Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Combining Watercolour Pencils with your Copics

Today I'm having a play and combining my Copic Markers with some of my new Bruynzeel Design Aquarel (Watercolor) Pencils to see what happens! I'm hoping I can create a finished piece that is subtly coloured and allows me to use the translucency of watercolours to enhance my Copic coloured image. Now this project could end up as a card front, journal page or even a framed piece - the choice is yours.
To create this you will need:
  • X-Press It Blending Journal or X-Press It Blending Card
  • Copic Markers:  Blender, YG0000, YG00, YG01, Y06, Y08, C1, C3, YR27, YR68, YG61 & YG63
  • Copic Multi Liners: 0.3 Yellow & 0.3 Cool Gray
  • Spica AtYou: Clear and Gold
  • Bruynzeel Aquarel (Watercolor) Pencils: 59, 55 & 61 and the fine brush included in the box
  • Molotow Paint Marker White - any size

Begin by choosing an interesting flower and tracing this onto your paper, try to make your pencil lines as light as possible.

Go over image with your Multi Liners and erase the pencil marks.

Add in the areas of darkest colour to the flower center using YR27.

Add YR68 next to and on top of the darker orange - the center of the flower will be brightly coloured using heavy contrast of colours so that the image pops.

Colour all the center elements of the flower using Y06 - leave the tips white as in the original photograph.

Add Y08 to the base of the central petals for some depth and shading - don't worry too much about blending for this central section as you want it to be stark and draw your eye.

Begin adding colour to the outer petals using YG0000, start colouring from the center of the flower and sweep the colour towards the outer edge - without colouring the entire petal - the edges should remain white.

Next use C1 to add a little grey shadow close to the center and on any areas of petals where there is shadow - check the original image if in doubt.

Darken the shadowed areas with C3 as needed.

Next I've used the tip-to-tip technique to apply some darker orange (YR68) mixed with grey (C3), for some dirty shadows around the central yellow petals, as the orange by itself was far too bright. 

Next Add YG01 to the base of each of the outer petals (it's at this point you should begin to blend a little).

Add a little YG00 to the petals for a smoother blend.

And use the YG01 to darken some of the outer petals.

Use YG61 & YG63 to add some detail

Then go over all the outside edges of petals using the Colourless Blender to fade the colour back a little.  Don't colour right to the middle just the outside 1/2 of each petal where the colour fades to white.

Next I'm adding a little of the purple (61) watercolor pencil as a paint, by scribbling on some scrap paper and picking up the colour with a wet brush, then painting directly over the Copics.  I've done this to add a little drama into the image.  The blending card is quite thirsty, so you will end up with some darker areas if using the pencil this way.

Next I've used some dark blue and green (59 & 55) to add some detail to the image - I have used these as pencils for this step and drawn directly onto my image.  I've also added  little Gold and clear Spica onto the central petals.

For the final step I have used some of the paint from my Molotow white marker (scribble onto some plastic and pick up the paint from there) and painted this onto my image with a wet paintbrush - this adds a transparent chalky layer onto the flower and lightens the purple and greens, letting the colour sink into the background - if you prefer the highly coloured image - skip this last step.

The finished flower has colours with the translucency of watercolours, the detail of a sharpened pencil and the richness of copic markers!

The finished result uses quite a bit or artistic license with the final colours but is super soft and pretty.

I hope this inspires you to combine some of your other art materials with your Copic markers in the future.

Back soon,
Kate P.Pin It

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Using Copic Markers to Create Stunning Coloured Flowers

Let me start this post by saying I take no responsibility for anyone ending up with a flower colouring addiction.  I'm warning you all these are fun, easy and give fabulous results!  So grab any paper flower and try one of these techniques today.
Please note each technique builds on the one preceding it, so there is some repetition of instructions.

These are the flowers we will be making

Flower #1 - Using 2 Copic Markers for a Realistic Coloured Flower

This technique creates a fabulous flower that looks quite realistic, I love using roses for this as you can really see the colour blends on the underside of the petals.

For this flower you will need:
  • Mulberry Paper Flower
  • 2 Copic Markers from a natural blending family
  • Colorless Blender Various Ink Refill
  • Heat Gun /Embossing Gun
Begin with a white or pale coloured paper flower and choose 2 colours of copic marker (I like to use colours that appear in my copic coloured image, from a natural blending family).   For this flower I have used RV63 & RV66.
Colour 1/2 of each petal with your lightest colour working from the outer edge in towards the flower centre - make sure not to colour the whole petal.
Using the darker colour, apply a thin strip of colour to the outer edge of each petal - I just run the side of my marker along the edge of the petals.
Your flower should look like this once finished applying colour from your Copic markers.  You will notice I've made no attempt to blend colours or be particularly neat here - this technique is very forgiving.
The next step is to apply a few drops of Colorless Blender to each petal - add the liquid to the outer edge of each petal - the fluid will wick towards the flower centre and drag a little colour along with it.
 Dry the flower with a heat gun / embossing gun - this will take up to 45 seconds depending on how wet the flower is.
Drying with the heat gun will not only dry the liquid but it also results in discoloured edges to the petals (they darken considerably) giving a beautiful result.
You can watch this flower being created here:


Flower #2 - Using 3 Copic Markers to Create a Fantasy Flower

This flower uses 3 colours from different families and adds in a little bling to create a stunning fantasy flower.  This technique really works well on flatter flowers like the gardenia I used here, and though I have used a mulberry paper flower you can use this same technique on fabric flowers also - it looks amazing on satin, though your colours will turn out much lighter! 

