Showing posts with label almond candy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label almond candy. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2012

Earl Grey Creme Tart with Golden Almond Brittle & TGIF!

Toasting almonds in a flat pan, sugar boiling away in another saucepan, praying, wishing and sweating profusely hoping that I would not burn my sugar and my idea of Almond Candy Brittle would work. Phew! a sigh of relief. For once I paid extra care, extra attention, being careful, and to not walk away; cause we all know how fast sugar goes from golden in colour to a burnt stage. Been there several times and the thought of scrubbing a burnt saucepan isn't exactly what I have in mind this time. Part 2 of mission accomplished. You will soon find out why I labeled it Part 2.

To my surprised it added extra oopmh and charm to the EARL GREY CREME TART with GOLDEN ALMOND BRITTLE. A combination of dark crumbly chocolate tart shell, with luscious creamy smooth soft Earl Grey infused custard then topped with crunchy Almond Candy. Perfect for any cool day or any day!

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