Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Others. Show all posts

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Design Glitch

Here's an update on our big move. Most of the things have been going well but there has been a slight hiccup in the transfer of our custom design to our new host. We're currently waiting for news from our theme designer but we don't anticipate any major problem, except for a little delay. Meanwhile, we'll still be here so stick around for more updates.

And a big thank you to those who have emailed me or commented with useful tips and advice on our move. Thanks! Every comment is much appreciated!

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Contestime Coming!

Yes, we are in the thick of the action for our move to Wordpress and our own web host. In future, you can expect a better surfing and posting experience with Contestime.

There are still several issues to be worked out but nothing too difficult, I guess. The big problem may be losing the posts and comments on this blog.

Anyways, exciting days ahead!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Major Move In The Horizon For Contestime

If you've been wondering why things have been a little slow here lately, it's because I have been busy planning a major move for this blog.

This will involve the fusing of our main site with this blog, to be self-hosted on a new blogging platform. The move is aimed at enhancing the web experience of our readers and visitors.

There are several issues which need to be worked out and so I seek your understanding if things seem a little slow for this period.

Enjoy the weekend!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Happy Holidays From Contestime

Contestime wishes all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It's Contestime and everyone's invited! Go win something this festive season.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Contestime Gets Reviewed

Contestime has been reviewed by Small Fish Big Money! This is great news for a new blog like ours so hop down to check out their review of Contestime.

If you haven't joined a contest yet, check out the ones we have here and go win something today.

It's Contestime and everyone's invited!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Contestime Feedback?

Hi, everyone, things are a little slow but do bear with us while we work out the chinks in our armor! We would also appreciate any feedback you may have. Of course, if you would like to advertise here, submit your contest, feature it or sponsor one, do contact us!

In the meanwhile, go win yourselves a cool $1,800 in cash and prizes.

It's Contestime and everyone's invited!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Philosophy Behind Contestime

It's Contestime! I was thinking of launching the blog officially in January 2008 but thanks to the kind feedback from those that had contacted me, I will be posting contests straight away so as not to keep everyone waiting too long.

Why start an international blog contest site? While there are numerous blog contest sites out there, there are so few that cater to EVERYONE. And some sites that claim to post international contests or freebies actually post quite a lot of country-specific stuff as well. We all know that the blogosphere is an international arena and I am aware how frustrating it is for international bloggers when they happily spot a great blog contest only to see "Open only to those from XXX country". Hence the inspiration behind a blog contest site devoted solely to showcasing contests which EVERY blogger around the world can participate in. Whether you are in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, Japan, Thailand, India, Brazil, Morocco or anywhere else, you are welcome on the Contestime Blog and

Contests will be posted in English as it is a lingua franca which links everyone around the world and ensures no one gets left out.

I invite international bloggers to support our cause by submitting your contests to me. Check out the sidebar for more details. There are also options to advertise, feature your contest prominently or sponsor a contest. Subscribe to our RSS feeds via a reader or email so you never miss a contest again.

Contestime is committed to bringing only worthwhile contests to our readers so we will screen contests and post only those that meet our criteria.

It's contestime and EVERYONE (and I mean everyone) is invited!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Contestime Updates

What is Contestime?
Contestime aims to bring together a community of like-minded international bloggers who believe that contests should be open to everyone in the world. The Contestime Blog is thus an international blog contest site which aims to bring the most recent and worthwhile international blog contests to everyone. Nobody is excluded! Visit our blog to discover the latest international blog contests and win something today!

What are our charges for advertising and submission of contests?
Contestime offers very affordable advertising and contest submission rates - reach out to the international blogging community here!

Contestime blog:
Text Link Ads - $5 per month
Image Ads (subject to conditions) - $15 per month
Submitted Contests/Posts - $5 per submission
Featured Contests/Posts - $10 per month
Sponsor Contest - Free

*Rates are subject to change. All rates are in US Dollars. Acceptance of ads/submissions are at the sole discretion of the owners.*

How do I donate?
Contestime is committed to providing a platform for international blog contests to be brought to bloggers. If you share our beliefs and wish to donate something to help keep us running, kindly send your donations via Paypal to zentron[at] No amount is too small for us. Thank you.

How do I contact you, submit a contest or guest post, get a feature or buy some advertising?
Please send all enquiries, general comments/suggestions, advertising requests, sponsorship requests, guest posts or submission of contests and features to me at zentron[at]

Enjoy yourselves at Contestime, the international blog contest site!

As you can see, we are still in the process of refining the various elements of this blog so as to put forward something good for all you bloggers out there. So don't worry - we will be officially launching this blog soon so keep visiting us and better still, subscribe to our RSS feeds via a reader or email!

You can also start sending us your advertisements. We are also open to bloggers submitting their contests for us to post on this blog. If you would like to feature your contest prominently, you can do so as well. Finally, we also welcome sponsors who would like to offer prizes/cash for us to hold a contest with you as the sponsor. You will get great publicity for yourself in the international blogging community. Check out the links in the sidebar for more details!

Stay tuned to Contestime...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Contestime Launches

Contestime is a blog which features the most recent international blog contests. These contests are open to EVERYONE in the world, wherever you may be! Please also visit our main site via the link. We will be officially kicking things off sometime in December 2007 or January 2008 once our blog design has been finalized and some other details have been worked out! Stay tuned...