Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I think we've been through this before...

"No, you can't secede."

(NEWSER) – White House to Texas: You're staying in America. The Obama administration has officially rejected a petition signed by more than 125,000 people demanding that the Lone Star State be allowed to leave the union, the Houston Chronicle reports. Similar petitions from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee, all started within a few days of President Obama's re-election, were also nixed. The White House said the Founding Fathers who created the US "did not provide a right to walk away from it."

"In a nation of 300 million people—each with their own set of deeply-held beliefs—democracy can be noisy and controversial. And that's a good thing," wrote the director of the Office of Public Engagement. "Free and open debate is what makes this country work, and many people around the world risk their lives every day for the liberties we often take for granted." The Obama administration received secession petitions from all 50 states, but only responded to the ones that gained more than 25,000 signatures.

Show me in the Constitution where it says they have to stay after they are admitted into the Union.

But might makes right, as we saw back in 1861.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Are Americans too stupid to be allowed to vote?

Things are getting worse in just about all points of measurement. So say the people to the pollsters. Few people think they are better off than their parents were and few think the future prospects are bright. The number of people who think Congress is doing a good job has never been lower, say the polls. If you ask people who they blame for whatever is wrong with America today, mostly it is the politicians.

The crooked, lying, cheating, bought-and-paid-for politicians. The politicians who live high on the hog and get wined and dined by special-interest lobbies. Thieves, mostly. Looking to get elected and reelected and saying what they think the voters want to hear. And most of them WILL get reelected: the voters are saps.

There are a few good politicians. Precious few. Many start with good intentions but get lost in the "system" of corruption and end up just like all the rest. The ones that stay true to their values find the road difficult and fraught with compromise.

Why are these uncaring, selfish, racketeers allowed to live the way they live, pass bills that benefit their benefactors, ignore the will of the people? Because the people keep voting them in, that's why. And after they vote the thieves and rascals into office, the people don't demand accountability.

Believe it or not, there are some Americans who have a clear vision of how they want to live and how they want their country to be, have informed themselves of the issues and what is going on. How many? I don't know - maybe 5%. The rest? Well, half of them are so lazy or uninspired by the available criminals to vote for that they just don't bother to vote at all. The other half, the ones responsible for continuing to vote these arrogant useless scalawags into office, vote for their own reasons. Analysis of what is best for the country seldom enters into their voting decisions.

They vote for a candidate because he or she has black skin. They vote because their candidate is hispanic. They vote because their guy is Jewish. Or they vote for the candidate who is NOT black, hispanic, jewish, or bald. Whatever. Many vote for the person or party they are told to vote for: union members vote Democrat. So do minority groups. Each party claims its automatic voters from various special-interest groups, from environmentalists to lumberjacks to Southern Baptists. I suppose. Some have educated themselves on the issues and know exactly what direction they want to see America go. Too many, however, as so dumb they couldn't tell you where the Statue of Liberty is located. They live for their next fix and they vote for the candidate who promises not to cut off their welfare check.

That brings us to a dilemma: should all Americans be allowed to vote? If so, should all votes be equal? What if continuing to do it that way insures that we continue down the same path of corruption we see today? If the answer is "yes," then we probably are doomed to continue to deteriorate and see our standard of living continue to fall. But if the answer is "no," then what? Who gets to vote? I mean, besides ME, of course.

Friday, August 17, 2012

View from the back porch, shotgun on my lap.

Buy this print here if you want to

I seldom speak of politics. You all know that. And even when I do I am restrained. Respectful. Tolerant.  I am a diplomat, you see, and I mind my own business. It is all I can do to bring myself to blog publicly. Or at least as publicly as 3 regular readers will get me.

I visit a lot of liberal blogs. I have always preferred to read liberal blogs over wingnut blogs. I can't think of much to comment on many, but I still read them. I used to read conservative blogs but they are too repetitious and predictable. Ho hum. Liberal blogs are lying, narrow-minded, holier-than-thou idiots who think they have life all smugly figured out too, but they are MUCH more creative than the silly Republican blogs. Republican blogs make me want to puke with their stupidity. Democrat blogs make me laugh out loud and you can't get mad at an idiot if he makes you laugh. Not me, anyway. So give me the Liberals any day. It goes without saying none of these blogs I'm talking about are owned by the intelligent and discriminating three people who read MY blogs. Obviously they are smart if they do that.

I was just sitting here in my rocking chair wondering why anyone in their right mind would ever vote for Romney. I sure won't.

First off, he's a Mormon. That means he wears modest underwear and stores up food against scarcity. It also means he doesn't drink alcoholic beverages or even hot tea. Or anything else with caffeine in it. He seems to be honest enough, at least when compared to the usual lot of septic-tank-slurping politicians. He's required by his religion to devote one night a week to just his family. He's learned to invest for the future and seems to have made a lot of money. No visible tattoos. Clean cut (but that may just be a disguise.) I haven't heard anything bad about his kids. He's been married to the same woman for probably 40 years.

What a freak, right?

Why would anyone want somebody like this in charge?

Well, be that as it may, I won't be voting for Romney. I won't be voting for the Baptist beer guy, either. I don't really like politicians at all. Last presidential election I voted for the Green woman. Can't remember her name now. Jesus, what a mistake. Now I find myself leaning toward the Libertarian persuasion and might therefore vote for my old Governor Gary Johnson. He balanced our budget I think. Twice. Unless I was dreaming. Unfortunately he has always wanted to legalize pot and I make too much money selling it now when it's illegal to ever want to see it legalized. I would have to find something else to do if he legalizes the stuff. Not to worry though, Gary has no chance of ever becoming president even though he'll be on the ballet in quite a few states.

There's a song that keeps running through my head distracting my political thought. I will write it down in hopes of exorcising it so I can continue. Please don't think the lyrics below is the end of my post and just leave. I promise not to write it in its entirety. Thank you.

And I know a father
Who had a son
He longed to tell him all the reasons
For the things he'd done
He came a long way
Just to explain
He kissed his boy as he lay sleeping
Then he turned around and headed home again

God only knows
God makes his plan
The information's unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we're gliding down the highway
When in fact we're slip slidin' away

Slip slidin' away
Slip slidin' away
You know the nearer your destination
The more you're slip slidin' away
—Paul Simon

Those of you who really know me know that I would never REALLY sell pot, but I am adding this disclaimer for the newcomers.

Just a thought... I wonder if it would be possible to just go 8 years without having a president at all? Is there a way we could do that? Or are we obligated? I know the constitution outlines the qualifications and duties of a president, but it doesn't say we HAVE to have one all the time, does it? It may. Anyhow.

I have a dear blogging friend who thinks we should erase all the state boundary lines and just have one big happy central government. This friend thinks uniformity is where the future lies, and one big central government can insure that we are uniformedly uniform in all things. I think that would entail sending just about all our money to Washington and trusting them to do what's best for us. Each building would have exactly 14 handicapped parking places no matter what, even the private residences. But I guess there wouldn't be any more private residences left anymore, would there? So one less thing to worry about. We could put out forest fires in the West much more efficiently if we all did it the same way. Uniformedly. One at a time, based on the seniority of the fire. as verified by some government bean counter's tally. I don't know about the rest of you, but speaking for myself I can tell you I DAMN sure don't want to be bothered thinking for myself.

Did you know that Lyndon Johnson became a hippie before he died? At least he let his hair grow out and stopped bathing. Remember the hippies demonstrating in front of the White House, chanting, "Hey, Hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?" Those were the good old days. Imagine if he had been a Republican, hey? - or if he hadn't signed all those Civil Rights laws? Zowie. His ass REALLY would have been grass if he hadn't done that. Anyway, he let his hair grow long and took to just hanging out on his ranch all remorseful-like. That's another liberal politician roasting weenies in hell tonight. I was lying about him not bathing. I guess it doesn't matter now that he's in hell right now surrounded by the families of 50,000 dead teenagers with pitchforks.

Idiot Democrats. Idiot Republicans. Idiot politicians. Idiot us for electing them.

"Children and politicians are notorious for either not understanding the consequences of their actions or refusing to believe that the same actions will always result in the same consequences. It is fascinating to ponder why we punish children for not heeding the consequences of their actions, yet vote for politicians who promise to ignore history and repeat the mistakes of the past." —Robert Ringer

"If I desire a Rolls-Royce, that's my business. It becomes your business only if I arbitrarily decide that you have an obligation to buy it for me, on the grounds that it's a "need" and that therefore I am "entitled" to it. The fact that I may call my desire for a Rolls-Royce a need is, of course, semantic nonsense. I may just as well call it a want, because regardless of what word I assign to it, I still have no moral right to force you to help me acquire it just because I happen to want it." —Robert Ringer

Yes, he's a Libertarian. Not running for office, though.

Vote? For what? For whom? Obama? Why? Ryan? Why? Romney? Why? Biden? Come ON! How did we let this get so out of hand? Are these REALLY our best and brightest? We need Jesus to come back and clean out the temple again. Or something.

