Showing posts with label Devil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devil. Show all posts

Friday, March 22, 2024

From the Archives: Izzy - Angel Season 5

With being on the Buffy and Angel panel with James and Charisma at Pensacon last month, I have been left thinking a lot about my time out there. Not that I don't think back to that time relatively frequently, it is that I am now looking back at those years with fresh eyes and a much-improved opinion of that time. Even though my time in LA was two decades ago, I still come across work I have never officially shared with anyone. Today, I have a piece that is twenty-one years old and was created for episode 12 of the fifth season of Angel, You're Welcome. I was asked to design a new devil that would become a recurring character for the remainder of the series. I am, of course, talking about the one and only Izzerial, the Devil, or just Izzy to his friends. If you say to yourself, "Izzy??!?!", I understand entirely. But here we are all the same, so buckle up and get ready to learn about my contribution to making Izzerial the Devil for the Angel series.

Before I go any further, I must remind everyone that this work is a collaboration of many talented artists and technicians. I was one of many who brought this thing to life. This time, I was the designer and painted the final makeup appliances. After twenty-plus years, I am unable to properly give credit to everyone else involved. Sorry, but people's names were the first to go after I left LA. 

I have never watched the episodes featuring Izzy. To be honest, I have not watched many of the episodes of Angel that I worked on. I have watched the Buffy and Angel series up to, but not including my involvement. Yes, it is strange, but one day, I hope to address this. I believe I have seen a clip of this devil in action or was on set when they were in a scene, so I have a nebulous memory of how the devil acted. They wanted this particular monster to be more in line with a classic devil in appearance. Internally, we also wanted it to be interesting and unique. So that was the direction I went with. Here are my concepts for Izzerial the Devil.

Izzerial the Devil - Design A

Design 'A' got things moving. If I recall correctly, for once, this was well received at the shop, and there were very few nasty comments made about it by my supervisors. They appreciated the ears being spiky and reminiscent of fire, the spikes in the hair that again memic fire, and the weird asymmetrical chin. They liked it and wanted to see it pushed further. So, I got to work on an updated design.

Izzerial the Devil - Design B

Design 'B' has the chin played up even more. We were all in a really good place with this one, and it was sent over to production for feedback. They loved it but had a few edits before we could make it. They wanted "normal" devil horns, a "normal" chin, "normal" ears, a "normal" jawline, no horns or stuff in the hair, and no irregular skin. So, if you are following along, they wanted a totally "normal" looking guy who is also a devil. They wanted something super lame again. So we gave them what they wanted. Here is a look at the final makeup pieces that I painted (I would also like to add that the head of makeup on set accused me of changing the paintwork on this monster after the episodes which he appeared. I am not saying this happened; I think it is a weird accusation to make, as I was the one responsible for photographing and documenting EVERYTHING we made).

Izzerial the Devil - Painted makeup appliances

The sculptor kept some of the firey forms on the ears, so there is at least that, but as you can see from the makeup appliances, they removed nearly all of the uniqueness from the design. This was also the third or fourth bright fire engine red monster we had to make for them in the last half of this season. I never figured out why, but they REALLY wanted all their monsters to be red and look nearly the same. Here is a look at the final makeup on the actor.

Izzerial the Devil on the set of season 5 of Angel.

Twenty years on, I am often embarrassed by much of my work at this time in my career. I was given a massive opportunity when my skillset was just starting to take shape. But there are a few stand-out pieces from my time in LA that I am still really proud of. There are also some pieces that I think are good, not great, but they got the job done, and I don't mind digging them out now. Izzy is definitely one of the latter. It is also one of the very few that I feel was better in the design and lost a lot once it was finally made. I found things usually improved as we all worked on a project together, but this time around, the choices production was making really watered this one down. They wanted a very predictable and recognizable 'devil,' and that is precisely what they forced us to make for them. So remember kids, artists, creatives, the people whose job it is to create new and wonderful new things just might know what they are doing and the people that sit around and count money do not.

That is all for another exciting week on the blog. See you back here next week. Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells - Return of the Hellfire Engine

While this is likely not the first time something like this has happened with my art, it is the first I have noticed and tracked down. Through WotC, art from Dungeons & Dragons can be licensed for use by game designers creating third part D&D compatible products. This book, Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells, from 2019, popped up on my radar a few months ago, and I decided to hunt down a copy to see how my art was used. At first, I thought I had been credited by mistake, but I eventually located my Hellfire Engine hanging out on a page. It's a fun book, though I was surprised to see that it was printed on matte paper. I am sure that is because of the cost and for the look of the book. I mean, my book is printed on matte paper for esthetics. Here is a look at Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells and the Hellfire Engine.

Pipyap's Guide to All of the Nine Hells.

The Hellfire Engine in all its glory on matte paper, once again, the photo does not do the printing of the book justice.

I am surprised how much this piece had gotten around. I mentioned when I posted the process for this piece that I felt uncertain about my designs for it, but it ended up being well received by production. Funny how some of these things work out. Here again, is the final art that I created for the Hellfire Engine.

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Kate Irwin
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

That's all for another exciting week on the blog. See you back here on Monday for one more post of 2020. Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability, head over to my website:

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hellfire Engine - Dungeons & Dragons - Process

Today I have for you a monster that was released just over two years ago, the Hellfire Engine. This devilish construct was part of my work on Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes. Going into this particular assignment, I was a little concerned I would figure this monster out. It was an update of an existing monster, but the reference was a little sparse. This left me a lot of room to explore and figure things out, it also gave me a lot of room to potentially go in the wrong direction. In the end, it all worked out, and I had nothing to fear, but as I was working on the thumbnails, I couldn't tell if I was knocking it out of the park or striking out. Before I get too far ahead of myself, here is the final painting for the Hellfire Engine.

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Kate Irwin
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Since this was a crazy metal devil siege weapon, I jumped into thumbnails without a reference photoshoot. I had a supplied piece of reference, but it was small and heavily cropped. I decided the best course of action for this monster was to get into Photoshop and start playing around to see what works. Here are the three concepts/thumbnails that I ultimately submitted.

Hellfire Engine - Thumbnails
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

While there are things about 'B' and 'C' that I still like, I can definitely see why 'A' was selected. That said, production did have some notes that they wanted to see implemented before I moved on with this monster. They liked some of the things that the other designs had, like more open mouths with more fire, and they wanted fire and smoke coming from all of the horns. Makes perfect sense to me, and I was happy to oblige. Here was the updated thumbnail for the Hellfire Engine.

Hellfire Engine - Revised thumbnail
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Now that there was an approved thumbnail, it was time to flesh out a final drawing that would be the groundwork for my painting. Sometimes with my thumbnails, I am working more with volumes and shapes to get a feel for a design's silhouette, and I am a little less concerned with how something would work in reality. This was one of those times. I had this vaguely triangular composition with a lot of jutting points and curved panels, but the specifics of what was going on in there were a little vague. I didn't know how those clawed hands worked, how the wheels worked, and what was happening with the body behind the front blast plate. I had to figure all that out in the drawing. Thankfully, I find figuring out clarity in a squiggly mess to be a lot of fun, and it is how I draw most of the time. Especially when working on personal work, my thumbnails and sketches are scribbled chaos, and I make sense of them as I render. Here is the final drawing for the Hellfire Engine, with 100% more concrete forms and shapes.

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Pencil on paper
Art Director - Kate Irwin
Original - SOLD
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

The drawing was approved, and I was ready to paint. This was a reasonably straightforward painting, all things considered. I wanted to make sure that it felt like there was hard frontal lighting so that there would be hard shadows that helped establish the different layers in the overall form. The pallet was limited because this monster is mainly bronze and iron, but I threw in some greens to give it some contrast. Here is the Hellfire Engine taking shape.

Hellfire Engine - Process
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Last year I shared with you a custom miniature of the Hellfire Engine created by Miguel Zavala. I still think it turned out pretty cool, and as far as I know, there is still no official miniature for this monster.

