31 marzo 2010

Hatch Alert!


Have you guys been watching the Owl Box?? it's a livestream inside an owl nest and TODAY is the expected big day! An owlet is supposed to hatch today. I've been on campus all day for advising week, but I have this window open so I can check on the progress. Every once in while I will hear an EEP! EEP! and the students wonder what is going on and are amazed (but not surprised) that I have an Owl Cam in my office.

Stop by and take a look--it's open 24/7 and the owl is do darn cuuuuute!
(except when it is tearing apart a mouse LIVE and feeding it to her chicks, of course. Just thought I'd give you a warning...)


Anne Haines dijo...

I am a complete owlbox addict. The other night I fell asleep after watching for several hours & all night I kept thinking I had an egg down by my feet and I had to be careful not to break it.

The mice and rats and gophers don't bother me too much, but today when I got home from work I tuned in to find the back half of a bunny center stage. That was a little much. But... that's life in the owl and bunny world!

Starting to think this last egg isn't going to hatch, though. :(