Showing posts with label Randolph Mercantile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Randolph Mercantile. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Finished! While working the Mercantile open house on Friday, I found this little bench and decided that it would be perfect for this particular puncheedle design. It was unfinished so I gave it a coat of black paint, sanded it up, a coat of brown shoe polish then finished it off with a little clear coat. The design is by Lori Brechlin aka Notforgotten Farm from her Harvest of Primitives booklet. I just love this design and I feel like I've done it justice! I punched this in stained weavers cloth with dmc floss. I like to hide the edges where it gets turned under so I crocheted a chain from some black linen floss and stitched it to the edge. For a little contrast I gave it a background of tan wool before tacking it to the bench. I really like how it turned out. In fact, as I set up the display for the photo, I actually thought about keeping it! But, bills to pay so it will be going to the mercantile here in a few days. Until then, if you are interested in this piece, just shoot me an email
I hope you are having a fabulous Sunday!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Randolph Mercantile.....2nd Location

Randolph Mercantile is up and ready to go in their second location.....You can NOW shop Randolph Mercantile at The Riverport Market in Glasgow, MO.
Hope you can stop in next time you are in the area! I hope to have some photos from that location to share with you soon!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Spring Open House...

Are you suffering from cabin fever? Well you won't want to miss the spring open house at Randolph's a sneak peek and info for the open house the first weekend of March.
I'll share some of what I've been working on for this  in the next day or usual I plan for more than what I actually will have time for.
Time to get busy...chasing after baby girl and stitching....hmm...I wonder which one I'll get more done of today?

Friday, February 17, 2012


After weeks and weeks, it's finally finished!
Live Laugh Love sampler...stitched by me, charted by Primitive Betty's 
I stitched this on a 32 ct Belfast Linen and usd the recommended dmc floss colors.
Before stitching, I gave the linen a bath in walnut ink crystals to age it just a bit.

These little cuties are child size half aprons that I made using remnants from previous projects. 
 They will be available for sale at Randolph Mercantile in the next couple days.

That's it for sewing room finishes today....will share more next week.

I hope you've been having a great week. 
We've had a mix of everything this week, from freezing  to snow to rain to sunshine and warmer temps.  It looks to be a nice day today as it was yesterday and days like that just make me all the more ready for spring.

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Favorite Places...Thursday...

A great mix of old and new as well as some handmades tucked here and there...
Hwy 24 West, Moberly, MO
Monday - Friday 9am - 5:30pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm
Getting ready for spring open house.....
March 2nd, 3rd, & 4th
Check us out on Facebook!

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Good Saturday Morning!
I hope you had a great week!  I can't believe it's been that long since my last post!

I thought I'd share this last minute finish with you....when I saw it in the magazine, I knew that if I didn't get to it this year, I'd forget about it by next year!  It will make it's way to the mercantile later today in hopes of someone needing a  finish to their fall table or a little giftie for their Thanksgiving dinner hostess.
It's the Oak Leaves & Acorns by Maggie Bonanomi, I mentioned in a previous post, featured in
I also finished up...FINALLY...two of the snow angels I've had sitting forever!
This one has been placed in my Etsy Shoppe... Homestead Gatherings .....
...and the other will be taken to the mercantile....the only difference in the two is the trim.
This design is thanks to Sew Unique Creations.

It looks to be a really nice weekend here in our little corner of the world. 
 After some household chores this morning and a few errands in town this afternoon, I hope to get a little bit of outdoor clean up done.
Tomorrow is the annual Trustee's Cycle Shop Toy Run and we will be riding in that. 
And next weekend is the Randolph Mercantile Holiday Open House, so this week, Rylee and I will be busy busy putting together a few more things for that. 

She's such a good little helper!
Here's a cute little pic from this last week....
I can't help it...she's so dang cute, I have to share it!
Sitting in papa's chair, waiting for him to get home!

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Holiday Open House...

I was looking at my calendar this morning and it occurred to me that the holiday preview open house is now less than 3 weeks away!
Where in the world has this year gone?
I've not gotten my front porch decorated for fall yet!
New things are arriving daily at  Randolph Mercantile!
Mark your calendar....
November 4 - 5 - 6
I'll try to get in there and snap a few more pics in the next few days.
No matter your taste or decorating style, you are sure to find something at the mercantile!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Saturday Ramblin'...

While the orange cranberry pecan muffins bake, I thought I'd share what I've been working on the past few days.
I found this cute little apron pattern, called the 'Friday Night Apron' on one of my little shopping trips a few weeks ago.
It is by
I may add a button or  some rick rack, as I feel something is missing, especially the one with dots.
And of course with the supply stash that I have, do you think I would find a button to suit me in my collection?
At least one of them will find its way to my etsy shop and the others will go to the mercantile. Don't you just love that paisley print?
A morning of errands  a late afternoon wedding and a hayride later this evening, that I may or may not make it to.
I hope you had a great week and are off to a fun-filled weekend!

Friday, August 26, 2011

It's beginning to look alot like fall.... Randolph Mercantile!

Fall open house preview is fast approaching!

