Showing posts with label anthoneyt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anthoneyt. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tragic Justice – TSA Reports Agents Developing Cancer from Naked Body Scanners


In a new twist to the TSA saga to which we can only say, “We told ya so,” the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) has obtained documents through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) that reveal TSA employees are reporting “cancer clusters” among their own employees who work near radiation body scanners.

WRH's Commentary:

Well, I hate to say 'I told you so' ... no, actually, I am really enjoying this!

And now it turns out that the TSA has known all along there is a problem with cancer clusters appearing among the staff gropers at many airports, not just the earlier publicized one at Logan.

So, dear TSA, please consider this. You have gone out of your way to anger the American people. We hate you. You groped our wives, our daughters, you looted our luggage, you broke my personal laptop (a really expensive one), and even then we tried to save you from the slow lingering deaths that we all knew were headed towards you.

And what did we get by way of thanks? "I'll bet you think the Apollo moon landings are fake too!" (Actual quote from pre-cancerous TSA supervisor.)

So, not that you will ever admit it, because the Gestapo "Blue shirts" can never admit error, but I want you TSA people to think about this. The 9-11 First Responders are considered to be heroes by the public.
Genuine heroes.
So who do you think will pay for the medical treatment for the cancers you are getting now? Think the public will advocate on your behalf?
Not likely.


ACLU asks court to hold CIA in contempt for deliberately destroying torture tapes to cover up evidence


Despite a court order, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) destroyed hundreds of hours of video tape showing the alleged torture of two terror detainees, and now the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is asking a New York judge to punish them for it.

"The record indicates that far from an innocent mistake, Rodriguez ordered the tapes destroyed to cover up evidence that 'would make us look terrible' and be 'devastating' to the CIA,".


Catch-22: Need work? Get a job first! (VIDEO)



FBI/CIA tried to get lawyer to betray Arab, Muslim clients—and when he refused, put him on “terrorist watch list”


Most 'Muslim' terrorist attacks around the world and in USA have been committed by the CIA, FBI and/or Mossad.

Federal agents from the FBI and CIA/FBI Joint Terrorist Task Force tried to get a distinguished international lawyer to inform on his Arab and Muslim clients in violation of their Constitutional rights to attorney-client privilege, this reporter has learned.

When the lawyer refused, he said the FBI placed him on a “terrorist watch list.”


Far right fundamentalist Christian extremist Breivik had surgery to look 'more Aryan' (blond haired, blue eyed)


Far right Christian (anti-Muslim) extremist Anders Behring Breivik, who confessed to a bombing and youth camp massacre that killed 77 people in Norway earlier in July, had reportedly undergone plastic surgery to appear more Aryan (blond haired, blue eyed) a Norwegian intelligence official claimed Sunday.

Norway community relieved to learn gunman behind nation's most heinous crimes not a fellow Muslim; hopes atrocities lead to better future for race relations.


Monsanto-spawned superweeds growing three inches daily, destroying farm equipment


The proliferation of superweeds -- weeds that have mutated to develop resistance to popular herbicides like Monsanto's Roundup formula -- continues to rise.

But the individual plants' overall size and strength is also increasing.

According to a series of new studies published in the journal Weed Science, farmers are having more trouble than ever dealing with out-of-control superweeds in their fields, some of which grow up to three inches a day in size, and are so strong and thick that they are destroying farm equipment.


9/11 Donald Rumsfeld Predicted There Would Be A Second Event ... Then The Pentagon Was Attacked (VIDEO)



Blackwater, the American mercenary group, Relocates Headquarters to D.C.


Each Blackwater killer gets at least $100,000 per year out of about $300,000 paid by the US taxpayer to Blackwater (Xe), per mercenary. These are old figures. Inflation has probably raised it a bit. Their jobs were done by US Marines in past wars at about $20,000 to $30,000 per soldier. But soldiers have some accountability; Blackwater does not. There are many other mercenary groups in the US and around the world.

The global security company once known as Blackwater is moving its corporate headquarters from North Carolina to Arlington, Va.

Under the Blackwater name, the firm provided guards and services to the U.S. government in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. It drew harsh criticism from members of Congress and others after a 2007 shooting in Baghdad that killed 17 people.


Dozens of AK-47 rifles stolen from California Army base


Since it's not a US military issue weapon, I wonder what a large number of AK-47s were doing at a US Army base. Preparing for some black ops false flag Al-Qaeda attack, maybe?

Twenty-six AK-47 rifles and a Dragunov rifle were stolen from a supply warehouse at Fort Irwin, an Army base in California's Mojave Desert, the LA Times reported.

Officials are offering a $10,000 reward for information about the plundering, which occurred July 15 but was only disclosed to the media late this week. An undisclosed number of arrests have been made, and one of the rifles has been recovered.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Chiquita Bananas Can't Shuck Colombia Terror Claims


Relatives of banana-plantation workers, political and social activists, and other civilians killed by Colombian paramilitary forces may sue Chiquita over claims of torture, extrajudicial killings, war crimes and crimes against humanity, a federal judge ruled.

