22 marzo 2010

Office Space, Birdee Edition, aka Where the Magic Happens (poetry-wise)

I am a sucker for seeing people's writing spaces or even just their desks. As loyal readers know, my husband and I are both writers and English professors and we BOTH needed our own space to write. We end up goofing around and talking too much and laughing if we try to work in the same room--we just enjoy each other too much (gag me, I know) and can never settle down to actually, you know, write. I end up doing, say, my impersonation of the guy who helped me at the DMV after he meticulously took SEVEN FRIGGING MINUTES I KNOW B/C I TIMED IT to open a stick of gum before he called my number. And then, well, we are laughing too hard to think about writing.

Since moving to our beloved 2800 sq ft abode (la ranchera! as it is affectionately called, exclamation included), I have been addicted to YOUNG HOUSE LOVE. In fact, I am hesitant to even tell you about this blog, I want all their tips just for me. Hee hee, just kidding. Mostly. This young couple knows how to decorate a room on a budget AND they make it look so easy. Of course, they are utterly adorable, but that is beside the point. One of the tips that they hammer home time and time again is the magic of paint to cheer up a room and give it that extra punch and pizazz. I wanted a color combo that was calming but still injected LIFE AND ENERGY into it. As we are also parents to a 2 1/2 yr old (and another one on the way!), we need all the energy we can gather when we sit down to write and/or grade papers. So I chose a calm and refreshing robin eggshell blue for the base, and cherry red and black and white accent colors. I thought I was so 'over' the wall decal trend, but I couldn't resist the birdee on a tree branch I found on Etsy, and how it filled an entire wall. Basically, I love that I am never in a tired or cranky mood when I enter this room, now, as opposed to the dull and dreary woodland-theme the previous owners had left us with.

So here then, is a behind-the-scenes look at where I write:
BEFORE: a bizzaro woodland-themed room from the previous owners

BEFORE 2: standing inside the room, looking towards the door (pls excuse my then 1 1/2 yr old son during the walk-through!)

AFTER: a writing/craft workspace, same view as pic#1, looking into the room

workstation--for all you IKEA haters, the EXPEDIT is super sturdy and functional--highly recommend!

my beloved wall of poetry and creative non-fiction books in a BILLY bookcase (again, IKEA, but they are the strongest WHITE bookcases I have ever seen, and I have been researching and searching for 2 yrs). Dustin installed cute frosted glass doors in the center for all the journals and anthologies I have ever appeared in. To you know, avoid the dusties. Actually, now that I look at it, the bottom shelf are all art books and oversized magazines, so strike that.. I most certainly did not appear, for example, in Roget's Thesarus or Husband Coached Childbirth. Just FYI. ;)

another view of the BILLY bookcases

my drafting table and my closet o' shame: stuff that needs to still be filed and sorted hidden behind the sexy cerise-colored curtain--it does wonders for hiding extra files and clutter. and, if I am being completely honest, a bad stationery habit that went awry but is now (mostly) under control. A writer ends up with so much paper (work) that I just cannot get rid of (but I'm working on it!)

close up of my drafting/writing ACTUAL LETTERS TO PEOPLE table:

How I get organized for tax-season: one white box is for receipts, one is simply for bills. Totally simple but without it, I am a hot mess of crumpled receipts all over the house:

light switch decal:

The peacock-guardian of my writing. what you see when you first open the door to my office (found on ebay for $2--it was a horrid faux-brass, so I spray painted it black):

Giant matchbox from none other than Rebecca L (who sends the coolest care packages in the universe), which now houses tiny paperclips on my workstation desk:

WALL PAINT: Behr's "Fresh Water" (sorry the blue looks so different in some pics--proof of paint color changes just even during different times of the day, so when I decided on colors, I hung up swatches on the wall and made sure to note what they looked like at diff. points of the day)
LIGHT SWITCH DECAL: "deep red" by byrdiekids.etsy.com
FRENCH FRY BIRD PRINT: dazeychic.etsy.com (and they are having a delish sale buy 1 get one free!!)

(the following are from IKEA, collected up over the yrs, not bought all at once! ;))--
LIGHTING: Kristavler (with blue thrift store gems attached), Grono desk lamp
COMPUTER WORKSTATION: Expedit with Kassett boxes
DRAFTING TABLE: Vika glasholm table top and legs

and I had to include this little gem, probably the most favorite thing in the room, and I have many, but I would run back into a burning house to get this pic that I have clipped in a photo holder from crate and barrel--this little polaroid of my future husband (then 5 yrs-old) on his first day of kindergarten:

I mean, come ON! I die of the cuteness, every single time I sit down at my computer to write:

Also? I would SO still carry that bag to school today.


Kelli Russell Agodon - Book of Kells dijo...

Love LOVE this post!

I too am crazy about writers' workspaces and I love yours.

a couple things--

Your lightswitch decal-- how have I never heard or seen of these?

Your peacocks-- love them. Recently I found some vintage peacock art and thought of you. I should email it to you!

D's kindergarten bag-- love it!

thanks for all this. I think we have surround ourselves with beauty and what we love - and you have done it (in more ways than one!)

xo kel

cornshake dijo...

Thanks so much, K. Yeah, Etsy is pretty much the biggest timesuck for me. I love browsing all the adorable handmade goodies on that site. The best part about the decals is that they can be removed without messing up the paint, so if we end up using this room as our kids' shared bedroom, I won't have to worry about messing up the walls. And thx for the peacock image u sent on email--love it!