Showing posts with label render. Show all posts
Showing posts with label render. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

3D Gray Wanderer by David Olson

I am happy to share with you today a most excellent 3D model and render of my Gray Wander created by David Olson. David is a student at Gnomon and his interpretation of the Gray Wanderer won best of term for 3D Creature Summer 2016! I am blown away by David's work and his attention to all the detail I put into the original drawing had me double checking if I had in fact put all of it in there. Take some time and check out David's gorgeous version on the Gray Wanderer...

3D Model and Render of the Gray Wanderer
by David Olson

So cool! I am honored that David would choose one of my designs to work on. If you would like to compare and contrast David's version to mine, here is the original drawing. You will be hard pressed to find any differences and I love how David has interpreted my mark making into actual objects.

 Gray Wanderer

9 x 12 - Pencil on paper
Original - SOLD
© 2014 Christopher Burdett

Also a tip of the hat to Ruben Ramos for alerting me to David's work when it was posted on the Gnomon Facebook page. Really glad to connect with David and to see his work.

That is all for another exciting Wednesday on the blog, see you back here on Friday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website:

Monday, May 2, 2016

Fungoid Model and Render by Christen Borras

I recently talked about how an artist's work can be used in a less than ideal way, in my opinion for whatever that is worth. Today I would like to share how an artist's work can be used and transformed in a completely acceptable way... again in my opinion, but it is my work, so... whatever.

Over the weekend I was contacted by Christen Borras, who is a student. He wanted to let me know that he used my Fungoid concept and design as part of an assignment to model and render a character. Here is a look at my concept design and illustration of the Fungoid...

Fungoid miniature turnaround
Pencil on paper
© 2012 Fantasy Flight Games

© 2012 Fantasy Flight Games

Here is a look at what Christen did with my design as he translated it to 3D. I think it turned out great and is extremely faithful to the original design. You can see more over on Christen's ArtStation gallery. It is really fun and exciting to see someone else interpret your ideas into a new medium, not to mention that your idea interested someone enough to go through the time and effort to make something new based on the original design. Great job Christen!
Fungoid Model and Render by Christen Borras
You can see more of his work as well as a cool 360 turnaround of the Fungoid over on his ArtStation gallery.

Not to labor the subject, but there are reasons why this usage of my work is so different from the usage I posted about a couple weeks ago. First, Christen contacted me to let me know about his usage of my design and offered me the opportunity to have him remove it from his gallery. Second, he gave credit with a link to me as the creator of the design. Third, he has transformed the designed and made something new, which he created from scratch. Fourth, he is a student and this is on a personal gallery as an example of his work - and really this is no different from any other artist who is given a style guide to follow or reference that needs to be matched. We all make original work that has elements that need to match a companies IP or established characters. Christen is showing that he can stick to the provided reference and produce a final piece... which is a real world working requirement.

Again, great job Christen! It looks great and and I hope you all the best with your studies!

That is all for another exciting Monday on the blog, see you back here on Wednesday! Until then...

For more samples of my work or to contact me regarding my availability head over to my website: