Showing posts with label Easton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easton. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Time out for Baseball!

I know, this is about Baseball… BUT FIRST!!!!  I don’t think I’ve posted it here, but on my Instagram account… I posted a picture of my little grand daughter playing soccer this season and my dad (her great grand-dad) is her coach! I’m thrilled about that!  I went and saw her play last Saturday.

It was loads of fun watching!

This week however, is the opening week of baseball season.  The Rangers have been up and down this week. I don’t get to watch (although I’m considered ordering—let me know if you have it and like it) We don’t have cable or dish… so if I bought it monthly and just use it during baseball season, it might be worth it, rather than a whole year)
I don’t have any pictures or favorite tips or thoughts on pro-ball – but!

I do have this …

Easton is playing T-ball this year!  I didn’t get to see him play his first game this week – his games are on Tuesdays and Thursdays… guess when my classes are?!   But tonight, Friday, he had a game.
You can bet I was there, sitting right at the backstop! 

            “Southpaw Slugger”
That’s Easton…. Go! Easton … RUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!

His first hit he got out at 1st. *edited to say, Easton was safe at first, but got out trying to steal second!

Second time up, he got a double… and finally made it in for a run.

That’s him coming across the plate! YEAH! EEEEEEEastON!!!!!

I’d say the crowd went wild… but really, Oma went wild enough for EVERYONE!

I love watching baseball… and this.  THIS.
‘til next time, be blessed.

My grace is sufficient for you; for My Power is made perfect in weakness.
~ 2 Cor. 12:9

Monday, August 24, 2015

Firsts: Littles and School

It’s the first day of school for my LITTLES…
I got up this morning and wrote a message on the chalk board and text it to their Mommas…

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

:: DIY with My Grand Daughter and Another Birthday!


easy peasy repurpose project with jar light 2

I found this jar from an exterior light fixture on the porch when I  was cleaning out some things—taking them off the porch-- 

can’t tell it by these next pictures—but IT’S TRUE! I was!

This is something I’ve seen pinned all over Pinterest--  it’s inexpensive and easy to do.

easy peasy repurpose project with jar light 

It was so easy a 5 year old could do.  I got out the paints and brush and just let her “go at it”--

She painted while I scrounged for citronella tea lights, baling wire, and made some place to hang it.

easy peasy repurpose project

I like how she didn’t cover the glass completely—

and it has a washed-out –somewhat, see- through- look –to -it. easy peasy repurpose project with jar light 2

The hook is a part off a child-size 4 wheeler—it was also lying on the porch.  I’ve never been more happy to have our New Shed--

Our porch was starting to be a collection center for odds and ends and things that BELONG IN A SHED… anyway, having it has given me motivation to clean up and clear out some things. 

I have to be honest—some of the things that are here, ARE HERE, because I see potential in them!

FOR INSTANCE,  this jar, hook/thinging, baling wire and marked down citronella candles from the local DOLLAR GENERAL!

Besides that—look at the fun I had making memories with my grand daughter—I took more pictures but these are the #socialmediapose – pictures I use for blogging and Instagram 

Speaking of Social Media Poses:  Guess who turned 4 years old today?!

Easton-elo 4yrs

“Easton-elo”!  Because all the good ones end in “O”!

Easton was born with a birth defect (though you wouldn’t know it) called Gastroschisis you can read about that here – Gastrochisis Awareness Day is coming up July 30,2014--

You can read about Easton’s (and Our) story here

We are so blessed and grateful to God for HIS healing power!

Til next time, Be Blessed!


Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow. ~James 1:17

Friday, January 31, 2014

:: Give a Kid a Cookie Cutter ::

Enough about the weather, everybody knows it’s cold.
Setting the scene.
It’s 11:45 am--
1/2 the kids are hungry.
I’m in the kitchen about to prepare a warm lunch.  One child is “under the weather” and only wants peanut butter crackers. :/
The baby- asleep.  Time is critical. He has already stirred around. His bottle is warming…and I’m trying to hurry.
There is a can of Spaghettios on the table.
Easton (he’s 3 1/2 now) has his arms crossed his chin is resting on the back of his hands, as he leans across the table…
He studies the can of Spaghettios. 
His gaze never leaving the can; he says:
“Oma, there’s not ANY meatballs in the skettios.”
Oma:  “ I know Easton, but that is what’s for lunch today.”
E: “ I just have to eat the skettios?”
Oma:  “Yes. I have some bologna, you want that with your Spaghettios?”
E:  “no.”
Oma: “ I have these cookie cutters right here, you can cut your bologna and I can fry it in the pan for you.”
Turning to look at the jar of cookie cutters…
E:  “ I get to cut the b’lony?”
Oma:  “sure, and I can fry it for you.  Do you like fried bologna?”
E:  “ I dunno. Can I cut it?”
Oma:  “ will you eat it?”
E: “ yes, but I just want to cut it.”
Oma:  “Ok, we’ll have Spaghettios and fried bologna. Does that sound good to you?”
E: “No.”
fried cookie cutter bologna--
E: “but Oma, I LIKE cutting the b’lony.” 
Easton had fire hydrants and firemen with his Spaghettios …and while it looks like he DIDN’T eat his – he filled up on cold bologna PIECES (the parts outside the cookie cutter)  and then pretty much ate the Spaghettios.
Later he ate these hydrants with crackers and cheese spread (you know with the little stick included for spreading?) He’s a hands on kind of kid I guess. :) 
Bree helped with the cookie cutter bologna too. This occupied them while I got the rest of lunch ready—and she had “ginger bread man” and “clovers”. She told me they looked like a flower.
She had a blast! She didn’t concern herself with MEATBALL WORRY. 
She just wanted to get started on lunch. Setting the table. Using the cookie cutters and naming all the different pieces of bologna.

fried bologna holes
We called these BOLOGNA HOLES! 
Give a kid a cookie cutter and guess what, no waste…
warm lunch…

Til next time, Be Blessed!

I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives inside of me. The life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me. 
~Galatians 2:20

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

:: Gastroschisis Awareness Day ::

Today is Gastroschisis Awareness Day--
You can read about our journey with Gastroschisis and our Little Easton 

If you are not familiar with Gastroschisis you can read a little bit about this birth defect below. I copied this information from Facebook ...

Sadly Gastroschisis is on the rise. Still uncertain as to cause but it is currently happening about 7 in 10,000 babies... prenatal visits are key in discovering this birth defect before birth and KEY to proper prenatal care.

We are fortunate.
But there are many families who have lost babies because of this birth defect. I know of one baby in particular...he occupied the bed next to Easton in the NICU.

His name was Brodie.

He would be 3 today.

Gastroschisis Awareness Day

Copied from FaceBook--
wear a green shirt, post this pic as ur profile pic, donate to ur local NICU! do one or all! i dont care, but its time to spread the word!!

approximatly 1 in 2200 babies born will have gastroschisis...

Gastroschisis is a birth defect in which an infant's intestines stick out of the body through a defect on one side of the umbilical cord.

See also: Gastroschisis repair
Causes, incidence, and risk factors

Gastroschisis is a type of hernia. Hernia means "rupture.” Babies with this condition have a hole in the abdominal wall. The child's intestines usually stick out (protrude) through the hole.

The condition looks similar to an omphalocele. An omphalocele, however, is a birth defect in which the infant's intestine or other abdominal organs stick out of the belly button area and are covered with a membrane.

Other related birth defects are rare in patients with gastroschisis.

Lump in the abdomen

Intestine sticks through the abdominal wall near the umbilical cord

Signs and tests

Physical examination of the infant is enough for the health care provider to diagnose gastroschisis. The baby will have problems with movement and absorption in the gut, because the unprotected intestine is exposed to irritating amniotic fluid.

The mother may have shown signs of too much amniotic fluid (polyhydramnios). A prenatal ultrasound often identifies the gastroschisis.

If gastroschisis is found before birth, the mother will need special monitoring to make sure her unborn baby remains healthy. Plans should be made for careful delivery and immediate management of the problem after birth.

Treatment for gastroschisis is surgery to repair the defect. A surgeon will put the bowel back into the abdomen and close the defect, if possible. If the abdominal cavity is too small, a mesh sack is stitched around the borders of the defect and the edges of the defect are pulled up. Over time, the herniated intestine falls back into the abdominal cavity, and the defect can be closed.

Other treatments for the baby include nutrients by IV and antibiotics to prevent infection. The baby's temperature must be carefully controlled, because the exposed intestine allows a lot of body heat to escape.
Expectations (prognosis)

The child has a good chance of recovering if the abdominal cavity is large enough. A very small abdominal cavity may result in complications that require additional surgery.

The misplaced abdominal contents can make it difficult for the baby to expand the lungs, leading to breathing problems.

Bowel death is another complication.
Calling your health care provider

This condition is apparent at birth and will be detected in the hospital at delivery. It may also be detected on routine fetal ultrasound exams. If you have given birth at home and your baby appears to have this defect, call the local emergency number (such as 911) immediately.

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. ~ Psalm 103:1


Sunday, May 19, 2013

:: A Glimpse of My Week--

Just popping in to say "Hi"
In case you've been wondering where I've been...

I'm still here-
Spring time is a busy time of year!
There's lots going on with us,

The Littles are here almost every day.
The youngest daughter is on break from nursing school right now,  ...she has 1 more week or maybe about 10 days I don't have her kids every day...

While all that's going on, I'm trying to get some things done around here before she heads back to school.
Even she has changed things up a bit. Our little Easton will be 3 years old in June (YES! I know can you believe it?  Because his Mommy is out of school right now, she is having his birthday party early... TODAY!!!

That means a bounce house in the yard...because our Texas weather has been so extraordinarily different this year, the water in the pool is just too cool to swim...It's already past the middle of May and we haven't been in the pool YET! unbelievable!

Also, since she was out of school, I've taken this time to get some dental work done.  I've had a really bad tooth ache. I had it extracted on Friday...but that wipes me out for the day ...emotionally. I HATE GOING TO THE DENTIST!!!
That's over now, thank Goodness.

I have lots more to tell you;

And I've been busy snapping some photos here and there...but just haven't had the time to post about everything just yet...
life has been taking us down a different path lately, you know?
So, while I've not been blogging as much, I am trying to keep up with all of you... I pop in and read what I can. Everyone of you are busy too! :) It must be the time of year, you think?

These photos are some that I recently took while out in a different part of the country side...I thought I'd share them with you.
Hope you're enjoying what's left of your Spring weather (some of you are just now getting to enjoy Spring, I know) ...I think Summer is finally starting to heat was in the 90's yesterday and today and supposed to be about that hot,the better part of next week, too.   Who knows we may get to swim by Memorial Day.
Any plans for a cook out?  I'm sure we'll have something like that going on here.

Take care. Everyone have a safe and wonderful week!

The Grace of the LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
~  Philippians 4:23


Thursday, June 7, 2012

Using What you Have: And Look Who's turning 2!!!

Y’all remember my grandson Easton (you can read all about him and the rough beginning he had HERE)—he’ll soon be 2 years old!!!! I can’t believe it~~ can you?! 

Yep! this is him sharing his corn chips with the chickens… 100_1580 “Snack Time”

Since he has a birthday coming up. I thought I'd make him something from Oma's stash. 
I made him this reversible draw string bag-- You never know what a 2 year old boy might need to carry around! 
It's Camo- flavored! 
I also made some bean bags ---for tossing around! 
...And it closes up good and tight to keep his treasures safe! 
I'll probably put some bubbles inside or a truck and some farm animals! 
It isn't very big-- but I'm sure he'll fill it with something-- dirt, rocks, sticks...a frog! 
Anyway-- I'm just learning how to do all this junk on my sewing machine. I've never known until THIS WEEK how to make a reversible ANY.THING!

But I watch Mel she makes all sorts of bags-- I thought this one was easy enough. I just used pant legs one from denim and one from camouflaged pants. Measured the hole... What I did was I found a jar big enough to fit in the hole and I trace around it with chalk...that is the extent of my measuring...;) 
I sewed into the pant leg! 
For the reversible part... I "Youtubed" it! 

Don't you just love the internet and the learning tool it can be for you?  I've learned so much on the web! We are career learners. My main goal in home schooling my kids was to make life-time learners out of them. They are all self learners and avid researchers...if they don't know how to do something, they find out how! I must take after my kids! ;) After home schooling my them mainly WITHOUT the internet-- I've kept up learning myself, now that they are all grown.   I like to tell people,
 "I've graduated from 
The You-niversity of TUBE, with a GOOGLE ENHANCED DEGREE from The School of Hard Knocks-- All by the Grace of God!"

Make sure and check out Mel's Designs....'n Harmony-- Today, she is showing you ideas for re-purposing cast off clothing into a really cute bag for hanging on a walker for her mom!  You could probably hang this off a stroller or shopping cart! 

The Grace of the LORD Jesus be with your spirit. Phil. 4:23

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Where's Waldo?

Our little Easton loves wearing Honey's night cap. 
~~Yes! Honey wears a night cap on his head. Our little house gets chilly in the winter time~plus, we sleep with our window in the bedroom  open all winter long. 
I know,  sounds crazy. 
But, we don't get sick. 
The chilled night air kills any germs that could possibly try to make us sick. But the top of Honey's head gets pretty cold. So I cut a sleeve off an old sweater; stitched  around the opening and TA-Dah!  NIGHT CAP. 

All that aside. 

Easton loves to wear it.  

He reminds me of Waldo (only it's navy blue, not red) 

I love this shot of the kids on the Horse swing-- I call it "NO Faces"- because you know I don't like to show their faces.  But doesn't that look fun?  Bree is twirling around with her feet almost straight out... 'like a bird', she says.  
When Weston does it he says, 'like a helicopter.'  Boys! 


The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
~Philippians 4:23 

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Celebration!

A year ago today we were anxiously waiting for Easton-- 

Easton is our miracle baby born with Gastroschisis 

I promised to not show pictures of the Grand's faces online-- so I cheated with this picture. {smile} 
He is pulling up on everything and starting to take a few steps at a time.  He's getting so big! 
We're hosting his birthday party / swimming party this weekend here at our home. The daughter is in charge just using our house. 

I just had to do some Oma Gushing and Celebrating! 

God bless you and Thanks for reading! 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

My Cover has been blown and Easton's Update

I recently found out that I have a LURKER...
One who is very near and dear to my heart. One who knows me on a very personal level. 
I posted before I moved to my new URL that I blog anonymously and I gave my reasons behind it here.
Well, I've been found out. So I guess I'm no longer anonymous among family.
My youngest daughter has been reading my blog.  I don't mind really. I think it is sweet. I don't know if she has even read articles from CORN before but the thing that captured her attention the most were my posts about Easton. 

You see he is her youngest dear son.  She said she has read my posts and all of the comments that were received wishing him well and how all of you have been so diligently praying for him. 
She would like you all to know that those prayers have been greatly appreciated--- and that brings me to the update portion of this post... 
I guess I never mentioned Easton's final surgery. 
He had it on October 1,2010... I know!  how could I forget to tell you all such wonderful news?  

He did wonderfully well and was only in the hospital about 3 days with NO ventilator. He was quite the little trooper. Since coming home he has caught up to his weight and size for his age. There appear to be no gaps in his development. He is growing so quickly now and is healthy as an OX! 

We are grateful to God for this baby and for his health. 
Since  before he was born we have seen the full spectrum of Gastroschisis -- the good and the bad. 
We've met parents who haven't been as fortunate to get to  raise their babies. But God means those things for His good. Even when we don't understand we can say...
Praise God for all things! 

get a good look; because you know how I hate to show pictures of our kiddos on the internet.  So as he continues to grow-- you may catch a glimpse of him from time to time from the corner of the lens or a sneak peak as he is  running away from the camera, or swinging from a tree in the yard...but you'll just have to take my word for it when I tell you he is growing and beautiful! 

God bless you today 
Thanks for reading...

and from all of us in our family including his mommy--
Thanks for all your prayers! 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Oma Gushing and updates and such....

Here is our little man... It has been a long time since I've gotten to put an update on here.  I apologize  for the delay--- I know a lot of you are out there praying for our family and checking for updates.  Thank you all so much. 

Easton came home on the 30th of July and has been doing pretty well. 
He had a 3 -1/2 day stay at in the hospital last week his blood count was high-- it turned out to be a urinary tract infection.  Other wise he is doing pretty well. He did have some weight loss during that period of time-- we hope that it does NOT delay his last and final surgery. 

He's had two surgeries so far.  The first was a LOOP - Ostomy 
The second-- was Bishop-Koop  

We see the surgeon today (August 19)  and hope to set a date for the final surgery to close him up and give him a belly button.

My daughter and son in-law are doing well with both boys at home despite weekly trips to the DR. for some reason or another. Big Brother is especially happy these days -- not being apart from Mom and Dad so much-- and finally understanding what the fuss was about... (not really) but now he really does KNOW that he has a brother (as much as a 2 1/2  year old can understand)

I hope to let you all know really soon about his final surgery and that he is recovering well.
Again thanks for the prayers. 

On to other news!!!! 
Our littlest girl Emily is finally here.

This is her going home from the hospital picture -- 2 days old.
Isn't she a cutie?  So serious and alert!

I had told you before that the Dr. had put Momma on bed rest
to prolong the pregnancy as much as possible. 
She made it to 38 weeks!  Yay! 
Emily weighed a whopping  7 lbs. and 4 oz.
and was 20 inches long... and she has a head full of dark hair. 
(Hard to tell with that chocolate colored head rest.)  

And she was born on the 10th--- exactly 2 months after her cousin Easton. 

Just want to remind you to read the Word of God-- 

Blessed are they that keep thy testimonies; and that seek Him with the whole heart.
Psalm 119:2 

Thank you for letting this Oma  gush a little over her newest grandkids!

God Bless you 
Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Close but not home ---YET!

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to send out an email and update you on Easton's situation. 
Last week he had surgery on Friday-- that went well.  He came through that like a trouper.
We were only able to see him for a short while on Friday after surgery-- they wanted him to remain as still and quiet as possible. Sleep was best for him at that point and he received lots of pain medicine.  This was major surgery for the little guy.
He was put on a ventilator to help him breathe.  The pain medicine suppresses his breathing-- the ventilator is just for support, in case he forgets to breathe. By Sunday he was breathing on his own and so that was removed  Sunday afternoon.  Ric and I visited with him Friday, Saturday , and Sunday and were able to see marked improvement.

He's been gradually receiving pedialite to drink and yesterday he was back on Mother's Milk! 
He is almost to full feeds again -- in less than a week.  He is stooling out of his stoma already and we received word today from the Dr's that he may come home as soon as Friday --- or Saturday. 
We are so excited!  Wyntr and Kevin have been waiting for this and are super excited. 

Praise the LORD!

On another note-- we were really blessed to get to sit and talk with the surgeon who performed Easton's surgery.  He is a believer and he shared his faith with us through his testimony and he shared the word of God so freely.  I was encouraged and it is evident that Kevin and Wyntr were encouraged as well. 

