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It was just a few hours after the raid that investigators made the DNA match, but it's a process that sometimes takes days, if not weeks.
The DNA match of bin Laden was fast and that surprised some people because at crime labs, there's often a delay.
WRH's Commentary:
Okay, if there really is a reliable method that worked that fast, why isn't it the standard method instead of the one that takes days?
The machine that copies DNA is not standard issue on helicopters or warships.
The process by which DNA is extracted from white blood cells (red blood cells do not have DNA) requires special lab equipment again not standard issue on helicopters or warships.
And the White House announced that the body was bin Laden before an aircraft would have had time to fly a sample of blood back to the USA for testing.
Science proves we killed Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama defends the fake death
WRH's Commentary:
Yeah, and we heard "science proves" global warming, killer bees, Y2K, and we were all gonna die from when-pigs-fly flu, too!~