Showing posts with label DT - Scrappinkids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DT - Scrappinkids. Show all posts

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Brand New Sketch Challenge at Scrappinkids

I would like to invite everyone to join us at Scrappinkids!!! Challenge 18 is up at SK Blog!! And this time it is a sketch challenge!!! So, calling all Sketch enthusiast.... here is your chance!!! I would love to see your takes!!!
here is the fab sketch...And here is my take...close-ups...title: Frappe
Journaling: We love to sit and relax, enjoying our Mocha Frappe.
Materials UsedL White Cardstock; Hambly transparencies; Ac thickers; TH gringeboards; Acrylic black paint

Do link your layout (on your blog) in the comments section or send us a copy by email to
Please submit by Tuesday, 30th June 2009 Midnight Eastern Time
SK Crew will pick one favourite layout and the winner will be announce on Wednesday, 1st July 2009

Hope to see your takes!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Merry Month of May @ Scrappinkids

The fun still continues at Scrappinkids!!! Since we are celebrating Mother's day this May, the Theme of our monthly challenge is, to scrap about "A day in a life of a Mom"
Your layout has to be multi photos (at least 3 photos). You can also submit a double pager entry for this. Deadline forthis will be on May 30 12 midnight.

here is my sample for this...
Closeups....Title: A Day in the Life of a Mom
Materials used: Sassafras pps and diecut stickers; Hambly transparencies; Ki lace cardstock; KI border stickers; Prima flowers; Ac Thickers; MM alpha stickers; BG rubons and FP pompoms

Then I was also tasked to conduct 1 challenge for the SK fiesta. My challenge was to create a page with the following colors... aqua blue, red, yellow, green and kraft and here is my sample...
close- upTitle: Harvey, You mean the world to me
Materials Used: Kraft paper; Chatterbox together patternpapers; CBX chipboard stickers and alphas; CBX fabulous Stamps
And i'm inviting all of you to join us there!!! SK Fiesta challenges are still up on the forum!!! So still have time to submit your pages!!!
See you there!!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

10 things I Love About You - a sheer mini-album

Actually using sheers as a base for my mini is quite scary for me. Until our monthly assignment from scrappinkids came. We were asked to choose what kind of mini book are we going to use and I choose sheer/acrylic. I began playing with alchohol inks, cuttlebug and stickles on this mini. Here is my mini sheer album...

Scrappinkid's Monthly challenge on this is now on going... so hurry and create your mini albums with this theme!!! This contest is open to international scrappers too!!! Details can be found here.

Opps!!! There is more happenings at Scrappinkids!!! Tomorrow - Saturday March 25, see you all at the forums! My dear friend Issa will be hosting a tutorial on Pocket Binders plus the DTs has prepared challenges for everyone!!!

I'm not yet done!!! The Fun at Scrappinkids never stops!!! Would also like to take this opportunity to invite everyone for a 14 day Sk fiesta beginning May 1 to the 14th in celebration of NSD!!! And SK is now having the Ultimate Scrapper Season 2. This is open to everyone!!! You can read all the details here. Hope to see you all!!! This is going to be FUN FUN FUN!

Monday, April 20, 2009

April Tutorials @ Scrappinkids!!!

Its the time of the month again at Scrappinkids. My fellow RDT Issa will conduct a very interesting tutorial this coming Saturday, April 25, 2009 at the Sk forums at exactly 8 pm.
Watch out for more details!!! Here is a sneak of whats happening on Saturday.... See yah!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

My Fave Pics - Waterfall Minibook

Last March 21, I have conducted a tutorial on Waterfall minibook at Scrappinkids. I was really amazed on how this mini works (all you have to do is pull the tab and each page will turn on it own!)... so ive decided to do some researching. I even tried this on a plain cardstock first to see if the mechanism will work ( pattern papers are so precious hihihi).

Here is my waterfall minibook...

To all those who participated.... thanks so much!!!! it was so fun sharing this to you guys!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

An Invitation...

I would like to invite you to my tutorial this coming March 21, 2009 at SCRAPPINKIDS!!! You should be a member of the forum and should at least hit 100 posts!!! If you haven't reach the 100 mark, you still have a few days to post away - we would like to get to know you!!! hihi! I'm so excited for this!! Hope to see you all there!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Nature Lover - Scrappinkids Sketch 2

For the month of March, the SK challenge is to create a layout based on this sketch by our CT Jessy!!! Here is the sketch...And this is my take ...Closer look...Title: Nature Lover
Journaling: this picture was taken at the lamesa Eco Park. Harvey was so amazed of how huge this park was. Firstime to see big trees, and lots of flowers and butterflies... He had so much fun!
Materials Used: Rusty Pickle pps; AC thickers; Hambly screen; Chatterbox embellies
thanks for looking!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lattern Tutorial at Scrappinkids

Last Saturday, Jessy, a fellow DT at Scrappinkids, shared a lovely tutorial. We've made a lattern and her tutorial was so easy to follow. Thanks Jessy for this! I love it!
Here is my version of the lattern...

And before I forget, I'm inviting everyone for an online crop at Scrappnkids this coming weekend!!! Challenges and Raks are offered!!! and stay tuned for next month's tutorial--also at scrappinkids!!! it will be conducted by yours truly!!! See you there!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

have nothing to do this weekend?

I'm inviting you to Scrappinkids Free Tutorial this coming February 21, 2009 at 8:30 in the evening...

Teacher Jessy will share his wonderful project to us!!! Come join us and register at the forum!!!