Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sponge Ellie, Red pants...

It never ceases to amaze me how observant Ellie is! She appears to be engrossed in her playing, when really she is hanging on my every word. I will be talking on the phone and later that day (or week!) she brings up parts of my conversations. It really makes me stop and rethink some of the things I say around her. (Not that they are bad or anything, but I mean after all she is only 3 and you never know when she will repeat something she heard... )
Example #1--During the fire evacuations I started reading "New Moon" to Mark , while the girls played quietly in the backseat. I was filling him in on the important events of "Twilight" since he hasn't read them (doubt he EVER will!). Well, that was back in October--flash forward to today when I was retelling a strange, but very brief, dream I had had about me being Bella and Edward having to save me from falling into a pit (crazy I know!). So later on, we were out running errands and Ellie starts talking about vampires. Ellie asks--and I quote " Mom? Who is the bad vampire again? And why does Bella want to be a vampire so bad? And how come Edward doesn't drink blood??" NO JOKE!! She really asked all those questions.

Example #2--She was telling Maddy the other day how "inappropriate it is to hit others." And she always tells her little sister (as well as her dolls) things that Mark and I tell her. And on numerous occasions I have found stuffed animals in time out for "having bad behavior." And they aren't allowed to come out until they have "thought long and hard about what they have done."

Example #3--She LOVES music and sometimes while we are flipping through the radio station, a song might get stopped for a moment or two too long and later I will hear her singing things like "Fergalicious" and " Shake your Booty" or something similar.

Wow! It's just scary how sponge-like little kids are!!

1 comment:

southernbelleang said...

I think it is because she is such a smart little girl. =) I love that picture of her on the seal.