This wall case was ordered for a silver wedding. I used white wool and felted in silk fibres, lace, pongee silk and gauze.
It should be used to leave lovely surprises for each other and also "hints", critics, praises for further developement of the relationhsip. Sometimes it is difficult to say something and it's easier to write a letter. If you write on a slip of paper "I HATE YOU!" and put this paper somewhere you also put down a big part of your hate. And afterwards when the other one finds it, you can already laugh about it together. Or talk about it calmly. Energies doesn't go lost they convert. And felt has magical forces as we know!
The spiral is an ancient symbol we can meet in every culture and everywhere in nature. Endless dynamics and vitality, everlasting change and searching for the inner centre...relationship of two...there are also big energies. Sometimes positives, sometimes negatives.
I embroidered the snails glossy slime traces. Somewhere they cross each other then they depart, afterwards they go parallel to each other. Like our ways in life. To exist under one umbrella seems to be a clear situation. But our inner ways are much more windig. In the ideal case they run in the same direction.