Friday, September  9 ~ 9am - 7 pm
Saturday, September 10 ~ 9am - 5pm
Sunday, September 11 ~ 10am - 4pm

If you are in the area please stop in!

Besides all of your favorite primitive treasures, there are mums, pumpkins, corn shocks, gourds and more!
$30 purchase receives a free gift.
Spend $100 and receive free gift and Randolph Mercantile T-shirt!

I will be busy busy over the next couple of weeks getting lots of handmades ready and I will post as I get things done!

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fall is arriving..... Randolph Mercantile!

Fall Open House Preview
Friday, September 9
Saturday, September 10
Sunday, September 11

New items arriving daily and  I will  get more preview pics posted soon! 
Until then, mark your calendars
so you don't miss out!

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Good Sunday Morning...

Yes, I'm still here! We've just been enjoying this sweet baby girl in just about every spare moment!
She and Papa are having a serious conversation...something about a pony, camping and afternoon naps!
Just 11 days old and this Gramma thing is already SO awesome! People keep telling me... "it gets better!"....
And I can only imagine!
  In my mind, we are already taking walks through the woods,  baking cookies, stitching on doll blankies  and shopping!

She's such a sweet baby! 

So what else has been going on? 
Well, before all the baby excitement, I had a couple days that I  got to do some sewing.
I really had the intention of opening up  my etsy shoppe again but that's not going to happen just yet.
I will be taking these cute little numbers out to the mercantile later today......
If  you are interested in purchasing, just drop me an email and if still available, I'd gladly pop it in the mailbox for you!
The black/white and the pink/black aprons are $29.95 each and the multi-color dot apron is $19.95.  Price does NOT include shipping.   Payal preferred.
All three aprons are fully lined.

I have several more in the works with different fabrics and apron design....
and I will soon have child size aprons available.
It's been hot as blue blazes here in our corner of the world...the ac runs  non-stop from noon til late at night!  Fans are running inside and out.  Drinking lots of water!
For all the rains and flooding we had earlier, we are now begging for a good rain!
Hope you are staying cool!

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Saturday morning...

Good Morning All....
I've been awake since 2:30! UGH! I don't know what the deal is...I don't think I can blame it on the time change...I did go to bed earlier than usual last night but not THAT much earlier! After reading and trying to go back to sleep, I knew I'd feel better if I just got up! So here I am...
It's been a busy week...with one thing or another. The Randolph Mercantile holiday open house is well underway! Busy day yesterday...I'll post pics and highlights the first of the week!
Just thought I'd share a little bit of what I've been working on....

A simple star...with old cutter quilt pocket on the front filled with "favorite things"....a little green and a candy cane for the holiday...after taking this photo, I tucked in a small American flag...remove or add to, to suite the holiday or season....I only made two of these but looks like I'll be making more as both sold already!  I had two small trees leftover from last year that I decorated up but I forgot to take pics of them!  They've both already sold!

I had an off day one day this last week....finally getting up at 4:00...after some computer time, I hit the kitchen to grubby up some candles and tealights.  It's amazing at what one can accomplish at such early hours!

I've got so many other things in the works...even getting up so early, intended or not, there just aren't enough hours in the day sometimes....I've still got body parts (dolls) and nekked dolls on my work table
waiting to be stitched together or waiting for clothes, as well as a couple little punch needle pieces to make into pillows. I still have a basket of doll parts to cut/turn/stuff!  Will be a busy time in the sewing room this coming week!

Well, here it is 6:00 already.  Think I'll see what I can get stitched up while I have that last cup of coffee!
I hope you have a GREAT weekend!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Good Sunday Mornin'......

It's just a quiet weekend here on the farm. It's a damp, cool morning here. Fall is definitely in the air! It's that time of year, as if we haven't been busy enough thru the summer, that the weekends on the calendar start to fill up! This weekend Labor Day...a farewell to summer with backyard bar-b-ques, picnics in the park, maybe a last swim party before closing the pool for the season or one more trip to the lake. I'll be going to a family gathering at my folks tomorrow. Whatever you do this weekend, be safe and have fun!
Next weekend is open house! I stopped in to the mercantile one day this past week and OH MY! has Sherrie got that place PACKED with your favorite things! I hope to see you there!

The following's on my calendar but unfortunately, I won't be able to go since it's so far from home! On-line friend, Lori of Notforgotten Farm of Virginia, is hosting "A Gathering of Primitive Friends"...if you are in the area and you love primitive....or stitchin', punchin' or hookin' will want to stop in! You can learn more about it by visiting Lori's blog or web site... or

Then....the next weekend.... It's Bikes Blues & BBQ time in Fayetteville, Arkansas! I'm really looking forward to this! Always a great time at BBB! Let's hope for pleasant riding weather...sunny skies and warmer temps! Plans are to stop in on the way and see my great-aunt Ruby who is 94! I've not seen her for a couple of years now so I'm looking forward to that as well.

Hope you have a great day! I'm goin' to church this morning then back home to work on things for next weekend! If I have a few minutes on my way home, I just might stop by the mercantile and snap a few pics...just to entice you a little bit!
Have a fun holiday weekend!!