Funny Pregnancy Photos Biography
While some pregnancy moments can excite, tire, or puzzle you, there are others that are just plain hilarious…and a bit embarrassing. Your body goes through quite a lot during pregnancy — to say the least! From that amazing glow to those precious first baby kicks, there’s so much to love about expecting a wee one. Of course, like any mama-to-be will tell you, there are also those pregnancy symptoms that are far from fabulous (morning sickness, anyone?). While you’re not exactly due for nine months of glam, there are some embarrassing symptom-induced situations that (in time) you can’t help but laugh about. So prep for some comic relief.
What is it about a pregnant woman that makes every other woman want to share the turmoil and drama of her own pregnancy and delivery? Believe it or not, there’s actually a reasonable explanation in a sense – motherhood is a bond between women. If you put two women in a room somewhere who don’t know each other and can’t even speak the same language well, they will eventually bond over stories of their kids, especially if they have kids the same age.
So for a woman to share her horror stories with an expecting mom isn’t a way of scaring the life out of her, although it can be amusing to those of us already on the other side, it’s more about camaraderie than anything else. It’s a way of welcoming you to the tribe of motherhood and letting you know we understand your pain and triumphs. Of course, the biggest problem is moms who haven’t quite crossed the line aren’t quite ready to join in the fun of epidural and episiotomy stories – no matter how funny they are to the rest of us.
Now those of us who have been around the pregnancy circus for a while know all about dropping. Unfortunately a friend of mine pregnant with her first did not and was panicked for more than a day before she figured out what it meant to "drop" and that it wasn't a dire situation. Dropping is when the baby makes it into the pelvis making your tummy visibly lower on your midsection and making it harder to walk. This is when you start to waddle. Since the tummy gets bigger before it drops, it can look noticeably different from day to day.
We are almost comical with our hope and faith put into our due dates. As the magical day appears we hold our breath just waiting for labor to begin. It hardly matters that only 8 percent of women actually deliver on their due date – that date is something we look at carefully, even if we try not to. But if you're like most women, especially those having their first babies, that due date is simply going, going, gone and you're left large, uncomfortable and still very much pregnant. Relax. Baby's gonna be here soon.
Funny Pregnancy Photos Biography
While some pregnancy moments can excite, tire, or puzzle you, there are others that are just plain hilarious…and a bit embarrassing. Your body goes through quite a lot during pregnancy — to say the least! From that amazing glow to those precious first baby kicks, there’s so much to love about expecting a wee one. Of course, like any mama-to-be will tell you, there are also those pregnancy symptoms that are far from fabulous (morning sickness, anyone?). While you’re not exactly due for nine months of glam, there are some embarrassing symptom-induced situations that (in time) you can’t help but laugh about. So prep for some comic relief.
What is it about a pregnant woman that makes every other woman want to share the turmoil and drama of her own pregnancy and delivery? Believe it or not, there’s actually a reasonable explanation in a sense – motherhood is a bond between women. If you put two women in a room somewhere who don’t know each other and can’t even speak the same language well, they will eventually bond over stories of their kids, especially if they have kids the same age.
So for a woman to share her horror stories with an expecting mom isn’t a way of scaring the life out of her, although it can be amusing to those of us already on the other side, it’s more about camaraderie than anything else. It’s a way of welcoming you to the tribe of motherhood and letting you know we understand your pain and triumphs. Of course, the biggest problem is moms who haven’t quite crossed the line aren’t quite ready to join in the fun of epidural and episiotomy stories – no matter how funny they are to the rest of us.
Now those of us who have been around the pregnancy circus for a while know all about dropping. Unfortunately a friend of mine pregnant with her first did not and was panicked for more than a day before she figured out what it meant to "drop" and that it wasn't a dire situation. Dropping is when the baby makes it into the pelvis making your tummy visibly lower on your midsection and making it harder to walk. This is when you start to waddle. Since the tummy gets bigger before it drops, it can look noticeably different from day to day.
We are almost comical with our hope and faith put into our due dates. As the magical day appears we hold our breath just waiting for labor to begin. It hardly matters that only 8 percent of women actually deliver on their due date – that date is something we look at carefully, even if we try not to. But if you're like most women, especially those having their first babies, that due date is simply going, going, gone and you're left large, uncomfortable and still very much pregnant. Relax. Baby's gonna be here soon.
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos
Funny Pregnancy Photos