Showing posts with label Pensacon 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pensacon 2019. Show all posts

Friday, March 1, 2019

Pensacon 2019 Recap

Another amazing Pensacon has come and gone. I can not say enough good things about the convention, those that run it, work it, and attend it. Three days of super fun times and really great people. This year was by far my best Pensacon to date, both financially and as a convention. The area of Pensacola that surrounds the Bay Center is getting to feel familiar, and we are taking part in a lot more events outside of the convention. Our con family is expanding, and the fun level has significantly increased. Pensacon 2020 has been announced, and I can not wait to return!

A HUGE thanks goes out to Mike Ensley, Steve Wise, and all of the AMAZING staff and volunteers for bringing me back and making it such a wonderful experience. And thanks to all those that stopped by my table to talk about art, monsters, and more. You are all responsible for making my time at Pensacon so much fun and memorable! 

Here are some images and thoughts from Pensacon 2019...

 Once again it somehow all fit into my car.

 Getting ready for set up.

 The vendors are hard at work getting everything ready.

 My Pensacon 2019 booth set up. I tried something different this time around, I left my original paintings at home and brought canvas prints of my most popular paintings. It was more successful than expected!

 My favorite drawing from the Thursday night drink and draw. Drawings will be auctioned off for charity.

 The vendor floor is ready for the first day of Pensacon!

 My con neighbor is Sam Flegal! This is the first time we have ever been set up side by side, and it was a great time. We are both ready for the first day of Pensacon!

 I started the first day with a panel on working on game art, usage, and collecting. It was a great panel, and I think we actually talked about relevant topics and answered questions.

 On the panel was me, Brain Stillman, Sam Flegal, and Seth Polansky. I would do another panel with these guys in a second. 

 These are the droids I am looking for.

 Pictures will never do it justice, the vendor floor was packed all weekend. On Saturday there was little to no room to move down there.

 The top highlight of the Pensacon for me was meeting Alan Harris. He was the actor that performed Bossk, who is the character that most directly influenced my journey as an artist. I got a couple figures signed. I had an absolutely lovely conversation with him, and he told me about his time on set performing Bossk. Good times. I mostly kept my cool...

 Here is a set of four Festering Mummy artist proofs with one big sketch on the back. RAWR!

 Speaking of artist proofs with sketches, here are some more.

And, here are even more. I forgot to get images of them all. Artist proofs were huge for me this year at Pensacon.

 The screening of the Eye of the Beholder was GREAT. There was a good turn out, and the Q&A afterward was fun and informative. There were many great questions about making art for D&D and playing D&D.

 Another highlight of Pensacon 2019 was seeing the Cybertronic Spree play on Saturday night.

 The show was beyond AMAZING and if you ever have a chance to see them perform you must go.

 With the help of Dear Wife, I was able to get to the front of the stage, and there was much rocking out.

 By Sunday I was running low on energy, as with most cons, but there was still a lot of fun, excitement, and attendees to meet.

 I was able to finally cross paths with Jeffery Combs at Pensacon. He and I both worked on All Souls Day fifteen years ago, but I never had a chance to talk to him on set. I adore his Star Trek work, and it was great to finally have a moment to talk. I, of course, got my DVD of All Souls Day signed.

 Sunday was busier than expected, and I caught a second wind to see Pensacon over the finish line.

 Beginning last year, we instituted a recovery and rest day after Pensacon on Pensacola Beach.

 After three (four with set up) on the convention, it is good to have some downtime with friends to rest and ease out of the convention experience.

 There are worse ways to end a convention. Thank you Pensacon! It is, as always, a WONDERFUL time!

Be sure to check out the Pensacon website to see who will be coming in 2020 and to follow them on social media to get the newest announcements. I hope to see you all there next year!

That's all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here on Monday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pensacon 2019 THIS WEEKEND!

I am THRILLED to be returning as a guest to Pensacon this coming weekend, February 22-24! I LOVE Pensacon, and I always have a fantastic time there. Not enough good things can be said about Pensacon, and I hope to see you there!
I will see you at Pensacon February 22-24, 2019!

The map for Pensacon is up, and you will be able to find me at table 20N on the third floor of the venue in the artist alley. There are a ton of fantastic artist appearing this year at Pensacon, and I will be tabling near several of them. It should be an excellent time with lots of yummy art for the eyes to take in.

Come find me at table 20N, I will be right next to Sam Flegal!

Lastly, I will be part of two events this year. The first will be a sit down with Brain Stillman and Sam Flegal to talk about making art for gaming and dealing with collectors and collecting art. It should be a fun chat and the first time I have had the opportunity to panel with Sam. This panel takes place at the opening of the show on Friday, so don't miss it. The second event will be the screening of the Eye of the Beholder on Saturday. There will be a Q&A after the screening, and since I will be the only artist in attendance that is in the film, I will be there with the filmmakers, Brian Stillman, Kelley Slagle, and Seth Polansky. I hope to see you at one or both of these events! 

Come see me talk about things!

That is all for another exciting week on the blog, see you back here next week after Pensacon! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Pensacon 2019 Guest Announcement

I am THRILLED to announce that I will be returning as a guest to Pensacon this coming February 22-24! This will be my fourth appearance as a guest at Pensacon and I could not be happier to return. I LOVE Pensacon and I always have an amazing time there. Not enough good things can be said about Pensacon and I hope to see you there!

I will see you at Pensacon February 22-24, 2019!

To up the ante a little, there will be a TON of amazing artists, guests, and vendor at Pensacon 2019. This is the year NOT TO MISS! It is going to be SO much fun and there will be a ton of amazing things to see and do. Just saying. I hope you can make it.

The panel list has yet to be announced, but I expect to be a part of a few panels. I will update with the schedule here on the blog once it is posted. Again, if you are in the gulf coast area and want to have a super fun con experience then I highly recommend Pensacon!

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: