A series of deaths has been steaming through work. Late last year, my friend Rita lost her Mom after a year and a half of bad health (Rita was dealing with a lot of stress). In the past 4 weeks, I've had two employees lose parents and another lose a grandparent. I am really thankful I have young(ish) parents still. I don't know what I would do without my parents. I talk to my mom often (every day or every other day...sometimes more) and my dad a couple times a week. I enjoy hanging out with them when I visit (or they visit me) and I know I can talk to them about anything (good and bad). The worst thing about living in California is knowing if something happened to either of them, I may not be able to fly to Texas in time to say good-bye (this is a huge fear of mine).
My parents were born in 1956, so they just turned 55 last year. To put it in perspective, I work with a number of people my parent's age or older. My parents had Ashley and I when they were relatively young (they had me at 24 years old), so we haven't really dealt with any major health issues. My mom has suffered through migraines for years (way too many to count), but Ashley and I have finally convinced her to try a new treatment. Based on initial feedback from her, she does seem to be feeling better. My dad has high blood pressure, but takes a prescription to help control it. I'm really thankful my parentals are young, in good health and see doctors regularly, so I don't need to worry about death quite yet.