Saturday, August 8, 2015

Back To School

August 5th 2015
1st day back to school for Emmy and Tucker. After much prayer and fasting we have decided to home school Ry and Steve and Breck. But that is a different story. And they will be starting a different day.
 I had Ry, Steve and Breck help me decorate a table and fix a special breakfast for Emmy and Tuckers back to school. 
 Always a funny guy. Holding his sign upside down 
 I love taking back to school pictures. Tucker is such a handsome boy!

 Tucker's got it pretty easy this year. All of his teachers (they rotate classes) this year are teachers that Emmy either had or that she played sports for. They all loved Emmy so already he has a leg up. You can thank Em for that Tuck.
 Oh how I love those freckles!

 We took all summer to fast and pray about whether we should home school Tucker. For selfish reasons I really wanted him home but he has such a gift of sticking up for the underdog or the kid that's getting bullied that I knew he might need to be in school. That there may be a kid out there that needs him. I really wanted Tucker to feel the spirit and be apart of our decision. We fasted and prayed many times and it wasn't until a couple of days before school started that I think we finally made the decision to send him to school. I think a huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders once the decision was made. And after taking him to parent teacher night I had an overwhelming feeling of peace and knew he had made the right choice. So Tucker, you have something to accomplish this year at school, you are suppose to be there for a reason! Follow the spirit, do your best and have a good time. The world is yours!
 Emmy so grown up and so gorgeous! I can't believe she is the big dog on JH campus. 
 Next year high school awwwww!
 From the very beginning of our thoughts of home school we never really considered bringing Emmy home. 1. I know she would hate me for it. 2.I think the freedom they start to get in JH is important. 3. I'm not sure I have the knowledge to home school an 8th grader. and 4. It just wasn't right for her. Josh and I both knew her place was at school. Even though she was never part of our plans to home school she has been super supportive of us doing the little kids and a huge help.

 I blinked and she's all grown up.

Silly Kids

 I love these 2 kiddos so much and will miss them terrible when they are at school. We have a lot of fun things planned for home school with a lot of gospel principles that I wish they could be apart of. But I know that the world needs them too. Have a great school year Emmy and Tucker. Love you to pieces! 


LucyH said...

I'm interested to know your reasons for homeschooling! We started to homeschool last year. I was feeling the promptings to homeschool for a while but it wasn't until last year that I felt I could handle it. I forgot that Lilly and Tucker are the same age, he looks so different now! Good luck with homeschooling! It's a lot of work but definitely worth the effort. :)

LucyH said...
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