It's a good thing I don't write about politics much. Bad for the blood pressure. I just went back and deleted all the vile stuff, and this is what is left for you to read. Thank you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Soooo... do we bash Basher, or what?

There's more news today of the "unrest" in Syria.

More massacres of civilians by the Syrian dictator. U.N. investigators thwarted.

What should we do? What should we do?

Choices available:

1. Take military action to overthrow the present cruel regime and thereby secure the blessings of sweet liberty to the oppressed Syrian people, just as we did in Iraq.

2. Let the U.N. "handle" the situation. (Translation: let thousands of people continue to die while the U.N. bumbles and stumbles along with years of fact-finding missions, carefully worded condemnations, and, of course, scores of "resolutions.") Meanwhile, be very vocal in our condemnation of the terrible tyrant dictator, but from a distance. Try to make political points against Russia and China by framing them as uncaring supporters of ruthless dictators.

3. If an organized resistance happens to evolve, support it with limited military aid and advice.

4. Do nothing. Mind our own business. Work on our own troubles at home. Use money borrowed from China to feed our own hungry rather than giving the borrowed money to Syrian Freedom Fighters.

Oh, my. It is a poser. It is a real pickle.

The last one seems tempting, but still fraught with many pitfalls.

Are there any other options that come to mind?

Some main points to keep in mind:

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Growing Out of Control

Well, the next thing she found was a little cake: and it had the words "EAT ME" marked on it. So of course she set to work and ate it up. And THEN what do you think happened to her? No, you'll never guess! I shall have to tell you again.

She grew and she grew, and she grew. Taller than she was before! Taller than ANY child! Taller than any grown-up person! Taller, and taller, and taller! Just look at the picture, and you'll SEE how tall she got!

—Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

In the beginning, in 1788, George Washington's cabinet consisted of 4 departments: State, Treasury, War, and Attorney General. Can you history buffs name the first heads of these 4 departments? Jefferson, Hamilton, Knox, Randolph. Easy. Sadly, Jay Leno received 3 answers starting with, "Barack Obama?...??....???" Yet, while American's knowledge of their government has plummeted over the years, the size of their government has grown much faster than Alice and her cake or mushrooms or whatever it was.

In addition to the above named Executive Branch of our early government, we also had a congress, consisting of 26 Senators and 65 Representatives. I was not there, but it is a pretty good bet that their first order of business was probably to start dividing themselves up into committees. Or perhaps that only came after the issue of fringe benefits was debated.

Even with this, I am pretty sure there was yet not a House Foreign Affairs Committe, Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversite. Most of you will be relieved to hear that there is one today.

Now, that is no longer quite true. You see, the House Foreign Affairs Committe, Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Righs, and Oversite was apparently not able to cope with all its business, so, recently, it was broken up into two separate subcomittees: the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations; and the Human Rights folks became the Subcommitte on Africa, Global Heath, and Human Rights. I'm assuming the House thought there was no longer any U.S. domestic heath or human rights problems, and that those things belonged under the heading of "Africa." On the other hand, there is already an entire Executive Branch Cabinet-level Department of Health and Human Services, or used to be, unless it has been broken up and subcommitteed out. Now, I should hasten to add, that our Department of Health and Human Services used to be a subcabinet subdepartment under the old HEW (Health, Education, and Welfare) - what folly it was back in the 1960s to ask one department to do all of that under one roof! Or under one "big tent" as the politicians are fond of saying.

Yes, our government is too big and out of control. Sadly, it seems to be the main model for the United Nations internal organization, which is what I really wanted to talk about here today before my preface again outgrew (get it? "outgrew"?) my main thesis. Talk about grossly obese, bloated, and top-heavy bureaucracies. Oh, my, god. OMG OMG. Please tune in next time. This would be funny if it weren't actually YOUR money I am talking about here. If only we could pattern (patten?) ourselves after the clean and efficient, lean and mean, government of the U.K.

My thoughts keep returning to Alice's Cake. Dear U.S. government: EAT ME!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Sing along with Arlo

This is for Adullamite and everyone else who is tired of corporate greed and CEO bonuses. You too.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Taxes and Fairness

Today is Friday the 13th and I have just finished my tax return and mailed it in, 2 or 3 days early, or whatever. The deadline is not Titanic Day this year, but the 17th for some reason.

It occurs to me that I may have paid more taxes than a few multimillionaires might have paid. As long as they didn't cheat or break the law, why should I care? I KNOW I paid more federal taxes than about 50% of Americans, because about 50% of Americans pay no federal taxes at all.

