Showing posts with label praline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label praline. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dark Chocolate Mousse & Hazelnut Rice Krispy Cake

Before we move deeper into the recipe, I contemplated a long time whether this should go onto my post. A simple reason really as I don't think I did enough justice to this decadent treat. You will understand better later. This is almost like 2 desserts in 1. A cake and a bar? No clue really, but I went ahead and called it a cake; although it didn't require any baking, and mixing any cake batter. As a child, I had always love those dainty chic looking cakes where they are usually paired with a genoise or hazelnut praline crunch which are then topped with fluffy flavoured mousse. So there I was in the kitchen, toying around with the idea of making a thick luscious layer of dark chocolate mousse paired with a crunchy base coated in hazelnut spread. Alas came DARK CHOCOLATE MOUSSE & HAZELNUT RICE KRISPY CAKE; certainly a watering mouthful treat. You will definitely love the layer of the Chocolate Mousse.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Baking Recipe: Scharffen Berger Chocolate Pots with Praline

Before heading to San Francisco last year November, I had a bucket list to cover.. Mostly shopping for ingredients of course. And Scharffen-Berger chocolates was one of them. I had always been curious on how they taste since I couldn't get them back home here.
Fortunately, I managed to get  a couple of bars at Bi-Rite's supermarket. These chocolates are like gems to me and I had been reluctant to use them till now; since I know I will not be able to replenish my stock. Unless, my kind foodie friends are able to ship them to me, then do give me a holler on this. I will be jumping with joy giving you a huge VIRTUAL hug!!!
Chocolate and I is inseparable. Once I have taken a tiny taste of the Scharffen Berger chocolate, I couldn't hold back and wanted more.. Let me tell you that I was fighting with the devil in me to stop munching on the tiny bits. Holding back was certainly worth it though painful. What can I say, every single bit is used to make my ultra dark, luscious and smooth Scharffen Berger Chocolate Pots with Praline. Boy! was this chocolate smooth.. it is heaven for a chocolate lover like myself.
For recipe: Click on image + zoom
You probably might argue and say "Jo, isn't this a chocolate tart?" Well peeps, as you can see I prefer to call them Chocolate Pots. Yes, perhaps chocolate pots should be served in cups, ramekins, etc.. However, the chocolate filling is so rich and lusciously creamy that I decided to serve it in an aromatic crunchy, light baked from scratch shell, which so happens to serve as a pot or shall I say platter?. Not only it adds depth of flavour, it gives this creamy dark chocolate filling some texture. Plus the pot is edible.. now isn't that tempting you to go out and grab some Scharffen Berger chocolate to make these treats?

Have a wonderful week ahead!! 


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Baking Recipe: Nutella Banana Bread

Recently I had a lot, I mean as much I could possible consume that is.. of banana nutella pancake. Doesn't that sound delish? I had so much of this while I was away in Krabi. It was super light, slightly greasy but the flavour of banana and melted nutella was such a joy. It's indeed a sinful treat to myself.

Since coming back from my short vacation, I couldn't stop thinking about the banana and nutella combo I had. Now to satisfy my crave, I thought why not I make a spin of my treat. Instead of pancake, I have always wanted to give it a try to make my own banana bread. And while it's freshly baked out of the oven and still hot, I will slather generous amount of nutella over the crust of my banana bread and sprinkle the top with some praline for added crunch.

If you have some left over bananas, or just don't know what to do with them? May I suggest to you to give this a try? The Nutella Banana Bread has a crunchy crust on the outside and ultra moist bread-cake like filling.

I assure you this is a great breakfast or tea time treat. Who says we should only have cereals or sandwiches only for breakfast? Lets make Nutella Banana Bread a new grab and go brekkie. Have a slice of nutella banana bread with a hot cup of coffee, latte, tea, espresso or milk. I think this could be a great way to kick start your mornings... Have a good week!

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