Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beach. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse....a step into the past

This weekend, work called me back over to the coast....oh, darn!  My Lincoln County committee had their retreat at a beautiful house right on the coast, where we could work and watch the waves roll in.  After we feasted on yummy potluck food and did our work, I went out to see what I could see while in town on a splendid day!

First, I was excited that I just barely made it to Yaquina Bay Lighthouse before they closed for the day.  I just love houses that they show off the past.  I like to imagine me living the way they lived in times past.

This cute little lighthouse was only staffed for 3 years, because its location was not ideal for ships to actually see the light.  It was staffed in the late 1800's by one family of 9 people (mom, dad, and 7 kids!) for those three years and then they built a new lighthouse 3 miles away.  The poor little lighthouse fell into disrepair, and when it was threatened to be torn down later, the community pushed for it to become a historic center.

Just look at the way people used to live!  Believe it or not, I learned how to sew on a treadle machine.  And I loved it! 

Then I headed down to the beach to get my feet into the sand and the lapping waves....

I love the Oregon Coast.  Trees, greenery, sand, and salty sea.  

Reminds me why I do the work that I do.  As did the following things I found on the beach.  Kinda snapped me back to reality when I saw the plastics bits that never bio-degrade, the plastic bottles and the single-use plastic bags littering the coast.  These are things that I work everyday to help at least make a dent in.  As I tell folks....the earth will live on, but whether we are here to see it, well that is our choice!

Had to get a little serious there.  But sometimes it is good to remember what it is we are working towards, and that every little thing we do adds up!

(And there are my toes in all the shots! LOL)