Hellfire Engine Miniature by Miguel Zavala
Image courtesy of Miguel Zavala

While looking to see if there is an official miniature for the Hellfire Engine, I stumbled upon the model work of Noa Belfer. They were responsible for making a version of the Hellfire Engine for the Neverwinter game. I had no idea that my monsters were showing up in the game, and I think this is pretty amazing. Noa did a great job of translating my painting into a three-dimensional game character. It is fun to stumble over things like this when you never expected to find them. Of course, now I wonder how many of my D&D monster designs are out there in D&D games that I don't know about.

Neverwinter: Hellfire Engine Mount
Sculpture, modeling, texturing and skinning by Noa Belfer

Lastly, I will leave you once again with my final painting for the Hellfire Engine. Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes was a great project to work on, and I was able to make so many fun monsters.

Hellfire Engine
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

That's all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hellfire Engine Miniature by Miguel Zavala

I recently came across a cool custom miniature by Miguel Zavala. Miguel has created many custom 3D Dungeons & Dragons miniature models that are available for printing. This time around, he made a Hellfire Engine based on my illustration in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes that came out last year. I think he did a terrific job on it and I wanted to share it here on the blog.

Hellfire Engine Miniature by Miguel Zavala
Image courtesy of Miguel Zavala

Pretty cool if I do say so myself. If you have a chance, you should check out more of Miguel's work. Here is my painting of the Hellfire Engine so you can see how faithful he was to the original.

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Kate Irwin
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

That's all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Friday, June 8, 2018

Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes - Hellfire Engine

Last year I had the joy of working on Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, the newest supplement for Dungeons & Dragons. I created five monster illustrations for the book and had a fantastic time doing so. A huge thanks go out to Kate Irwin for including me on this project! Today I have for you the devil construct Hellfire Engine...

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Digital
Art Director - Kate Irwin
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

Hellfire Engine
Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes
11 x 14 - Pencil on paper
Art Director - Kate Irwin
Original - SOLD
© 2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC

This was a weird one for sure. When I was working on the thumbnails I thought to myself that I was either immediately nailing it... or I was HORRIBLY wrong in the direction I was going. Turns out I nailed it. The reference I was sent to base this on was a little vague, so I did the best I could and apparently figured it out. In the end, I really enjoyed working on this one, and I think it turned out well, but going into it I was worried. I was reading the stats on this one yesterday, it is a beast. I would not like to find my character on the business end of one of these. If you were wondering, I posed for reference for this one too.

Keep an eye on the blog as I share the rest of my contributions to Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes!

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mordenkainen’s Mayhem!

Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes is the newest suppliment to the Dungeons & Dragons and it comes out on May 29th (with a limited alternative cover hitting game stores slightly earlier on May 18). With that knowledge and what I am sharing with you today I think it is safe to say that I worked on this book! I had a ton of fun making a bunch of monsters for Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes and I am really looking forward to sharing them with you in the coming months. That said, one of my pieces has be spoiled as part of the Mordenkainen’s Mayhem monster competition currently going on over on the Dungeons & Dragons website.

One of monsters that I did the illustration for won the first battle and will be moving on to the second round of combat. Always nice when the monster wins... though it is only monsters battling. I will just leave this other image here in case you were wondering exactly which was mine (more on this SOON!)...

Winner winner demon chicken dinner!

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Friday, August 14, 2015

Fresh from the drawing table... Demon (Manes)!

I have for you another drawing that is fresh from the drawing table. This time around it is a Demon (Manes)! I needed a break from all the "B" monsters in my journey though the original D&D Monster Manual, and that means a DEMON! I more or less opened the section on Demons and Devil and pointed to one at random, the winner was the Manes Demon. I present to you my version of a Demon (Manes)… 

Demon (Manes)
9 x 12
Pencil on paper
Original - Currently not available
© 2015 Christopher Burdett

There is a description in the original Dungeon & Dragons Monster Manual about these guys residing on the 666 level of hell in a elemental realm of fire and that these lost souls are now more or less unintelligent demon fodder. After completing this drawing I noticed that this particular demon has taken a different visual direction over the years from where it began. I wanted to be true to the original and use that as a leaping off point. I envisioned these monsters wallowing in the fires of hell until they are called forth as foot soldiers for some Demon Lord. Devoid of any intelligence and only motivated to kill anything that is not a demon they simply wait is a sea of fire. The unlife of a demon...