This is not about somebody's idea of what "fair" means. It is about following the tax code and getting on with your life for the rest of the year. If it is not fair, then it is not the fault of the rich but of our congressional tax code authors and President Obama's tax code enforcers.

Some people speak of "tax avoidance" as if it were a dirty cheating thing; that people who pay a lot of taxes should pay even more. There's nothing illegal or wrong about avoiding taxes. All Americans have the legal right to arrange their financial affairs in such a manner as will allow them to pay the least tax. The government uses, and has always used, the federal tax code to direct its social agenda. No problem. If the government wants low-income housing built, it gives tax breaks to those willing to build low-income housing. If it wants to promote green energy, then it gives tax breaks to people who put those odd solar panels on their roof. If the government wants investors to search for natural gas deposits, it gives tax breaks for those who take those risks. If the government wants to subsidize mortgages for low-income people who shouldn't have mortgages at all, then it gives tax breaks to rich folks who invest (put their capital at risk) in mortgages and derivatives and bonds and maybe let them play the hedge fund game or artificially inflate the spot-price of crude oil. Cool. Always has it been thus. Those who don't do it, angrily call these things "tax loopholes." But they are angry at the wrong people.

"Tax evasion" on the other hand is a crime and should land the evader in prison. Tax evasion is cheating and lying. Tax evasion includes such things as saying you earned $12 last year when you really earned $2 million.

A lot of the non-wealthy in the USA (those who take in a lot of welfare money and other entitlement monies, but who don't pay any income taxes at all, per the above) think that the rich should pay even more taxes so (I assume) the non-producers and actual needy can receive a higher dole. I mean "entitlement". Of course. Beats the hell out of actually paying some taxes yourself, right? President Obama has made a political career out of playing the two against each other, taking donations from fat cat corporations while telling the tax recipients, his political base, that he is fighting for the "working man" (meaning them, even though they don't work) and promoting class warfare against the rich. Cool. That's the American way. At least it seems to be the NEW American way. Occupy Wall Street, right? After all, it is the fault of the people who educated themselves, worked hard, played by the government's tax rules, and got rich, who are at fault for YOU not educating yourself, working hard, following the tax rules, and getting rich. Who could argue with that logic?

In the U.S., the tax code (rules) for the federal income tax rates are written by Congress. It is possible that this is true in other countries as well; perhaps their Parliaments write the tax laws rather than, say, their Chancellor of the Exchequer.

If you don't like what rich people pay in taxes, or if you don't like the way the government directs the economy (by offering tax deductions in the tax code for for various things) then it seems to me the thing for you to do would be to attack Congress and the President to make tax code changes and enforcement standards, and stop bitching at the people who follow the legal tax code. Do YOU want to volunteer to pay taxes you don't owe? Neither do the rich.

If you think the rich should pay 60% off the top of everything they take in, then you should force Congress to change the tax code so that's what the law says. Don't bitch at the producers or go occupy some little park near Wall Street. Personally, I don't get offended when I see some investor pay 15% capital gains tax instead of 100%. I get offended when I see the unemployed wink on camera and say, "I've never worked in my life, and I don't intend to start working now."

How offended would you be if someone suggested you get down off the wagon and maybe helped the rest of us pull it?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Religion and Politics

They say you should never talk about religion or politics if you don't want to start an argument. I certainly wouldn't want to do that. I hope the previous post wasn't too religious to blog about.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday, August 26, 2011

Your government loves you and has your best interests at heart.

Those of you who have followed my blogs have come to know how truly objective I am in my reporting, and how especially tolerant and neutral I am when I blog about my beloved government. Hardly a day passes that I am not reminded of the caring benevolence spread over me by my Federal Government. Sometimes, when I realize just how thickly their concern for my well-being is spread all over me, my heart nearly bursts with love as I give thanks that I live in a country which cares enough to warn me, like a loving nanny father, about things like, say, giving in to the urge of putting a plastic bag over my head.

How many times has my government literally saved my life by mandating the printing of pictures of lifeless babies with x'ed out eyes and little tongues hanging out on the little plastic bag that my keyboard came in? Or, since I am prone to blow-drying my hair while sitting in the bathtub, how many times do you think, over the years, I have given a huge whew of relief when I've opened a new hair dryer and - just in the nick of time - saw the likeness on the plastic wrapper of the hapless schmuck with the electric bolts coming out of his ears and smoke rising from his electron-fried boyo? It boggles. I rejoice publicly in front of your prying eyes.

