
We are a crazy happy family. We love our three busy boys and our sweet little girl, and we try to play as much as possible.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

A Halloween Preview

Thanks to the YW in our ward my kiddos went to a totally fun Halloween party last week.
Rulon is a Pirate. Arrrrg.
Mads is a Fireman, good, now he can put out his own fires!
Mina is a cheerleader. Man can she cheer and jump!!
How do I choose which is the cutest cheerleader picture??!?! Dilemma.
Yep, bit soft spot for my Birdie girl!


Brittney said...

hahaha...I can so relate to the "how do I choose which picture" dilemma. These digital cameras leave us mommas with zillions of pictures. Mina is a cutie pie. And your other kids' costumes rock too :)

Dennis said...

Super costumes!