In a multidistrict litigation, the plaintiffs accused Chiquita Brands International and Chiquita Fresh North America of complicity in hundreds of deaths because of its direct and indirect payments to the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia.

Chiquita was also allegedly involved with arms shipments into Colombia.


Pentagon Has 20,000 Troops Ready To Fight Uprising From American PopulationAfter Negative Debt Resolution


Since we published this report further evidence has been released in regards to a possible economic collapse and troops on the streets.

We must also be aware of the fact that they could be purposely gearing up the military and martial law threats in order to pass a draconian debt ceiling deal.

■Ron Paul’s Urgent Warning On The Inevitable Collapse Of The Dollar

■Black Helicopters Seen In Multiple States As Pentagons Deployment Of 20,000 Troops Inside United States Set To Be Ready This Year

■Rule: ‘Martial Law’ – Obama To Use Dictatorial Powers To Raise Debt Ceiling If Need Be

■Military Train Convoy Of Tanks And Jeeps Seen Near Bakersfield California – Photos

3,768 FEMA Concentration camps in USA



LOL!! I Stole 3.5 Trillion Dollars From You. I Dare You To Do Something.


Click to enlarge

Let me give a clear example so even the dumbest Christian Zionist can understand. In June of last year approximately 15.3 billion dollars (at a rate of 4 billion dollars a week for 4.3 weeks) was stolen from unaudited government spending. This helped run the deficit up from 53.7 billion dollars to 68 billion. So the Treasury in June of last year had to raise a total of 68 billion including the 15.3 billion Catherine was speaking about.

The New York FED and the primary dealers sold a total of 211 billion dollars. If you subtract the 68 billion actually needed from the 211, you get a total of 142 billion dollars we pocketed from the sale of phony Treasury bonds. Now go back and add in the 15.3 billion to the 142 billion and you get a total of 155.3 billion dollars we stole in just one month from you.

Like I said, “What are you going to do about it?”


The damning of Tony Blair: Former PM to be held to account on Iraq in Chilcot report on war


Cutting them down to size? Maybe, once the UK puts Blair in prison, Bush and Cheney are next? I can sure wish!

Iraq war deal 'signed in blood' by former Prime Minister

Cabinet members kept in the dark in build-up to the war

'Obvious failings' in post-war planning


China Using Our "Capitalism" To Take Over The USA


Chinese rush to buy US land

One Chinese office worker paid $8,800 through an online auction by chance and bought 1,000 square meters of land in Miami of US, the Guangzhou Daily reported on Wednesday.

The Florida-based seller, United Solutions of American LLC, said the land belonged to a company near bankruptcy.

New US $100 Bill


George W. Bush, living in another dimension, says, 'US Economy is strong and getting stronger'


Bush noted that the 5.4 percent unemployment rate - down a notch from 5.5 percent in July - was better than the average for each of the previous three decades.

He did not mention that, despite recent job gains, the economy was still almost one million jobs short of where it was when he took office.

BY THE WAY, GEORGE: The REAL Unemployment Rate Is 22%

Click to enlarge, not the employment, the graph!


Homeless Americans Hunting For Their Food In Brooklyn Park - Mmm, Delicious Roasted Squirrels!!!


A group of homeless people have been camping out beside the Prospect Park lake for the last two months and hunting small game for food, reports the Post.

The poachers stuck to the lake's southern end, where they littered the area with cans and trash and killed "wildlife" like squirrels, ducks, and cygnets using quite cruel methods. They roasted the meat over illegal fires or just ate it raw. Disgusting! Barbaric! And is it even hunting season?


$230,000 For a Guard Dog: Why the Wealthy Are Afraid Of Violence From Below


As inequality in the US grows, the ultra-rich are pouring their spare cash not just into private jets, but into private security. Think there's a connection?



Americans Don’t Even Want to Make Newt Gingrich’s T-Shirts (VIDEO)


It is almost sad, that’s how easy it is to make a joke out of doughy marshmallow Newt Gingrich these days. But Newt Gingrich is de

termined to make the unintentional comedy scale tip in his favor, for Victory 2012! These are hard times, after all. Maybe all America really wants to do is laugh!

What America does not want to do is earn two dollars an hour sweating to death in a t-shirt factory, a fact that was recently brought to the attention of Newt Gingrich by some snob with a video camera.




Noun. One who blindly follows fanatical fundamental Christian dogma

Homeless Americans Hunting For Their Food In Brooklyn Park - Mmm, Delicious Roasted Squirrels!!!



The Prison-Industrial Complex (SLAVERY IN AMERICA TODAY) (VIDEO)


It is a sick and twisted eugenics initiative, that utilizes slave labor, as a mechanism to subsidize megalomaniacal oligarchs.

A consortium of multi-national corporations participate in this sharade of justice. The War on Drugs was created to do the same thing prohibition did: to control the market.

This is no humanitarian effort,this is genocide at its finest. Take a look at this video for an introduction to this issue.

Slavery in Prison
