Showing posts with label master bedroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label master bedroom. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

master bedroom-almost done???

well, in the 8 yrs i've lived in this house i never have finished my master bedroom. you all probably can relate, it's always last on the list. so this year i decided it was time for a change and this time i really want to finish the whole room. so i painted the walls a soft creamy yellow, purchased new bedding at marshall's , new nite stands at a thrift store and painted them to match. i got a few little birdies for my nite stand and put out my hubby's grandpa's old camera and binoculars, but other than that, i haven't done much to accessorize.  mainly becuz i've run out of money for the room for the time being and partly becuz i don't know what i want to do. i think i need something over the bed, but what? should it be square, rectangle, i've already tried round and that didn't work. and don't even get me started on the wall above the dresser! all that is on there is our ancient t.v. and i threw up a frame and some plaster thingy's but they're just not doin' it for me. sometimes it's waaay easier to decorate someone else's home or room than your own. know what i mean? so here it is so far...i am linking up to popp @ domestically speaking and to tuesday's treasures @ my uncommon slice of suburbia 
and @ re~store interiors "restored it wed party  {sheesh! i finally fixed the other problem on my blog and now i have to address this problem w/ the photos not going where i want them to! ususally i would just drag and drop them where i want them, but now they won't let me do that. i can only move them left,right, or center and i can't put them in any sort of order unless i upload them that way! uggghh! why does it have to be complicated???}

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

ballard inspired medallion plaques-oh my!

greetings crafty, decoratin', artsy gals! i've recently been working on my master bdrm. i painted the walls a very creamy yellow called "french vanilla" from s.w. bought new bedding from marshalls,painted new(used) nite stands and now i've added some custom art. i saw these in ballards catalogue online and fell. in. love. so i set about making my own. my m-i-l/f-i-l gave me a whole buncha oak shelves from their built in bookcases that they were having re-done. they knew i'd find a a use for them! (sidenote: i feel so blessed when people think of me before they throw something in the trash! seriously! i love it!) so i painted them the same color as my nite stands using a $6 sample pot'o paint from s.w. it's called "sleepy blue" and i heart this color! anyway they were already an off white so i didn't need to prime them or anything. then i transferred this damask design onto the front. i would have liked to have used a different design, but alas, my printer is down and i couldn't print off any new designs. and i certainly don't have the patience to do it all free hand! when i free hand(and i often do) i like to do more free form stuff. this just required something more structured. so, first i filled in w/ wicker white acrylic, next i used a lighter brown color, and finally accented it all w/ a dark brown. after that was dry, i glazed the entire piece w/ ralph's "tea-stained" glaze. i stapled some twine to the back from which to hang them and voila! pretty/free art for my master bdrm! and don't worry- i didn't leave the mirror there that's where the new medallion plaque resides. i made one for each side of the bed over the nite stands. also the nite stands have hardware! i'll get some better pics soon-i hope! :) i'll show you them in the bedroom when it's sorta more done- and i have my new camera that i ordered! also, i'll be linking up @ domstically speaking's popp
oh yeah, don't forget to go to this post and leave a comment for a giveaway!
  {i'm having trouble w/ my blog...things aren't in the right place all the time and i can no longer drag and drop the photos where i want them- so excuse the mess , while i pray for a miracle! if you can help me, let me know! please! and thank-you!}