My first 100 original Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual redesigns (A - Z): Aerial Servant, Ankheg, Ant (Giant), Ape (Carnivorous), Ape (Gorilla), Axe Beak, Axe Beak (version 2), Baboon, Badger, Barracuda, Basilisk, Baluchitherium, Bear (Black), Bear (Brown), Bear (Cave), Beaver (Giant), Beetle (Giant) - Bombardier, Beetle (Giant) - Boring, Beetle (Giant) - Fire, Beetle (Giant) - Rhinoceros, Beetle (Giant) - Stag, Beetle (Giant) - Water, Beholder, Black Pudding, Blink Dog, Boar (Giant), Boar (Warthog), Boar (Wild), Brain Mole, Brownie, Bugbear, Buffalo, Bulette, Carrion Crawler, Catoblepas, Cerebral Parasite, Chimera, Cockatrice, Coutal, Crab (Giant), Demon Type III (Glabrezu), Demon (Juiblex), Demon (Manes), Devil (Ice), Dragon (Red), Elemental (Earth), Ettin, Eye of the Deep, Flightless Bird, Frog (Giant), Fungi (Violet), Giant (Hill), Goblin, Golem (Flesh), Hobgoblin, Homunculus, Hydra, Imp, Intellect Devourer, Ixitxachitl, Jackal, Jacklewere, Jaguar, Ki-Rin, Kobold, Lich, Lizard (Giant), Lizardman, Manticore, Mind Flayer, Minotaur, Naga, Neo-Otygugh, Nixie, Ochre Jelly, Ogre, Owlbear, Peryton, Pixie, Purple Worm, Quasit, Ram (Giant), Roper, Rust Monster, Sahuagin, Salamander, Shambling Mound, Treant, Troglodyte, Troll, Umber Hulk, Unicorn, Vampire, Wasp (Giant), Wight, Wyvern, Xorn, Yeti, and Zombie.      

That is all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Dead Gulch Kickstarter and other Uteria news

I recently had the pleasure to work with Michael Bielaczyc again on some monsters for a project he currently has up on Kickstarter. I contributed a pair of monsters for a new adventure, The Dead Gulch, set in the World of Uteria, which is a Pathfinder compatible world. You might remember my work in the past on Elves of Uteria. This time around I created a demon possessed undead baby and a beast of burden...

Lakava - The Dead Gulch
9 x 12
Pencil on toned paper
© 2015 Christopher Burdett
Thundrom - The Dead Gulch
9 x 12
Pencil on toned paper
© 2015 Christopher Burdett

The Dead Gulch Kickstarter is still active and I strongly encourage you to head on over, check it out, and hopefully financially support it on its way to being funded. There are a ton of talented folks involved with this project and it should be another excellent project set in the World of Uteria! What are you waiting for? Go check it out NOW!

In related news, a piece that I did for Elves of Uteria will be making an encore appearance in The Dead Gulch, but that is not all... the Tentacle Crawler is getting turned into a miniature! As a refresher, here is the illustration of the Tentacle Crawler that I created for Elves of Uteria...

Tentacle Crawler - Elves of Uteria
9 x 12
Pencil on toned paper
© 2013 Christopher Burdett

Here is a look at the sculpture that will be used for the miniature. I can't wait to get my hands on these! I love miniatures of all kinds and I love miniatures based on my designs even more. Hopefully those attending Gen Con will have the opportunity to get their hands on these bad boys! RAWR!

Tentacle Crawler miniature sculpture courtesy of Michael Bielaczyc
Soon there will be miniatures!

As soon as I have more news about all of these Uteria related happenings I will be sure to share it here on the blog! 

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Friday, April 10, 2015

Fresh from the drawing table... Demon Type III (Glabrezu)!