This whole time that Easton has been alive and in the hospital I have wondered what the plans of the LORD are for our family-- and how he is going to use Easton's life to be glorified.  I keep looking with faith and I see God's hand at work.  Nothing happens so that God can remain anonymous-- He wants to be glorified.   I am grateful to Dr Hermann for sharing his faith.  God used him in a profound way to speak truth into my own heart.

Dr Hermann shared this verse with us

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him--James 1:5
I keep thinking of this verse ever since meeting Easton's surgeon last friday--- and then  Pastor Jack quoted on Sunday-

Thou art worthy O LORD,to receive glory, honor and power: for thou has created all things and for thy pleasure they are created.  Revelation 4:11
God Bless you
and Thanks for reading!


Monday, July 19, 2010

Easton and Another baby?

Just dropping a line and a quick photo--
This picture is Easton getting his first taste of the Good stuff-- NOT pedialite - he didn't get much but what he gets is good to him. This was taken almost 3 weeks ago.  I no longer have the internet at home so I post when and where I can.  So if it seems slow for me to get back --that is why.
Hoping that will all change soon.
With Easton
Everything is working well. He is almost to FULL Feeds which for him would be 3 oz.  He is at about 2 oz. now.
His bowel is awake and working well. He is quite the little trooper and becoming quite the big boy- He is up to 8 lbs and 8 oz already!

He is doing so well that it is planned for him to have his second surgery by the end of this week.

**edited to say--- The surgery is scheduled for Friday the 23rd of July 2010 --1 pm
They will be reconnecting the lower bowel in order for it begin to grow and dialate so that he can evacuate normally.

Once he has his surgery then we'll be back at square one
*Bowel waking up
*Tolerating Feeds
*Metabolizing his Nutrition (digesting it and not just pushing it out)
*Weight maintenance (no loss)

On another note:
Our Son Taylor and his wife Kendra are expecting in August. As most of you know they lost a baby at 21 weeks last year--

On Sunday, the 18th,  Kendra was having contractions and went to the Labor and Delivery -- She isn't due until August 22, but delivery is probably going to occur between now and the next 2 weeks.  She is showing all the signs of preterm labor.
She received fluids and ordered strict bedrest for the duration of the pregnancy.  We are praying for her to make it as far as possible -- 40 weeks is best, but after 36 is promising- though premature.

Please remember these two families in prayer -- it is a test of Faith, I'm praying that God be Glorified in all our lives-- through the testimonies and lives of these babies.

I'll leave you with this verse-- I've posted it before, but it is a favorite and something we need to be reminded of daily...The Knowledge of our God is too wonderful and high that we can not attain it.

LORD, You have searched me and known me.
  You know my sitting down and my rising up;
         You understand my thought afar off.
 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
         And are acquainted with all my ways.
  For there is not a word on my tongue,
         But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
  You have hedged me behind and before,
         And laid Your hand upon me.
  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
         It is high, I cannot attain it.  
Psalm 139:1-6 

God Bless you and Thanks for reading.  

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Just a Quick Hi there and Hello!

I wanted to pop in and say-  I haven't forgotten about y'all. 

I've got lots going on here-- and this post is actually on borrowed internet /pc time.  My set up at home is on the fritz for now. 

I don't have a picture for you but Lil' Easton is growing.  He already weighs 7 lbs 6 oz.  as of yesterday. 

And the best news of all is He may get to eat today!  He stooled yesterday ...FINALLY.  He has had a few procedures in order to help the process along. I think they are waiting to see if things will 'push' forward on their own.  But for the most part--- it looks like he may get a taste of Mommy's milk before the day is out.  It won't be much-- maybe a teaspoon.  He has to be able to tolerate it as well. 

Remember-- he's only been fed these 19 days of life through a Broviac IV-- 
It is touch and go. Slow and steady wins the race. 

Thank you all for the prayers. I ask that you please continue to pray for Easton when you think of him.

