
Showing posts with the label Jesus

What a Beautiful Name

Have you ever said to someone, "You have such a beautiful name"? I have. Especially if I know a little bit about a person and if it seems like their personality goes well with their Faith or Grace or Bella(which actually means beautiful in Italian) or for boys, Christian or David or Samuel. There's one Name that has many titles, the Name of Jesus. Now, that's a beautiful Name, not only because of it's meaning ("God rescues" in Hebrew), but because of who He is and what we think of when we hear that Name! Or when we hear His other Names...(left click to enlarge) During the Christmas season, I’m reminded of the many names that are given to Jesus at His birth…. Isaiah 7:14 declares: "Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel ' This prophecy refers to the birth of Jesus in Matthew 1:22 -23. This took place to fulfill what the Lord said th...