I have for you another drawing that is fresh from the drawing table. This time around it is a Demon Type III (Glabrezu)! It has been some time since I last posted one of these... actually the last time was July 25th, 2014. I was deep in the middle of "B" surrounded by a lot of mundane monsters and giant beetles when I got a little too busy to keep working on these. To shake off the cobwebs and get back into doing these I opened the Monster Manual at random and pointed... and so I worked on a Demon Type III (Glabrezu), RAWR! I present to you my version of a Demon Type III (Glabrezu)… 

Demon Type III (Glabrezu)
9 x 12
Pencil on paper
Original - Currently not available
© 2015 Christopher Burdett

There are a lot of Demons and Devils in the original Monster Manual and they are all super fun and I really look forward to working on them all. The Demon Type III (Glabrezu) has great pointing claw arms as as normal human like arms, silly Demons. More then anything, this piece was to get back into doing these Monster Manual redesigns. While there are parts I might like to have done differently now that I reflect on the finished drawing, I just needed to get it done and begin to think about these again. One of the biggest challenges is that I was working SO much smaller then I usually do now. I use to work exclusively on 9 x 12 paper and in the last year I have been slowly working bigger and bigger. I am now almost exclusively drawing on 11 x 14 and 14 x 17 sized paper. Going back to the 9 x 12 was a little difficult and I might need to plan for that in the future since I feel this piece was a little stiff because of the size of paper (and jumping right into the drawing head first).

My first 100 original Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual redesigns (A - Z): Aerial Servant, Ankheg, Ant (Giant), Ape (Carnivorous), Ape (Gorilla), Axe Beak, Axe Beak (version 2), Baboon, Badger, Barracuda, Basilisk, Baluchitherium, Bear (Black), Bear (Brown), Bear (Cave), Beaver (Giant), Beetle (Giant) - Bombardier, Beetle (Giant) - Boring, Beetle (Giant) - Fire, Beetle (Giant) - Rhinoceros, Beetle (Giant) - Stag, Beetle (Giant) - Water, Beholder, Black Pudding, Blink Dog, Boar (Giant), Boar (Warthog), Boar (Wild), Brain Mole, Brownie, Bugbear, Buffalo, Bulette, Carrion Crawler, Catoblepas, Cerebral Parasite, Chimera, Cockatrice, Coutal, Crab (Giant), Demon Type III (Glabrezu), Demon (Juiblex), Demon (Manes), Devil (Ice), Dragon (Red), Elemental (Earth), Ettin, Eye of the Deep, Flightless Bird, Frog (Giant), Fungi (Violet), Giant (Hill), Goblin, Golem (Flesh), Hobgoblin, Homunculus, Hydra, Imp, Intellect Devourer, Ixitxachitl, Jackal, Jacklewere, Jaguar, Ki-Rin, Kobold, Lich, Lizard (Giant), Lizardman, Manticore, Mind Flayer, Minotaur, Naga, Neo-Otygugh, Nixie, Ochre Jelly, Ogre, Owlbear, Peryton, Pixie, Purple Worm, Quasit, Ram (Giant), Roper, Rust Monster, Sahuagin, Salamander, Shambling Mound, Treant, Troglodyte, Troll, Umber Hulk, Unicorn, Vampire, Wasp (Giant), Wight, Wyvern, Xorn, Yeti, and Zombie.      

That is all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Friday, August 1, 2014

Elves of Uteria

Late last year I shared with you some work I was doing for Elves of Uteria as I was working on it... because the work was not covered under an NDA (which is AWESOME!). Elves of Uteria is now out and I got my hands on a copy and wanted to share the work again as a whole for those that may have missed it...

Elves of Uteria
(Michael Bielaczyc & Dane Clark Collins)
Buy it, play it, love it! RAWR!

I was asked to join the project by the most excellent, Michael Bielaczyc, and I was thrilled to join the team and make some monsters. In total I designed and illustrated three monsters and they are still some of my favorite drawings from last year. Here again are the three monsters and an image of the page they appear on in the book for added fun...

Drekava - Elves of Uteria
9 x 12
colored pencil on toned paper
© 2013 Christopher Burdett

Drekava... just hanging... waiting to swallow your soul...

