom into a room
for our granddaughter when she stays with us.

While this is the tiniest bedroom in our house, the size is perfect for grandchildren
to stay and have their own space. This room had ended up becoming a mini storage place and all too quickly it became filled with random things.
We even had Macie sleep in the room as you see it one weekend, the poor thing probably wondered
if we really wanted her here because the space was anything but calm.

First step was to clear out the room and we made one quick trip to our storage unit.
The only items that stayed - the twin bed, crib and the footstool/bench.
The shelf used to be hanging up in my craft room but I had taken it down
when I started rearranging things in there - so this was free and the starting point for me.

While our home is mainly cream colors, I wanted this space to be full of color.
I got the wreath from Goodwill quite awhile ago and had it in my craft room but
decided it would be a fun addition to the room when I spray painted it this yummy lilac color.
The Hello Kitty looks so cute leaning against it!

Next up for the shelf was my thrifted picnic basket that holds lots of story books.
Click here to see the before.

While searching Etsy, I came across this super cute owl doll
and was able to have Macie's name embrodiered on it.
Isn't it just adorable?!

Tucked that cute little doll up on the shelf with a cross also from Goodwill that I spraypainted.
Have you been to Hobby Lobby? They have the cutest little girl things and this cluster of frames gave the room even more color and it'll be fun to change the pictures as Macie grows.

 I brought some oak colored frames and spray painted them and added some
fun prints from Galerie Anais.
Love this owl sitting on the window sill.

One the other side of the window sill, is this flower vase and yellow owl.
I'll probably be moving this out of the room but for now I like it.
On the foot of the bed, I added a quilt found at Goodwill - handstitched and I think I paid $4 for it, along with the granny square afghan that I made last year.

I shared how I was able to save money when buying kids toys.

And the spare bedroom that use to be a mini storage room is now a cute room
all ready for Macie.

Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Linking to these parties.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

New Life for an Thrifted Picnic Basket

One of the reasons I started blogging was to show my finds from Goodwill and how I use them
in my home. For some people who don't go to thrift stores, they probably would think
thrifters homes look like they are stuck in the 60's or 70's.

But those of us who are thrifters know that many times we can take inexpenisive finds
and turn them into one of a kind items that everyone wants.

Let me show you my latest find,

Does anybody remember when decorating with apples was so popular? I bought this picnic basket
at Goodwill for a couple of dollars. I wasn't attracted to the apples or the raffia. I was attracted to the
shape and that it was in good shape - everything else - not so much!

So I pulled off the raffia and apples and spray painted it all white.
Because the nobs where apples, I bought some every inexpensive wood knobs.

I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to use it so set it in my office on the shelf,
still unsure how I really wanted to use it.

I made a flower out of lace, ribbon and tulle which turned out really pretty
and I stuffed it full of odds and ends that I didn't know where to put them.

But it still wasn't exactly how I thought I'd use this basket....

and then I came up with an idea....

I emptied all the junk I had put in it and carried it downstairs into the spare bedroom that I'm decorating for Macie. You can read more about it here.

And the picnic basket is now holding books that we'll read to Macie when she
comes to stay at our home.

 I have yet not needed to by any books that are new because my favorite Goodwill store
has a bin full of childrens books and they cost 50 cents each.

As with anything that I buy, it needs to be wiped down because
there are so many germs that little ones don't need to be exposed to.
And I certainly don't like to get sick either.

My picnic basket now has a new function by holding reading books.
 I'm in the midst of working out some details for the room redo for
our beautiful Macie.

Macie is going to be staying with us next month for a couple of
days while her parents go to Las Vegas.
She's not crawling yet, but it's won't be very long and it'll be time
to baby proof our home.
How is it possible to love a grandbaby so much!?!

Next on the agenda for Macie's room.....
the walls...pretty much bare

and everything on this wall will come down.
I might save this butterfly that I also got a Goodwill several years ago
but it will need a new color..something bright to fit in with my plans!

Thanks for stopping by,
I'm so glad you stopped by and I'm having so much fun
redoing this room that has sat empty for 4 years...

Now I'm off to make a Pinterest dessert...
stay tune, I'll let you know if it's any good!

Don't forget to check out my giveaway going on too!
Linking to these wonderful parties
Thrifty Treasures
Metamorphis Monday

Monday, August 6, 2012

Reclaiming Our Spare Bedroom

This weekend, Crystal and Macie were here and I've been starting to set up a bedroom specially for Macie and with the thought of lots more grandkids....

And she spent lots of time squealing when the cats came around...
Charlie decided to come out of hiding and entertained Macie.