How long has this been going on? When did it start? I'm guessing it may have been one of the nice things Jimmy Carter did for us, but I may be wrong. It may be even older. If I try hard enough, I can conjure up long-dead (may Allah be praised) congressmen from the 1960s with fat cigars and blue smoke around their heads with skinny suspenders holding their pants up over their bloated pot-bellied pork bellies, passing major plastic-bag safety legislation in lulls between congressional pay-raise bills. And LBJ signing them as fast as his bought-and-paid-for slimy hands could sign. And then, probably, selling the pens he signed them with.

God, how proud the fallen boys from the hedgerows of France must feel as they smile down from heaven and witness the fruits of their sacrifice manifested in such greater personal freedom from intrusive government than they were able to enjoy in their brief lifetimes. How proud the Framers must be to realize just how much their progeny understands what they meant by "regulate interstate commerce". Glory.

Would I like to live in a world where the government doesn't require asinine needless warnings on plastic bags? Would I like to see all the rows of empty "handicapped parking" spaces disappear? I think I would like to leave those things up to state and local governments, thank you. One size doesn't fit all. It has NEVER been more efficient to send in your money to the Federal Government and then have them send some of it back to the states and cities wrapped neatly around new stupid regulations. EVEN if they are big enough to make me do things I don't want to do.

If the Feds want to regulate something, how about them thar bank charges? No price fixing there, by golly - it's just a big fat coincidence that all banks charge the exact same fees. Sure. Just like it is only a big fat coincidence all four gas stations on each intersection with different signs price their gasoline the same, to the penny. You bet. And how about seeing my interest rates keep going up on my credit cards even though I haven't missed a payment in 10 years? Huh? Even though the price banks pay for money has gone down and down and down to ZERO practically. How about that, Mr. and Mrs. Fed? How about putting some of your crony stock broker buddies in jail for stealing all the bail-out money YOU gave them? Hey? That'll keep you busy enough that you don't have to worry about mandating warnings on my toothpaste. I say let the Feds keep the thieving banks and credit card companies off my back and buy some decent body armor for the Army, and just leave the rest to the people. (Other people, not me.)

Obligatory notice for my dear liberal readers:

All this sarcasm aside, I do believe there are some (many) things that we need our Federal Government to do - things that don't make sense for local governments or state governments to be trying to do. That's another post, since I will have to think up some things our Federal Government is better at than local governments would be good at, other than the obvious things that are outlined in the Constitution already. Among these would be uniform Civil Rights laws and enforcement. I would consider things like no child labor and not having to starve in the gutter to be civil rights.

By all means, please list all the things YOU think the Federal Government should be involved in because they love you and me and are concerned for our welfare. Don't be afraid. I won't bite.

And if I was the President
The minute the Congress'd call my name
I'd say "Now, who do... who do you think you're foolin'?"
I got the Presidential Seal
I'm up here on the Presidential Podium
And my country loves me, she loves me
She gets down on her knees and hugs me
She LOVES me like a rock
She rocks me like the Rock of Ages
My country loves me
She love me love me love me love me.

Apologies to Paul Simon. Big time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The So-called Tea Party

Without knowing exactly what it was or what it REALLY stood for, I decided, finally, to do some research on this thing people have been calling "The Teaparty."

I should say that before this little bit of half-assed research, I only "knew" what was being thrown out by politicians and the "media." I have admittedly read a lot of rhetoric on Looney Left blogs and websites, and heard about (though not actually listened to) the Rabid Right's radio talk shows, and, by reading these things, have concluded that the "Left" doesn't like "The Teaparty" or a woman called "Sarah Palin." I think the Rabid Right does. So I tried to dig deeper, in hopes that maybe I could come up with a personal opinion of my own; I plugged my nose and jumped into the septic tank of American Politics, euphemistically-speaking. At least I dove as deep as the internet would take me; I don't want to know badly enough to actually go outside and see for myself first-hand.

This alone - this frothing hatred of them by the Far Left - was, of course, reason enough for me to be predisposed to like them both - The Teaparty and Sarah Palin - even before beginning my elusive search for "some" truth. Add the fact that my friend Adullamite disparages and scorns both "The Teaparty" and this Palin woman, and you give me yet another reason to think they must both be pretty good. Joke.

Be that as it may, I decided to see if there was any truth to be found out there beyond the vast bald-faced lying wasteland of the Looney Liberal bloggers and the droning propaganda of the Rabid Rightwing talk radio shows. It wasn't as easy to find out the truth as you might think. Maybe there isn't any truth, just rhetoric. But I found a few "possibly true" facts that I am pretty sure are "almost complete" facts. Here goes.

