Showing posts with label M.E. Show all posts
Showing posts with label M.E. Show all posts

Friday, 16 May 2014

M.E Awareness Week - It's all about ME

Hello lovely people, you have NO idea how much I have missed you guys. Hopefully all being well I am back and promise to catch up with my news and all your news over the next couple of weeks (yes I know I have already said this, but life threw the odd curve ball at me and that's life!).

This week is M.E awareness week, and this wouldn't be Cosmos and Cotton without acknowledging that. Many of my regular readers will know that I have been struggling with this debilitating illness for nearly five years now, wow, five years, I still can't quite believe that I have lost so much time in my life due to an illness, pretty scary. I am going to add right here that this year my post about ME is not going to be all doom and gloom as this girl here is on the road to recovery, yes, you heard me say it and you read right. There is NO stopping me now, I am determined to kick this M.E's butt and boy that is exactly what I am doing, and I hear so many of you say, but HOW?!!

Well, the honest truth, first and foremost through acceptance, you see I haven't really lost so much of my life over the last five years, if anything I most probably gained something that I never would had, had I not fallen ill, and that is compassion and love for myself and my body. You know this illness is tough, there is NO denying it, it throws you through hell and back several times in a day and spits you out when its done with such little regard. It is filled with many sad moments, loneliness, pain, brain fog, or in my case (and many others), just the inability to use your brain full stop, in fact it's more like NO BRAIN. There is constant pain, sleepless nights, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dizziness, stomach pain, inability to eat or digest food, let alone absorb any nutrients from it. There are pins and needles, burning all over your body like someone is scalding you with hot water, ear ache, sore throat, muscle pain like you've run a marathon, oh you name it the whole tutti, or as you lot would say the full Monty.

It is tough, yes BLOODY impossibly at the best of times and why, well you know the funny thing is NO ONE KNOWS!!! Neither does anyone really care as there is no magic drug, which means no additional profit margins for governments or pharmaceuticals, sad, but hey oh so true. It is this invisible illness that hides within each and every one of the apparent 250, 000 people who suffer from this condition in the UK alone, yes in the UK alone, let alone the rest of the world, yet there is no support and no insight into this.

This is most probably the single most complex illness that exists, and the reason why is because even though each and everyone of us exhibit the majority if not all the symptoms and more, we all have a completely different experience of them as they manifest and affect each and every one of us differently. Well to be honest this is not surprising seeing that each and every one of us have a completely different DNA profile, so not at all that strange right. The issue is there is NO CURE, NO MAGIC DRUG, NO FIX.

Now there are many so called treatments claiming they can cure ME, Chronic fatigue and Fibromyalgia and for many people these treatments really work. The question is why do they NOT work for EVERYONE. Well I have an opinion about this, but I will save it for just another minute or so, bare with me. Treatments are geared up to focus on your emotions with specific emphasis on events in your past (I am not ruling out that past events can have a significant impact on our well being), some would argue that it is a build up of toxins in our bodies that affect our lymphatic system and eventually cause havoc with our parasympathetic nervous system (I am pretty much supporting this camp!), others argue that it is all about our thought processes and what we do with these thoughts (CBT), some say that symptoms are emotions-in-motion (you get that e-motion and I am also supporting this camp!), others argue graded exercise is the ticket (hell YEAH, certainly not in my case, it threw me for six!). Then there are a host of alternative medicines, Ayurvedic treatments, homoeopathic treatments, herbs, Chinese medicine, acupuncture, Reiki, you name it. I could be here all day typing this up. Now some of these can really help and alleviate the pain, discomfort, reassure, sooth the mind or body, but they don't really focus on the root cause of it (maybe the emotions in motion does). So even though I am sitting firmly with both feet in the 'build-up of toxins overloading the lymphatic system camp', how did they get overloaded in the first place??? Well for me the answer is simple, by ignoring all the signs that my body was giving me when it was shouting, stop doing this activity I really don't like it (headache), stop doing this for too long (back ache), stop eating that (dicky tummy or gas), etc. The same pretty much goes for the treatments that work for some and not for others, the answer in my opinion why it doesn't work for everyone is simply the same reason why some people function optimally eating vegan foods and others being the complete opposite and living life to the fullest on a paleo diet. We are all different and ONLY YOU can really understand what your body needs, no one else can do it for you. They can guide you and support you, but only YOU can unlock the keys to optimum health. All these programmes do (mostly) is give you the tools, you still need to do the work. As for the lymphatic drainage, well that's a physical treatment, so it is helping with unblocking the lymphatic system and believe you me IT REALLY WORKS to alleviate symptoms, I am still doing it four years down the line, so that says a great deal about the Perrin Technique but it is not the only treatment that is going to get your better. You need to find the root causes (and yes there will be more than one, trust me, we are complex creatures!).