And I took her on a tour of my craft room and let her know that when she gets a little older, we'll be spending lots of time in here, crafting.
Right now, everything goes in her mouth but it won't be long until our weekends are spent in this room!

And this is the room that Macie slept in...formerly our sons room but he's 25 years old and has his own home...slowing it's become the room to put things that have no specific place to go...

With all this clutter, poor Macie didn't sleep too well here,
so this afternoon - we got busy and started clearing things out
and adding some of our latest thrifty finds

While I wanted to decorate the room with owls, I couldn't pass on this toybox.....
brand new and still in the box.....

This Dora doll is just about the same size as Macie - she wasn't sure what to think of her
but I'm sure she'll be dragging her around very soon...
we also got this beanbag chair....

and this adorable stepping stool....

I might end up painting the toybox and step stool but for now they are super cute...
Best of all, is what we paid for them - NOTHING!

My exhusband has a storage unit and the person who owned these things, didn't pay for storage and her things were confiscated.

If you know someone who has storage units, you just might want to let them know
if you're looking for something specific.

But for now, the bedroom for Macie is cleared out and coming together
and I'll be working on it some more next weekend as I have
several spray painting projects that need to get done.

Thanks for stopping by!
Linking to these parties

Monday, July 30, 2012

Goodwill Finds

I can't remember the last time I visited Goodwill because it's been quite awhile...
our house was overflowing and really I didn't need anything
but after awhile of thinking this way, I was gettting restless
and so this morning I decided I was ready to visit my favorite Goodwill store.
As we were looking around, I happened to see this baby walker

and I had been looking for one for Macie to use when she comes to visit.
My kids all used walkers when they were babies and it was a great way
for them to scoot around the house....the walker cost $2 and yes it's for a boy
but it'll be perfect for Macie once I get it all cleaned up!

Now when I get to to book area, I have to use my willpower because I love books,
but this one caught my eye for my daughter, Crystal.
And what first time Mom, doesn't love to read books about being a parent?

As I flipped through the pages, this cartoon cracked me up!
This is so true!

The toys at Goodwill are usually not very nice but Steve found this
guitar piano...the sound is kind of loud so this might need to go home
with Macie!

And I found an area fun of Easter figurines and grabbed these two...
for a dollar each...they were a great find and look brand new!

I was in love with this Easter egg once I opened it up, not sure which is cuter - open or shut?
There were a couple other ones that opened but not as cute as this one...

And finally I wanted to show you this picnic basket that I bought last year at Goodwill.
I finally got on the ball and just about having it redone and it's gorgeous!
Remember when apples were in style?
My husband cringed when I put this in the shopping cart....

Thanks for stopping by today!
I hope you all have a wonderful week!

Linking to these parties

Monday, July 23, 2012

Saving Money on Kids Toys and Clothes

I never knew my grandparents...they were elderly and passed away when I was very young...and I have no memories of spending time at their house...
And so I am determined to have my grandkids spend lots of time at our house... and have lots of fun and make memories together....

Now that Macie is getting older, it's time to start getting some toys in the house
again and spend time playing on the floor...

I've bought some toys for Macie to keep at her home but decided, I best figure out
what toys to keep here for when she we went shopping

and I love this kids played with one similar to this one....
can't believe it costs $10...
and what little girl doesn't want to have a tea party....
$ $30....gets expensive getting cute and fun toys!

A wonderful friend of Crystal's told her that we should check out a used childrens clothing store....
probably a store you've heard of before...Once Upon A Child
they sell used clothing,toys, furniture, books,equipment...

I picked up two Clifford books - $1 each!

Even though Macie is a girl...everybody loves cars...and I thought this little tractor would be fun...
press the buttons and it lights up and sounds like a real tractor - $2.50
the camera was cute and looks like new...just needed a new battery...$2.50

It's been ages since I've kept up on kid toys but I loved these rubber jacks...I thought they'd be perfect for Macie to chew on and plus they snap together...
and my main reason for going to Once Upon a Child was for this little car....
we'll have lots of fun with Macie riding this around the house....$8.50...

And for all of these things I got at Once Upon A Child, I spent $18.50....

and comparing that to the $30 I spent for these toys....
I forgot to mention, I spent $10 for the telephone and they had about 5 of these
phones for $3.50 each...

I think I've found my new favorite thrift store....
if you're looking for baby gear, toys, books or clothing 
and you have a Once Upon A Child store near you, I encouraged you to stop in....

Stay tune - I'm sure to be there again very soon!
Next up in our house is to redecorate one of the spare bedrooms
into a room specifically for fun!
Thanks for stopping by!
Don't forget about my giveaway going on here


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