1. The first thing I found out is there is no such thing as "The Teaparty." Wow. At least not officially. It isn't a party at all (not a political party, I mean, maybe an ice cream party). It has no official leadership or official headquarters or official website (which REALLY made it hard to find out the truth, since there is no "horse's mouth" so to speak.

2. In spite of there being no official organization or official website, there are at least a ZILLION websites out there with red, white, and blue design motifs with the American flag and American eagle plastered all over the home pages. You'll have no trouble finding places to donate to "The Teaparty" online, but your money will go to whatever causes that particular website thinks is best. Maybe his own bank. Just saying.

3. I found one website that seems to have done more research than I have, and it was the only one which seemed to have a bit of an honest ring to it when it stated bluntly:

"There is no 'official' Tea Party website. There is no 'official' Tea Party organization or board of directors. Anyone who tells you different is a liar, and anyone who tells you his website is the official place to donate money to the Tea Party is a thief."

4. A few facts seem to consistently emerge when you look hard enough.

a. The "Tea" in "Tea Party" stands for "TEA" - "Taxed Enough Already." It was the slogan of the original handful of grass roots tax protesters who gave birth to this thing that the whole world has largely perverted. For the record, the tax protest that spawned "The Teaparty" was begun by a young lady in Oregon (of all places) who began blogging about it. She ended up with something like 130 people who agreed with her and then it went viral.

b. Don't believe in polls. Polls vary wildly and are manipulated to the purposes of the ones who think up the questions and decide who they ask and how they ask. But a short list of items seems to keep showing up on all the responses. Most people who said they were in agreement with what "The Teaparty" stood for, thought they stood for the following:

1. Smaller, less intrusive, government; but take care of the truly needy
2. Lower taxes, but crack down on big banks and big corporations
3. More personal responsibility of individuals in all areas
4. The federal government should stop spending so much and start living within their (our) means
5. We should stop starting wars all over the world and start minding our own business
6. We need to return to backing our money with something that is intrinsically valuable, like gold or silver.

That's about it. Those are the things that the Looney Left and some bloggers I know are making fun of.

For not having an "official organization," so-called "Teaparty candidates" who vocally espouse the above principles are sure being elected in droves and having their campaigns donated to.

One other thing that is going to piss off the Left, though it didn't surprise me:

(a) there are more Democrats who believe in the above principles than the Lurid Left or Rabid Right thinks there are. "Teabaggers" are not all Southern Baptist Republicans.

(b) worse for the Obama reelection camp, there are a LOT more independents who believe those things too.

Bottom line. Does Max think these folks are going to deny Obama a second term? No. No, I don't believe that. Our current President will be around for a while, is my prediction. I do think there is a good chance his party will lose the Senate though, if they don't get off their butts and do something about the economy really quickly, and that would mean he would have to bend his ear a bit more to the lowlife people he is now disparaging, if he wants to get anything accomplished in his second term. But the likes of Palin or Bachman or any of the other lightweights are hardly going to defeat Obama.

God I hate politics and politicians. I read in my local paper today that Congress has reached an all-time low of 18% approval rating by the citizens. That's one poll I think I believe. Can you believe it? What scumbags! All they would have to do to get some respect is go to work and do what their bosses tell them they want done. But they can't manage to do that. Is there anything stupider or grosser than a fat cat lawyer politician when their snout is in the trough? Any other employees would have been fired a long time ago. What is Congress' current response to the economic crisis and high unemployment that is going on right now? They are in Washington, working tirelessly day and night, right?

Wrong. They went on summer break.

Update: after this published and I read it carefully, it is obvious I didn't stress enough that these fake "Teaparty" parasites with all their disingenuous blogs and self-serving usurpers are doing plenty enough to deserve the scorn and ridicule the world is heaping on "The Teaparty". But these are the charlatans and money grubbers and not, I don't think, the same people who are quietly financing and electing the new "replacement" politicians who have promised to toe the demanded fiscal responsibility line.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Angelika's questions

Here are Relax Max's answers to Angelika's odd questions. I'm only answering because the prize she offered was so big.


Feeling NormalRandom Questions because


am still wide awake but not quite ready to watch my DVRed crap.

Answer them in the comments or on your own blog & link back to me.

  1. Do you think Don Rickles is Funny? No. He used to be when his act was new and shocking. Tedious now.

  2. Have you seen "A Piece of Work" starring Joan Rivers? No. It's entirely possible that Joan Rivers should be put to death. Some say.