I am someone who is very 'hungry' for information and also for life itself (we only get one chance right!), so when something like Fibromyalgia (as in my case) happens, you don't take it lying down, pardon the expression as ironically I was lying down for many years. What I did do though was to read a few minutes when I could, listened to audio books even just a few minutes at a time (its a weird thing how you brain just can't take things, it feels like the pressure build up from information is just so intense that your head is going to explode). I read a lot of crap and a great many wonderful and inspiring books over the years, some of which I will list at the bottom of this very long blog post (sorry!). One thing that kept coming through time and time again was that I had power and control, I just needed to learn the tools of how to use it. Now hang on, I can hear those with this illness screaming what I screamed out for so many years: 'but I have complete adrenal exhaustion', 'I have parasites', 'I have really high levels of ESR (inflammation in the body)', 'I have heart failure', I have low white blood cell count, etc. how can this possibly be something I can fix, it is all physiological right! The bottom line is I can't fix it for you, but you have the power within you to make changes to your life so you really focus on what your body and mind needs. This is such a complicated subject and most probably one that I can talk about for hours, but in a nutshell, this illness is a blessing in some way, it is an opportunity to REALLY STOP, YES STOP and LISTEN!!!! Don't think about the pain, the hardship, the sickness, the inability to sleep, no, think about how you can listen to these messages. These symptoms are NOTHING more than your bodies way of talking to you, it is giving you messages that you need to start listening to, that is why they are shouting out at you because you are NOT listening (present company included!!) and the thicker your skin (as in my case) the longer it is going to take. So when you are spending hours in bed cursing these aches and pains and sickness start loving your body and giving it the care and support that it is needing at this time, just like you would with your child. It needs lots of very special TLC, don't just ignore these requests. It also might very well be telling you that it wants something different than what you are doing right now, so try it and see if it works, if the symptoms dissipate or lesson.

Now if you were anything like me, prior to illness I honestly must have thought I was superwoman, a full time degree whilst working a full time job and two pregnancies, writing a dissertation whilst breastfeeding two or three times a night, gawd what was I thinking??? And when the going got tough I jumped on my mountain bike to blast a few hills just to relieve a little tension, or add some shall we say. One thing is for sure I NEVER listened. I heard all right, the signs were all there, but I chose not to listen, why because how the bloody hell was I suppose to know they meant something. In society we are conditioned to suppress these feelings of discomfort or pain, we are brought up to having to conform and just to go with it even when we don't like it, 'just eat those things on your plate', 'awh you will be OK, just carry on', 'don't be upset', 'don't be ridiculous that's not scary', 'you're OK that doesn't hurt' and on goes the list, you get where I am coming from. Well for me (and don't get me wrong I am not telling you what to do here, I am purely trying to put my perspective out there) it has taken me years to realise that these symptoms, pains around my body, diarrhoea, you name it was a sign that my body wasn't happy with it and now finally I am really homing in to address these issues. I am going to take the opportunity to add here that it is far from easy, it is going to take years of practice, but I will get there!!! 

