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  ID: miscee

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 CountID : miscee
 URL: http://napoleonistyka.atspace.com/miscallenous_napoleonic.htm
 Location: United States of America
 Category: Science & Education
 Date: 29-Jun-2006 22:49

 New!  [ Site Info | Whois | Link Popularity
 Time zone: [GMT +00:00]
 Created: 29-Jun-2006 22:49
 Last Hit: 20-Sep-2024 17:07
 Last Processing: 20-Sep-2024 17:12
[ Report explanation ] * The statistic report is updated every 15 minutes.

Period: 6659 Share Unique Reload Total
Average Daily   5 0 5
Average Weekly   39 6 45
Average Monthly   171 28 199
Java Script (99.18%) 37,133 6,279 43,412
Java Enabled (60.15%) 22,501 3,829 26,330
Accept Cookies (69.97%) 26,455 4,171 30,626
via Proxy Server (2.56%) 958 163 1,121
via Search Engine (7.41%) 2,664 578 3,242
Direct hits (13.31%) 4,718 1,109 5,827
Own referrers (45.66%) 17,061 2,925 19,986
Referrers (41.03%) 15,691 2,269 17,960
All referrers (86.69%) 32,752 5,194 37,946
All hits (100.00%) 37,470 6,303 43,773
[ Report explanation ] * The statistic report is updated every 15 minutes.

Period Current Last Average Highest Date
Day 0 2 5 21 28-Jul-2010
Week 7 22 39 101 Week 11, 2009
Month 39 27 171 379 March, 2009
Year 321 385 1,972 3,599 2008
[ Report explanation ] * The statistic report is updated every 15 minutes.

TOP Value Share Hits
Day of Week Monday (15.0%) 6,558
Hour 20:00 - 20:59 (6.1%) 2,680
Operating System Windows NT (44.7%) 19,573
Browser Safari (40.6%) 17,783
Color Depth 32 bits true (52.1%) 22,824
Screen Resolution Unknown (52.2%) 22,836
Search Engine Google (6.3%) 2,775
Continent North America (65.6%) 24,904
Country/Domain Commercial (57.5%) 21,820
Language English (56.0%) 24,496
Time Zone GMT +01:00 (25.3%) 11,079
[ Report explanation ] * The statistic report is updated every 15 minutes.

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