Showing posts with label house speaker nancy pelosi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label house speaker nancy pelosi. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ronald Reagan, chosen as America's greatest president, had Alzheimer’s during presidency


According to a book recently published by Ronald Reagan’s son, the 40th President of the US was suffering from Alzheimer’s, even during his presidency.

In his memoir, Ron Reagan Jnr. recalls how his father frequently looked “lost and bewildered” during presidential debates in 1984 and suspects that his father may have feared the onset of the disease when he could no longer remember the names of very familiar canyons in California.


Americans say Reagan the greatest president in the history of the United States


Can you guess which one is Ronald Reagan? And you wonder why America is fuck*d?

Who is the greatest president in the history of the United States? If you're asking a random sampling of Americans, as the Gallup polling firm recently did, it would be none other than Ronald Reagan.

This one came in ahead of Thomas Jefferson

Now you know why Sarah Palin claims to be Ronald Reagan's reincarnation. 2012, here she comes!