It's NOT easy, simply because we just aren't brought up to be mindful, we are not conditioned to look into ourselves, that would be seen as being selfish and self centred right, well in my opinion it is far from that. As a Mum of two, I know just how hard it is to look after two small and dependable children when you are not feeling well enough to even lift your arm, so yes I know just how important it is for me to be well so I can give my children and family the best possible care and attention. It is a bit like the life jackets on an aircraft and having to ensure that you have yours on before helping others. Now that I have a different perspective in life, I often giggle when I see people spending hours cleaning every little spot on their cars, polishing the wheel caps, their pride and joy, yet do we do this to our bodies, hell no! We would never spend hours each week or every other week just giving our bodies a little TLC and maintenance, we don't have time for things like that, but why???? These are our gorgeous and amazing bodies (vehicles) and without the correct fuel and love they don't function properly. You wouldn't put diesel in a petrol car would you, yet, we so often put so much crap in our bodies and wonder just why it is we feel so shitty. Hey, I am not preaching here as I am the first person to hold up my hands and say guilty as charged, no more though, I know now just how important nutrition, meditation, time to yourself is and I am never letting go of these golden keys, well never say never (a lesson I learnt becoming a Mum, it sure as hell has bitten me in the bum several times).

So yes, this is not a conventional post about ME today, but I just wanted to give people a little bit of hope. DON'T give up, never stop believing and never say never. No one can really tell you what your body needs, only you can decipher that and isn't it strange and equally amazing that we all are so very different and that a vegan diet can bring optimum health for one person whilst a paleo diet works for another, lets not judge! Experiment and try them all, the world is your oyster, and have a little fun with it, life is to short to be serious all the time.

Sorry for this super long post and for those of you who actually managed to get to here, WELL DONE and THANK YOU!!  Don't get me wrong I am by no means cured, I still have a long way to go, but it is all baby steps and the confidence that these steps will get me there one day. I realise this is a super long post, but I wanted you to know that despite the fact that I still have heart problems, adrenal exhaustion (yes borderline Addison's disease), high levels of ESR (inflammation in the body), very low white blood cell count I am on route to hopefully turn some of these around. I have gone from not being able to walk at all to now being able to walk small distances, I am no longer lying down in the day (yay!!) and I am grabbing back a little of life where I feel I can. I will also stress here that the last couple of years (not so much the early ones) I was happy with life, I accepted my life and I was content with being mostly confined to my house, being at ease with your situation no matter what it is has got to be a good thing as it brings calm to our minds which in turn affect our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Constant negative emotions and thoughts breed illness and there is no doubt in my mind that a positive mind will bring a positive body over time. I am NOT saying that thinking yourself well is going to get you there, NO not at all. What I am saying is being positive, tune in, take time, listen, figure out what your body needs, how it operates and how to get it to function optimally, only you hold the key to solving this mystery.

So here are some of my all time fave books (in the order of preference)

Quantum Healing. Exploring the frontiers of the Mind/Body Medicine - Deepak Chopra
When things fall apart - Pema Chodron
Fat Chance, The hidden truth about sugar, obesity and disease - Dr Robert Lustig
Self Compassion. Stop beating yourself up and leave insecurity behind - Kristin Neff
The power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
CFS - Call for Soulwork - Gretchen Brooks Nassar
Unconditional Parenting - Alfie Kohn
Mindfulness in plain English - Nhante Henepola Gunaratana

You will note that I have added a parenting book, but it is a book I read alongside the Science of Parenting (which is another fascinating book) by Margot Sunderland, which really emphasises why as a society we are developing in the way that we are, not being able to express our emotions or at least when we express it that it is accepted and understood. It also explains why we develop this feeling of never feeling good enough and always striving to please. We can learn a great deal from ourselves and our problems by looking at the way that society raises children. Alfie Kohn's book really brings many issues to the forefront that mothers and father will be able to relate to so if you have ME and have children, you might find this read insightful.

So that's it for today's post and thank you for sticking with me. I would love to hear your comments and thoughts, so please don't be shy to share your views. I was actually hoping that by now my new blog, which would be more geared up for these kinda posts, would be up and running by now, but you know its not and hey I don't do pressure anymore, it will happen when it will happen, se la vie! For those of you new to my little space, a very big welcome, I suspect this post might blow your socks off, I promise a little crochet related chatting next time.

Wishing you all a very pleasant weekend, I am actually going to my first concert in years tonight as I just couldn't miss the opportunity to see the legendary Prince, and 'tonight I am going to party like its 1999' (haha). 

Warm Wishes

Saturday, 25 May 2013

M.E. Awareness Week 2013

This week’s objective is to raise awareness of M.E. – a chronic, fluctuating illness, which affects 250,000 people in the UK. Symptoms can include persistent exhaustion, muscle and/or joint pain, sleep disturbance, feeling ’flu-like and having problems with memory and concentration. For information on how you can help raise awareness, please click here.

So with it being M.E. awareness week I simply feel I want to add a little piece of awareness through my blog. I appreciate that this is not everyones cup of tea, but until I started experiencing just what this debilitating condition can do to your life, family, and mind, I had no idea what M.E really was, so hopefully by increasing awareness we can all make a difference in how people perceive this condition, as its historical label of 'yuppie flue' has been cemented in for far too long!!

Three and a half years my life was very suddenly brought to a halt when we body collapsed on me. I remember it like yesterday, I was sat in a meeting and I just knew I had to get out of there as something really bad was about to happen. I got in my car and all of a sudden I was stuck on the M60 completely unable to function. My brain and body just stopped working, all I could do was pull over and call my husband in a shear moment of shock/panic. From this day onwards, everything I once was stopped being.

There was no more getting on my mountain bike to blast some single tracks, or heading off to do either a Merida, Trailquest or Polaris mountain bike challenge. There was no more packing my climbing rucksack  to visit some beautiful crags around the peak district. My daily walks with the kids was suddenly stopped and has still not resumed. More importantly, my brain stopped functioning, I couldn't string a sentence together at times, I had permanent brain fog, which became so overwhelming at times I thought I was loosing my mind. I have many a memory of being unable to read to my then two year old as the sentences were just too complicated for my brain to process. I was forced to bed with dizziness, blurred vision, inability to regulate my body temperature, and the most intense muscle pain all around my body, and many many more symptoms.This was unlike anything I had ever experienced, even after a days of racing for 6 hours on a mountain bike in the Brecon mountains with 10kg on my back. This was a very unfamiliar experience for me. As it continued the doctors kept telling me that I had a sever case of anxiety and depression, yet only days earlier I was in one of the best phases of my life and thriving with two beautiful kids I loved being Mummy to and a degree only 4 months away from finishing.

I remember going for a walks as I was determined to beat this so called 'depression and anxiety' and then feeling so ill for weeks after that I could hardly get out of bed to look after my kids. The doctors response to this was that I was anxious about walking, complete nonsense, but this is what people with M.E. and Fybromyalgia face everyday, its a disgrace!!! Despite me creating a food and activity diary/log for the doctors which clearly signalled that I had a severe case of burn-out and any small level of exertion created increased symptoms, the doctors still kept putting me on beta blockers (for heart palpitations that was actually a result if adrenal exhaustion and not anxiety) and anti-depressants to combat this 'so called mental problem'. Although I was referred for a MRI scan to see whether it was MS, as the symptoms of M.E can be very similar to MS at times, It took them ten months, standard procedure, before they felt they could send me off for a formal diagnoses, which in the end meant a label of Fybromyalgia/M.E.

This youtube link is worth watching.

So today, three and a half years down the line I am so grateful that my health has improved significantly. Although I am a very far way from being 100% better, I feel that my physical capacity has increased from around 15% to around 55%, which is such a massive improvement and I am so grateful for this. For the first two and a half year I was completely unable to use computers, read or do anything for that matter. I was housebound and unable to drive or do anything. I was unable to sew or do anything that required concentration as my brain simply couldn't function normally and any additional pressure created worsened symptoms. This is how my journey with crochet started, I needed something I could do but only for a couple of minute a day (every cloud has a silver lining!).

In the beginning of this year my health really felt like it was seriously improving, but as we speak I am still learning that these moments do fluctuate regularly, but at least they are there to give me hope that I will return to good health one day, something I have to and do believe. Throughout my journey with M.E I really wanted to start a blog about my journey and in February I finally felt that I could cope with stringing some sentences together and using the computer again and here we are today, maybe not so much M.E related as the initial plan was but then I much prefer the brighter things in life. I spend enough time living with this condition and I really don't feel like blogging about it every day.

I hope that by doing this post today that it has given you some insight into this debilitating condition (please watch the video) and that it will help you understand it better and therefore enable you to support those around you who suffer from this condition. I also want to thank all the bloggers out there for putting a little piece of themselves out there daily to share with others as it has offered some inspiration in my most darkest moments, its enabled me to continue to dream that one day I will be able to go through a day without having to go to bed for several hours and when I can finally ditch my wheels and start walking distances. I believe that day will come soon!

Thanks also to all my friends and family for all your support over the years, without you I wouldn't have coped. The biggest thanks go out to my best friend and husband whom has been my rock. I can only but thank God every day for letting our paths cross, because even in my darkest moments I felt so happy to be here with him. He has been my constant, my strength my rock!!! Without him I honestly don't know what I would have done during the last couple of years. He has stepped up to the task of Mum and gotten up in the middle of the night to feed and look after kids, he has shopped, cooked, cleaned,  you name it he has done it because I could hardly move and I just want him to know that I am so  very grateful for him being so very very strong and for being such a wonderful friend, husband and partner. I love him with all my heart and am so excited that we have so many more years to share in this life!!

Here are some useful links that might support you and anyone you know with M.E (thanks to Ray, my health has improved) (Niki is one the leading nutritionist to support people with M.E) (Roy does the most amazing earthing sheets, which will improve your sleep and also do mats for use of computers) (amazing supplements that has really helped me!)

For more information on which books to read please see my 'Mindfulness and M.E' post.

Here are some other youtube links that might be worth watching.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post, I really appreciate your time!! Sending you warm wishes on a Sunday afternoon xoxo

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Mindfulness & M.E


Just a bit more than three years ago, my life was brought to a sudden halt whilst being in the final year of my social work degree. It had been 'mud, sweat and tears' to get to that point with two pregnancies and two babies, but I was desperate to go back and finish the last full time year at Uni when my daughter was only 5 months old. Unfortunately fate had other plans for me and my body definitely couldn't cope with the pace I was subjecting it to, so it basically stopped! It took an agonising ten months for the doctors to diagnose me with Fibromyalgia (M.E). I was pretty much house bound for the first two years of this journey and it has been far from pleasant, I have to confess. It has however been a journey of learning. Learning what my body needs and learning the difference between the mind and body, as my life has been governed by my mind, with very little room or respect for my body. My body was my vehicle to blast a mountain bike round a single track in Wales or Scotland or climb up some rocks in the Peak District or Yosemite. Well, basically my body had had enough of not being heard and it said STOP AND LISTEN!!!

I have been so very fortunate that my hubby has been so incredibly supportive and he has been there with me through thick and thin all the way. Thanks to him and his family we have managed to fund my treatment, which has been pretty expensive to date, but worth it! I have been seeing +Dr Raymond Perrin at the Perrin Clinic in Prestwich ( for two and a half years now and I really believe that it's made a significant difference. Over and above that I did some telephone work with +The Optimum Health Centre in London, which was great as I was housebound at the time. Through this I started working with an amazing Nutritionist called +Niki Gratrix. She has a great website and blog for anyone with similar M.E and Chronic Fatique related problems. Here is the link:
M.E is Niki's area of expertise and she has spent a great deal of time working with leading doctors in this field in the US and I can't thank her enough for the work we are still doing together. She introduced me to amazing supplements, some which are done by a company called +Gematria ( and since starting these supplements I have seen an dramatic improvement in my overall health, to the point where I can drive again, leave the house (yippee), do things with my kids, and just cope with the normal strains of daily life. Not to forget to mention my that I now have so much more energy for my constant desire to make and create. I still have to spend some time in bed most days, but I am confident that this will get less and less in the coming years. Gematria's innovative laser enhanced supplements are at the forefront of advanced nutritional supplements (I can certainly vouch for that). Then there is also B12 Vie Patch, which has also made a significant difference in my overall levels of energy and a very useful little patch for anyone struggling with energy levels in general.

All of this has enabled me to take my journey onto the next level and I recently joined a gym so I can start swimming (or splashing as in my case) with an aim to build up some stamina so I can start enjoying some of this lovely countryside that I am surrounded with. Walking is the one thing that still affects me the most, but I am confident that this will improve.

So now to start the reason for my blog, Mindfulness. Despite a bad night (a common problem for people with M.E) where I tossed and turned like a hamburger (as a friend would say), I decided to go to the pool. As I approached the pool, all hope evaporated as I was met by a Aqua Zumba instructor and about 20 woman. The music was blaring and my dream of peace and quiet in a relaxing pool was completely quashed. At first I felt a little grumpy that I had driven all the way to get here for this, but then somehow all the spiritual and mental work that I have done over the last three years kicked in. Yes, I gave into the situation and strangely started to enjoy the moment.

Mindfulness is such a simple concept and yet it is so darn difficult to put in practice. Dealing with the here and now and being in the moment sounds so incredibly simple, but boy is it hard! Another wonderful and inspirational person I worked with during my journey is a lady called +Jan Williams who does a 'Journey to wellness' course, which I would highly recommend to anyone suffering from any M.E related issues. Here is her details:
One of the first exercises she gave me was to practice mindfulness whilst brushing my teeth. Now if any of you are anything like me, picking up my toothbrush is usually my cue for doing everything else, like putting washing in the washing basket, tidying the kids rooms and doing whatever else I can possible fit into two minutes. So yes this was a challenge for me at first (and to be honest it still is), but I keep trying to stay in the bathroom and be mindful of everything happening with me, my toothbrush and my teeth for that two minutes, and however daft it may sound it has really helped me with being more mindful with every activity I do, whether it is crocheting, sewing, reading to my kids, crafting, resting, whatever.

I find now that I am more in tune with my body and that the mind-body is working as one, rather than just my head driving my body as before. Here is a list of some of the books and CD's that I have enjoyed throughout my journey so far.

1. Deepak Chopra - Quantum Healing. Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Spirit (A great book that every person in the world should read!).
2. Pema Chodron - When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times (another inspirational book useful for everyone).
3. Pema Chodron - Getting Unstuck.
4. Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment.
5. Echart Tolle - Practicing the Power of Now.
6. Jon Kabat-Zin - Mindfulness Meditations Audio CD.
7. Deepak Chopra - theSoulofHealingMeditations a Simple Approach To Growing Younger CD (well worth  purchasing)
8. Mindfulness of breathing managing pain, illness and stress with mindfulness meditation CD
9. Gretchen Brooks Nassar - CFS Call For Soulwork
10. Kirstin Neff - Self Compassion
11. Sam Obitz - BEEN THERE, DONE THAT? DO THIS! (A great little book)
12. James L. Wilson - Adrenal Fatique. The 21st Century Stress Syndrome (another must read!)