Devouring Ooze - Elves of Uteria
9 x 12
colored pencil on toned paper
© 2013 Christopher Burdett

Devouring Ooze is doling out the free hugs...

Tentacle Crawler - Elves of Uteria
9 x 12
colored pencil on toned paper
© 2013 Christopher Burdett

Tentacle Crawler arrived late for that whole free hugs thing... so it is here to eat you face...

If you have a chance you should really check out the book! Thanks again to Mike for including me on the project!

That is all for another exciting week on the blog! See you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Friday, April 18, 2014

Taking a break: Frotor Demon - Angel Season 4

The blog break continues as I am still overwhelmed elsewhere. In my absence, here is some stuff I have never shared from my days in the Makeup FX industry! Today I have for you the Frotor Demon from season 4 of Angel...

Before you say anything, yes, I have already shared the Frotor demon with you. In fact, it was in October of 2010 that I shared it with you as well as showed you how I would have designed it if that assignment had come to me in 2010 rather then 2003. While you think you have seen everything to do with the Frotor Demon, I still have some never before seen images and secrets to share!

Not to repeat myself, but this demon had some info that Angel needed and in the process of questioning him this demon gets his head slammed down on a bar top. There was some mention of a horn to grab, maybe some talk of a be forehead to make it easier on the actor... after all this time... does it really matter? Monster... I designed it... it was on the show... years later I redesigned it... and now it is on the blog again! EXCITING!

While I was the designer on this monster there was an entire team of my skilled coworkers that saw to the sculpting, molding, casting, and everything else that went into seeing this creature come about.

Enough talk, here is the Frotor Demon... 
RAWR! I am still the Frotor Demon! I still won't open my eyes for some reference photos.
The actor portraying the Frotor Demon really liked to tell us how he had been a Ferengi. Mentioned it several times. Not sure if he thought it gave him street cred or was trying to impress us. Star Trek Enterprise was filming in the sound stage next to the Angels sound stages at the time, it took a lot to impress us back then. that day we ran into Patrick Stewart, that was impressive... most impressive...

Here is the original concept that was sent to production - I shared this in the original post in 2010 about the Fortor.

What you have not seen are these recently unearthed original thumbnail sketches that I did when trying to come up with an idea for the Frotor. Looks at those bad bad drawings. These were mocked openly at the time. I know they are bad... but have some respect. That first one was obviously selected long before I could really get any work done on the other thumbnails.

Look what else I found while digging around! It is the actual original final drawing for the Frotor Demon! Ever wanted to own a piece of Angel history? These could be yours for the right price! Send me an email if you are interested! RAWR!

Here are some images that have never been seen of the painted makeup pieces. I took these as reference if this creature ever had to be painted again... which I did. The boss man did the original and I did the second set.

Here are some more images of the painted makeup before it went to set. I sometimes felt like we could send drastically different painted sets of makeups and no one would notice. We spent a lot of time and effort making things match that were on screen for second if not less.

Horn details! Got to make sure you get everything the same each time.

Don't forget the hand and arm appliances. Those are important too!

Back on set and the makeup is on the guy that once played a Ferengi.

Get all the sides and all the details...

Notice how there looks to be areas were the paint seems to be peeling and rubbing off? Look at the neck and the base of the 'skull' in line with the horns. Those light areas are not detail, but rather where the paint has rubbed off of the foam latex. This happens most often when not enough adhesive is added to the base layer of paint. Easy mistake and happens from time to time.
Just prior to this monster, that I did not paint, I did paint a makeup and I made this mistake of not enough adhesive and the paint rubbed off and there was some peeling. I caught ALL kinds of hell for that. Many questionable things were spoken of me and my skills. Funny... that a week or two later that it just so happens to occur on this makeup... that like I mentioned, I did not paint. Not a lot was said about this peeling makeup...

WOW! Somehow those hand appliances turned into full gloves... how did that happen?!?!
No, really, how did that happen? We never did find out.

Lastly, we arrive on the Frotor Demon that I redesigned in 2010.
Looking at this now... I would totally do it differently in 2014... Funny!
Taking the Frotor Demon back!
© 2010 Christopher Burdett

That is all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: