Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label moon. Show all posts


There's No Such Thing As Too Many Owls

New Wisdom for an Old Soul          Painting by Cindy Silverstein

Painting Workshop with Tracy Verdugo

I went to a terrific workshop last weekend at Art Is You Retreats in Stamford, CT.  I spent two days painting with the sweet and talented Tracy Verdugo, who generously shares the knowledge and techniques she has developed that allow her to experience great freedom of expression and joy as she paints. Tracy teaches the art of play. This art is alive in us as young children, but we tend to lose the necessary spontaneity as we grow into adulthood. We become goal oriented, and judge ourselves and our art harshly. 

The tone of the class was felt as soon as we walked into the room and breathed in the happy, soothing energy.  But it was the long tables laden with canvases the size of your average soccer field that stole our attention.  Some were concerned about working with such a large canvas, but felt more confident as we started playing with the first layers of the canvas.  Tracy has all sorts of clever ways of getting us to allow ourselves to play.  And it's all fun.  

I am very pleased with my Owl painting from the class, and I can't wait to begin my next canvas.  For some time, I've wanted to loosen up and enjoy the process of painting more, and I found that the time was right in Tracy's class. I saw beautiful paintings in that room of eager and grateful artists, and I have gained a renewed sense of excitement about my artwork.  

Tracy's brand new book, Paint Mojo, is available for pre-publication order on     


Flighty Feline

Flying through shadow and light, the farmyard feline believes he has always had wings. A noble canine howls at the honeyed moon. All is right in this northern village somewhere beyond the the frenzy of city life.

Painted in acrylic on stretched canvas, employing as the predominant color pthalo blue, this work is one of a series of paintings that feature winged creatures. Flying, the ultimate freedom in our physical world, is a frequent theme in my paintings.