  3. Do you think this is appropriate? No. Jesus. That's disgusting.

  4. Salt and Pepa Let's talk about sex
  5. At what age do you think it's appropriate to discuss sex with your child? 25 or so. If then.

  6. Did your parents have "the talk" with you? Are you kidding?

  7. Do you cuss/curse? If so, how much. If not, why? Fuck no. That shit's vile and classless.

  8. Have you seen Knowing with Nicholas Cage? No. At least not knowingly.

  9. Do you use Netflix? No. Because of their rude popunder advertising. I guess that's why I never saw Nicolas Cage's movie, huh.

  10. What's your favorite fruit? Bananas. Then Strawberries. No, wait. Bananas and strawberries.

  11. Do you prefer morning or evening? Morning. But I don't get up until evening.

  12. Do you have a racist/bigoted family member? How do you deal with that? I guess you are saying that would be wrong, right? heh. I dunno. I don't think so. I think if they were telling racist jokes I would just stand there and stare at them instead of laughing. Is that too non-violent?

  13. I just realized the other day that my son's sperm donor is 52. That makes him the same age as Hugh Laurie. Are you surprised by that? I'm surprised Hugh Laurie is 52. I thought he was the one, though. Or that 7-11 clerk you had a crush on. But I guess Evan was already 12 when you discovered the 7-11 guy. Did you ever see The World According to Garp? Do you remember how Glenn Close got pregnant with the comatose soldier? Trivia: what was his rank?

  14. Do you feel as old as your chronological age? Sometimes. Not when I am sleeping or blogging. When I am watching Auburn kicking last second field goals against Oregon in the national championship game I feel old. Or pissed. I guess feeling pissed is not the same thing as feeling old. Can I have a do-over on this question? No, I feel young. Like Captain Kirk in Genesis.

  15. Children
  16. Do you like kids? Sure. Very tasty.

  17. Do you make New Year's Resolutions?
  18. Yes. I don't keep them, but I make them.

  1. 16. Do you buy organic whenever you can? No. I prefer to toughen my immune system by ingesting chemicals with long names. Does McDonalds count as organic?

  2. 17. How often do you eat out at restaurants? I don't know. Who would count something like that? Not very often. Wait. You mean fast food too, or regular restaurants?

  3. 18. Do you think you're kinky? No.

  4. 19. Do you believe in love at first site? At the first site I come across? You mean sight right? Sure, I guess.

  5. 20. Do you have to go to the bathroom right now too? What do you mean "too"?

  6. 21. The average person picks his/her nose 5 times per hour. Do you believe this? Are you above or below the norm? It would be really difficult to keep that down to 5 times per hour.

  7. 22. Are you married? Yes.

  8. 23. Are you younger than 30? Almost. Heh. No. :(

  9. Oriental Ramen Noodles
  10. 24. Will you send me some Oriental flavored ramen to feed The Boy? No. Postage would cost more than a case of that stuff. I secretly like it though. Not oriental flavor. BEEF. YO!

  11. 25. How do you like your eggs? Unfertilized.

  12. 26. Are you a good cook? Naw.

  13. 27. Do you prefer sweet or savory food? I like hot food. Like Mexican food.

  14. 28. Do you watch any of the Real Housewives shows? Get real. Damn girly blog of yours.

  15. 29. Do you think you need to lose weight? It is one of my new years resolutions.

  16. 30. Do you talk to strangers in real life? Sometimes. If they stop me in traffic and are wearing a badge. Not in grocery store lines though. If they try to talk to me, I just stare at them like a cold fish as if they had tried to tell me a racist joke.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Preaching to the choir

There's something not quite kosher right about the boys and girls of the choir this session, and I can't quite put my finger on it. Enlarge the above 2010 class picture and help me out.

No black justices? No, got one of them. Good ol' white boys? Check. Jesuit-taught Sicilians? Check. Wild-eyed liberals? Check.

What then?

Hispanics? Check. Women? Check. Straight Jews? Check. Lesbian Jews? Check. Dead Jews? Check. (Some say Ruthie is still among the living, but we know better. Ever see the original "Psycho" with Anthony Perkins? A dollar to a donut says Ruthie is Norman Bate's mother, stuffed like a bird with sawdust and a wig put on her and sat up straight in a chair. Doesn't matter. We all know how Ruthie will vote.)

Wait. Did you guess? A first in the history of our country: the mindset of the majority religion in the U.S. is not represented on our esteemed Supreme Court anymore. Go ahead, count 'em: 6 catholics and 3 Jews. Protestants? Zilch.

We've come a long way, baby.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Two possible theories of government

1. The purpose of government is to facilitate an environment that allows for maximum personal liberty and personal advancement, while maintaining civil order, regulating commerce, and protecting citizens from outside attack. Equality of opportunity is the goal.

2. The purpose of government is to take care of "its" citizens and work to make their lives better. Generally, it is the role of government to provide things for citizens and make helpful decisions for them so they may enjoy a higher quality of life. Equality in material possessions and benefits is the goal.

There are many, many other kinds of governments in the world as well.

A Red Sox fan friend of mine told me he saw an interesting piece on Fox News' Bill O'Reilly show last night. John Stossel, ex-employee of ABC, now working for Fox, was talking about an interesting experiment he had just run to illustrate how Affirmative Action works. He said it was hilarious, but ever so true.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Historically speaking

On this day in 1989, the Berlin Wall came down.

By eerie coincidence (to me, anyway) November 9 is also considered by many to be the beginning of the Holocaust, as 9 Nov. 1938 marked the beginning by Nazi storm troopers of invading Jewish neighborhoods, taking their belongings, and shipping them off to concentration camps.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Thatcher Dead

[Rewritten from various news services yesterday]

Canadian Transport Minister John Baird sent a message to phone buddies that read, "Thatcher dead." It was a reference to his 16-year-old tabby cat, named after his idol. But the message was misconstrued and Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper was soon told of the Iron Lady's death.

Calls were placed to 10 Downing Street and even Buckingham Palace, but neither knew what the Canadians were talking about. The BBC reported that the Canadian officials were even in the process of preparing an official statement until the British government set the record straight: The beloved Lady T. Lives on.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I was thinking today about politics. I don't like to think about politics. Politics makes my head hurt and my mood get nasty.

I divide politics into two parts: those who swim in the cesspool (politicians) and those who encourage the swimmers.

Having long ago given up on the fantasy that any politician is going to to anything good for me personally (or do anything other than further his own position in the cesspool, for that matter) I no longer am disappointed when they do their stupid little things, or when they slowly become more and more unresponsive to the people who elected them to that giant cess pool.

Occasionally, however, when I read the news for example, politics creeps into my thoughts for a few seconds until I can reach the faucet and turn off the stream of effluent. Such a time was this morning.

It was the same old thing. Each side was calling the other side names and telling each other what losers they were and bragging how their side had a master plan to help the poor American people. You know, the usual toilet flush that happens when two groups of ignorant people open their mouths.

Here are some of the labels they spewed forth. Nothing new.

Far Left
Far Right
Religious Right
Left Wing Loons
Bleeding Hearts

Now, I have a hard time identifying with either side, since I love my country and care about the people who live in it. It is also hard for me because I am cursed with having a brain.

I have read long ago, and have recently had it confirmed, that the more people claim to have the real "truth", the more they have everything all neatly figured out, the greater the likelyhood is that they are wrong. Wrong in thinking that they have truth, and wrong about knowing how things really are in this world.

Since I was a very young man, just out of my teenaged years of infinite wisdom, I have concluded that I don't really know that much at all about how things are. So, as far as politics are concerned, I soon became an observer rather than an active participant.

Because I sit just to the left of center on the political spectrum, both sides naturally think I am opposite to them. Being in the center, I am so far to the right of the Lefties that I must seem like a speck on the horizon to them. The same is true for the wild-eyed fanatics on the Right. To them, I am so far to the left I am just another loon who doesn't get it.

That seems to be the key here: people who are different than you, Right or Left, just don't get it. You know how things should be. Your values are right and the other side's values are wrong. And most importantly, your thoughts are obviously correct and the other side's values are obviously wrong and deluded. Smug you both are. You have it all figured out. Well, good for you. Now all you have to do is go back to name-calling and marginalizing the views of non-believers, and thinking up new names to call each other. New slogans like

Tax cuts for the rich
Bush lied about Iraq
Liberals hate America
A contract on America
We won: just get over it
Puke puke puke puke puke puke.

In America, meanwhile, on the streets, the poor get poorer and the rich get poorer and the dream is fading terribly from being walked on by both politicians and their enablers.

I want to try and step on some toes and hurt some feelings with my next few posts, if at all possible. Max has returned to the back porch and has put his feet up on the railing and is ready to spew forth some old cowboy American philosophy that has long gone out of fashion. Your personal oxen are about to get gored. He apologizes for the coming carnage in advance.

I am beginning to think it simply is not possible for me to make a short post. I try. Honest to god, I try. Forgive me Elvira.


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