On another note.  It seems we may be experiencing Strep-throat as well, in our tightly knit little family. So that means visits to the hospital will be limited. Big Brother Weston went to the doctor this morning and that is the Dr.'s diagnosis for him.  I'm not feeling so well-- and Mommy is just beside herself, she can't go to the hospital until she knows for sure she is out of the woods and won't get Easton sick.

WE know the situation is in God's hands--- we are very hopeful.  We may ask for physical healing-- But it is God who determines the time and place.  He may have other plans for Easton and another purpose for the circumstances. We merely need to trust Him in all these things.

And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

God Bless you 
Thanks for reading!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Thinker-

I thought I'd post another update on Easton ; he is our littlest and latest GRAND!
He is two weeks old today.  
He still isn't able to eat. 
We are waiting on him to 'stool'.  I told you before that he was born with Gastroschesis  that is an anomaly pertaining to the bowel being formed outside his body cavity.  

So far he is coming along as normal as can be expected for this ABNORMAL SITUATION. 

Today he had two dye tests to see that his bowel is able to pass and make sure that there are no obstructions. 

We were told today  that this is the case-- no obstructions. We are still waiting on his bowel to 'wake-up' and work on it's own. 

Specifically- we are praying for his bowel to work. 
After that happens, we're praying that he will have the desire to suck and eat on his own.  These 'belly babies' have a tendency to forget to eat. 

We ask that you join us in prayer on these two issues regarding Easton's health. 
We ask that you also Praise God for what He is doing-- because we are merely human and cannot fathom the work he doing;Just know it is for His glory and only trust Him!

Isn't he a cutie?  I wonder what he is thinking about?  14 days old and already resembles a deep thinker! 

 LORD, You have searched me and known me.
  You know my sitting down and my rising up;
         You understand my thought afar off.
 You comprehend my path and my lying down,
         And are acquainted with all my ways.
  For there is not a word on my tongue,
         But behold, O LORD, You know it altogether.
  You have hedged me behind and before,
         And laid Your hand upon me.
  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me;
         It is high, I cannot attain it.  Psalm 139:1-6 

God Bless you 
thank you for reading.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Gratuitous Grandma Photos-- to follow

 We are finally getting to hold our little one. 

Praise God! 

I don't want to frighten anyone one; but the photos that follow might be a bit scary to some. As you've never seen the likes of these on my blog, and may not again until necessary... (I'm not a fan of the camera!) 

Bless the LORD, O my soul,
         And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
Bless the LORD, O my soul,
         And forget none of His benefits;

Who pardons all your iniquities,
         Who heals all your diseases;

Who redeems your life from the pit,
         Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
Who satisfies your years with good things,

         So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.
The LORD performs righteous deeds

         And judgments for all who are oppressed.

He made known His ways to Moses,
         His acts to the sons of Israel.

The LORD is compassionate and gracious,
         Slow to anger and abounding in lovingkindness.

He will not always strive with us,
         Nor will He keep His anger forever.


He has not dealt with us according to our sins,
         Nor rewarded us according to our iniquities.
For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
         So great is His lovingkindness toward those who fear Him.
As far as the east is from the west,
         So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Just as a father has compassion on his children,
         So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.
For He Himself knows our frame;
         He is mindful that we are but dust.
As for man, his days are like grass;
         As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
When the wind has passed over it, it is no more,
         And its place acknowledges it no longer.
But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him,
         And His righteousness to children’s children,
To those who keep His covenant
         And remember His precepts to do them.
The LORD has established His throne in the heavens,
         And His sovereignty rules over all.
Bless the LORD, you His angels,
         Mighty in strength, who perform His word,
         Obeying the voice of His word!
Bless the LORD, all you His hosts,
         You who serve Him, doing His will.
Bless the LORD, all you works of His,
         In all places of His dominion;
         Bless the LORD, O my soul!

God Bless you and Thanks for reading!