I have done NO sewing in over a week. I'm hoping to take advantage of my mom's new quilt studio soon...a 20' by 20' new room with a huge cutting table and design wall. I figure the grandparents will be delighted if I come over with the baby, drop her in their laps (literally!) and escape for a few hours.
I have managed to knit a few more rows on my Jaywalkers...ready to start the first heel flap! Knitting is pretty easy to squeeze in during short baby naps. I took the plunge and pre-registered for the Rocking Socks 2007 kits...Socks That Rock yarn is sold by Blue Moon Farms...and I have seen such lovely stuff from Cara! Payment is due in January, so I have time to see if I can justify $200 for 6 pairs of socks. Yikes! But, it is hand-dyed yarn, and exclusive patterns...I always try to equate things like this to movies. I pay about $15 to spend 2-3 hours at the movies. It takes me ALOT longer than 2 hours to knit a pair of socks, so at $30-40 per pair, I am getting my money's worth in entertainment dollars! (notice it doesn't take much to rationalize a yarn purchase, LOL)