Hit Counter - Web Tracker Engine ver. beta 3 [GMT +00:00] Friday, 17 May 2024 11:00 
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Web Counter FAQs




Do I need to download or install anything?
No. CQ Counter works remotely from our servers, so all you do is insert an HTML code on your page to track your visitors and enjoy your reports!

What can CQ Counter tell me?
CQ Counter tracks more information than any other web-tracking service. Our statistics reports include:
Time Period - Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily, and day of week, and hourly reports for page hits and unique visitors, and visitors back.
Visitor profile reports - What browser, operating systems, monitor settings, and languages they use, as well as which domains and countries they came from.
Marketing reports - How people were referred to your site - whether through ad banners, search engines, e-mail address, or other people's links.
Statistics for the last 20 hits - IP address, proxy, engine, URL address, e-mail, HDD
General statistics.

How much does the using of CQ Counter cost?
The main version of CQ Counter is FREE! We offer some pay versions too.

How can I get my Counter HTML code?
After you fill out the registration form, you will receive email with confirmation for registration of your counter. To activate your counter you have to click on the link in the received email. This link is pointing to the web page where is your counter HTML code.

I was registered with CQ Counter, but I did not receive the confirmation email. How can I get my counter HTML code?
Probably, when you were registered, you provided us with wrong or not working email address. If you remember your counter ID and password, you can get your counter HTML code from the member area.

How do I insert the HTML code into my web page?
We provide you with two different HTML codes - for sites which use frames and sites which do not use frames. You have to get a counter HTML code - corresponding to the frames using in your site. Put the HTML code in the body of your page!

<title> ... </title>

The simplest way to add HTML to your page is to open your web page using a common text editor (WordPad or Notepad for example) and paste the code into your web page. It is important that the software you are using to create your pages does not modify the HTML code, or otherwise the counter may not be able to work properly.

To put  the HTML code in the body of your page follow these steps:
1. Drag the pointer over the HTML code, which you want to select.
2. Copy the HTML code to the clipboard by typing Ctrl-C or right-clicking on the highlighted text and choosing "Copy."
3. Paste the HTML code into your page by typing Ctrl-V or choosing Edit-Paste from within your editing application.

Do not change the HTML code! Any changes in the HTML code will create wrong counting.

What if I want to track several sites with different base URLs?
If you want to track several different sites with different base URLs, you will need to set up a separate account for each unique base URL that you will use.

If I sign up for CQ Counter, can I keep my old counter?
Yes. You may use CQ Counter together with another counter program.

How do the time zones work?
When you register a new counter you have been asked for the time zone of your counter. This way all your statistics will be shown with your time zone. This time zone is TZ1. In your browser you can set a time different. This would be your local time zone, which is called TZ2. You can do this if you go in settings and pick the time zone. The time zone from your counter (TZ1) and the time zone from your browser (TZ2) are independent. When you open your statistics on the right upper corner of the screen you will see time zone TZ1. This is the current time of your statistics. This is not your local time (TZ2). But if you go into a page of CQ Counter, which is not statistics report page, you will see on the right upper corner of the screen your local time (TZ2).

SAMPLE: You have a web page and you want to have statistics reports with Pacific local time (California). When you register your counter you have to pick GMT-8 (Pacific time US & Canada) time zone. You are physically located in Minneapolis (Minnesota). You want to set your local time to GMT-6 (Central time US & Canada). You have to go in settings and set up the time zone to GMT-6. In this way if you open the home page of CQ Counter (cqcounter.com) you will see on the right upper corner of the screen your local time in Minneapolis (GMT-6, Central time US & Canada). If you open you counter statistics reports you will see on the right upper corner of the screen your statistics reports local time (GMT-8, Pacific time US & Canada).

Statistics Reports

How do I access my stats?
1. For free version of CQ Counter:
You have to click on the logo CQ Counter in your web page and you will have access to your statistics reports.

2. For pay version of CQ Counter:
To have access to your statistics reports, just go to member area and login at your account by your counter ID and password.

Can my stats be printed out?
Stats pages are printable, and can be printed using either a local or a network printer. Internet Explorer typically produces better printouts of stats pages.

Can I share stats from CQ Counter with others on the web?
Yes! Full versions allow you to designate individual reports as public or private.

My CQ Counter works, but it does not count the referrers.
Check if you put the right code in your web page. CQ Counter offer two different codes - for pages with frames and pages without frames. If you put the wrong code in your web page the CQ Counter will not be able to count the referrers.

I put the code in my web page, but my statistics reports are empty.
The statistics are updated every 15 minutes. Please, wait 15 minutes and try again to check your statistics reports.

I put the CQ Counter HTML code in my web page. How can I check if my counter works?
Open your web page in any browser. If you see the logo CQ Counter in your page, your CQ Counter is OK.

I'm having difficulty getting the counter image to load properly on my web page.
When placing the HTML code into your web page source code, make sure to copy the lines of code exactly as they are presented to you after you sign up. You cannot have extra spaces, hard returns, or line breaks in this HTML code, as it will cause the counter to load improperly.

What is the difference between a page hit and a visitor?
A "visitor" is an individual person. A "page hit" is a visit to a page. If a person goes to your web site and visits three pages, it will be counted as 1 visitor and 3 page hits. The "page hit" number tells you how many times your web pages were loaded in other people's browser. The "visitors" number tells you how many unique individuals came to your site each day (from midnight to midnight).

What is the difference between Unique visits and reloads
A unique visitor has the following characteristics unique: IP address, Browser, Operating System. Sequential hits from the same unique visitor in one hour time interval are treated as reloads.

Why does the counter show a different number than my CQ Counter Report?
Your counter may work differently than CQ Counter, particularly with regards to handling of cached pages and other anomalies. In addition, if your counter and CQ Counter code are on different parts of your page, one may provide a different count due to partial page loads.

What are Referrers?
The Referrers report helps you to see how people are finding your web pages. It tells you how many people arrived at your site from various destinations, whether it be another page, an email link, or a bookmark in their browser. The Search Engine report provides more details on referrals from search engines, including keywords used by searchers to find your site.

What are Domain Names and IP Addresses?
Every computer that is connected to the Internet has a unique IP Address associated with it. Even if you use AOL, MSN, or a local service provider! When you log on to the Internet, your ISP usually dynamically assigns you an IP address when you go out to surf the web. This number is a four-part number such as (Note that IP addresses don't reveal the identity of the individual user.) Reviewing your domains report can help you identify who's visiting your page - including specific companies, and even competitors. If you notice you have a lot of AOL users, you may want to take extra measures to ensure your page looks good from within the AOL browser.

What does it mean if I have stats in the "Other" category?
Occasionally when someone visits your site with a non-standard browser, or for some reason the page data comes through corrupted, CQ Counter cannot identify the page visited. That data is placed in the "Other" category. This will also occur if you have CQ Counter code for this account on another page with a different base URL. You should have a separate account for each site with a unique base URL.

Why are pages on my own site recorded as referrals?
Referring pages are the pages that the visitor was on just before they visited your page. If a visitor was at another page in your site and then came to the page that you have the CQ Counter logo on, that previous page will show up as a referral. Hitting the "reload" button will also generate same-page referrals.

What time does CQ Counter system use?
CQ Counter uses Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated UTC), GMT+00:00. We do not adjust CQ Counter system time for daylight saving. If you want to adjust your counter time for daylight saving, please, go to MEMBER AREA, login into your account with your counter ID and password, click on Set time zone.

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