For this flower you will need:
  • Mulberry Paper Flower  - I like using gardenias for this
  • 3 Copic Markers from across colour families (I used: V09, RV09 & YR09)
  • Colorless Blender Various Ink Refill
  • Stickles Glitter Glue - I used the colour Diamond
  • Heat Gun /Embossing Gun
Begin with a white or light coloured paper flower (I like gardenias because they are easy to colour). Choose 3 colours of copic marker (this works to best effect if you choose 3 colours each from a different colour family - though can use a natural blending family as well if you like).
Colour the centre of the flower (avoiding the stamens) - I used V09, you can pick any of the colours to be your centre colour.
Then colour the remaining layers of petals, with the same colour - only add this colour to the to the inner part of each petal.  Your flower should look like this.
Add your second colour next to the first, overlapping a little - making sure to leave white space on each petal for your third and final colour.  Add this second colour to all petals, your flower should now look like this. Uvs130414-011
Add the third and final colour to remaining white areas of flower, overlapping the third colour over the second colour - you are not trying to blend here.
You should now have something like this and you are ready to add Colorless Blender fluid all over the flower - make sure you have thoroughly wet all petals so that the colours mix and blend.  For this flower you do not need to drip blender onto edges, just wet the flower all over so that the colours blend together.Uvs130414-011
Dry flower with heat gun / embossing gun as this produces best results.
Add a little stickles to the edges of each petal and leave to dry.
 When dry your flower will look similar to this
You can watch this flower being created here:


Flower #3 - Bling-It-Up Copic Flowers

These flowers build on the basic techniques from Flower #1 and Flower #2 and add a little (or a lot) of bling to ramp up the wow factor! Depending on your flower choice (flat or dimensional) will decide how many colours you can use to create the copic colour of your flower.  For smaller flowers fewer colours are best, on larger flowers you can use 3 or more colours.

For these flowers you will need:
  • Mulberry Paper Flower
  • 2 or 3 Copic Markers
  • Colorless Blender Various Ink Refill
  • X-Press It Clear Gel Glue
  • Heat Gun /Embossing Gun
  • Lindy's Stamp Gang Starburst Spray (I used Creme Brulee Cream) or Glitz Spritz (I used Royal Amethyst Fire) you could also use the Perfect Pearls Mist from Ranger
  • Gala Glitz in White
  1. Begin with flower of your choice, flat (like a gardenia) or dimensional (like a rose).  
  2. Choose colours of Copic Markers to add to your flower - for a realistic effect perhaps choose colours from a natural blending family or colours that may exist in nature, or go for a wild combination of fantasy colours - the choice is yours.  
  3. Apply colour to flower in one of the methods described above.
  4. Add Colorless Blending solution to blend and soften colours, then dry with a heat gun.   
It's at this point you add the bling - building on our previously learned techniques.  For each of the following flowers you need to have completed steps 1 to 4.

Example: Shimmer Flower
Copic colours used on this flower BV11 &BV17
After completing steps 1 to 4 spray entire flower with a pale or colourless shimmer spray (I used Starburst Sprays), and dry with heat gun / embossing gun, for a result that looks like this:

Example: Bling Flower
Copic Colours used on this flower YR15 & R39
After completing steps 1 to 4 add Clear Gel Glue to tips of lower petals and sprinkle Gala Glitz over top.  Carefully turn flower upside down and tap to remove excess product and then allow glue to dry completely before use.  DO NOT dry with a heat gun as this can cause your glue to bubble or embellishments to melt.  This gives a result that looks like this:

Example: Shimmer & Bling Flower
Copic colours used on this flower BG13 & BV13
After completing steps 1 to 4  spray entire flower with a pale or colourless shimmer spray (you could even use more than one colour of spray), then add Clear Gel Glue to tips of lower petals and sprinkle Gala Glitz over top.  Carefully turn flower upside down and tap to remove excess product and then allow glue to dry completely before use.   You can also apply these 'bling' techniques to the flatter gardenias and similar flowers. This gives a result that looks like this:

You can watch these flowers being created here:

I hope this has inspired you to pull out some of those unused paper flowers in your stash and colour them up using your Copic markers.  Why not show us what you have created on the Copic Oz Facebook page.

May your day sparkle,
KatePin It