Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Irish-Cream Mascarpone Truffle & a nomination for BEST FOOD BLOG!

December is a month of celebration, and happens to be a  favourite month of mine. Lots of birthdays, and feasting. A perfect time of year to reflect all that has happen before moving into the New Years. To continue to celebrate, I made these oh! so simple ultra smooth, melt in the mouth IRISH-CREAM MASCARPONE TRUFFLES. They are seriously dark and rich, and a perfect gift to any chocolate lovers out there. Who says celebrating is always about cake?

Monday, September 12, 2011

Baking Recipe: Pink Lemonade Pie (Non-Baked) & Award

It seems that lately I've been obsessed over tarts or pies..While there is Pink Lemonade cakes or cupcakes and a pink lemonade drink, I thought it would be fun to add another dessert to the ever refreshing taste of pink lemonade. The best part is that it's in pink, which is subtle and pretty.

For recipe: Click on image + Zoom

Now, let me introduce you the newest member to the Pink Lemonade family [drum rolls..] It's my very own version of Jo's Pink Lemonade Pie. Instead of a drink, now you get to have it as a pie. The filling is ultra light, and melts in your mouth with hint of pink lemonade taste, and is topped with fresh whipped cream. Am I making you drool at this point? Perhaps you should feast on the pictures, and that could be good enough to make you want a slice? Lol..

Next, I am happy to share with you that Ann from Cooking Healthy For Me, who is constantly so kind with her compliments have awarded me the "Versatile Blogger" Award. Now that's really AWESOME! Never thought I can be versatile. However, I believe that I am. Part of the award is that I have to share with you 7 things that you might already know or may not know about me. But first, let me award 15 bloggers, who are my new foodie friends and maybe a couple who are pioneers in food blogging.. THANKS for constantly stopping by to buzz me here.

*The rules of a Versatile Blogger Award:
1. Thank the person who awarded you and link back to their site
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to fifteen bloggers you've discovered and read

The 15 bloggers, who I call my foodie friends are:

1. Elisabeth from Food and Thrift Finds
2. Pierre from Little Hungry Heart
3. Shannon from Just As Delish
4. Shu Han from Mummy, I Can Cook!
5. Ping from Ping's Pickings
6. Lola from Lola Lobato
7. Lizzy from That Skinny Chick Can Bake
8. Celeste from Cooking Creation
9. Sandra from The Sweet Sensations
10. Sandra from Sandra's Easy Cooking
11. Nic from Dining With A Stud
12. Kim Bee from Cravings Of A Lunatic
13. Stephanie from Eat. Drink. Love
14. Tina from Flour Trader
15. Tina from Pinay in Texas

Seven Things About Me?

1. This is something close to my heart, apart from playing a make a belief chef, and an actual IT consultant during the day, I'm a trained classical concert pianist and sometimes play with my violin as well.
2. I'm a huge classical geek, and have idolised Beethoven since I was the age of 5 years old. And I'm a big fan of musicals, catchy beats and tunes.
3. Till this day, I'm a huge Disney person. Bring me to Disneyland and I'll be a kid all over again. I only love watching comedies, and maybe some thriller. Otherwise, I only prefer happy and ultra funny shows or sitcoms.
4. I'm obsessed with documentaries, and anything related to Sharks, Whales and Dolphins, that's where I'll be glued to the couch and TV.
5. I'm fussy and an extreme perfectionist. If something looks awful, or what I made didn't turn out the way I want it to be, I'll start all over. Quiting is not in my books, although there were times that I'm on the verge of just giving up. However, my pride kicks in. I always live on this motto, "When doing something, it must be always be 101% or if not better".
6. Home interior decorating is another area that I love. I used to move my furniture around in my own bedroom. So if you need a second honest opinion, or want another set of eyes, I'm in.
7. I love colours, so I suppose you can imagine that my wardrobe will have a rainbow of colours.

Till then.. and have a great week!!


Monday, July 18, 2011

Food Buzz Top 9: Jo's Veggie-ish Samosas is #6

Hoorahhhh.. [jumping with joy].. it may sound silly but I'm thrilled to received an e-mail from FoodBuzz editioral board informing me that I made it to Top 9: July 18, 2011. Woooo hoooooo..

Honestly, my post wouldn't have made it if it wasn't for you guys and gals of course in FoodBuzz who buzzed my post. I deeply appreciate it. I hope there will be more to come. Happy cooking and baking everyone!!

**It's indeed a memorable day to me and I would like to share it with you.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

{OMG} Featured and Awarded

Chic and Gorgeous has been Awarded “One Lovely Blog Award”

Wow, I'm truly speechless. Where do I begin? {omg, as though I'm a movie star} Lol.. I've got to say this again FoodBuzz {yup.. that's right..repeat after me}. After I signed up with FoodBuzz community, I've made new friends with new foodie bloggers which has certainly encouraged me to continue blogging as much I could and to have mini weekend cooking or baking projects.

Now, I met a really nice lady who's a chef who added me as her friend, and from there it has helped my blog tremendously, and it's definitely a step up. Other foodie bloggers started to notice me too. {baby steps indeed}. Her name's Elizabeth from Food and Thrift Finds.
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