Showing posts with label BJP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BJP. Show all posts

Monday, January 18, 2010

Bead Journal Project - BJP

Block #1 - January

For the New Year 2010, I decided to challenge myself with something new - this is going to be a complete learning process. I joined the BJP hosted by Robin Atkins. If you haven't checked her blog out... it' a MUST! She always has some of the most incredible bead projects going on. (You can check out her Blog by clicking Beadlust in my favorites)

This project is basically a challenge you take on for yourself - no swapping involved. Each month you are to make and create a design using beads. I have chosen my design area to be 5x5 for each month and will most likely stick to an "Ocean" theme. For the months of January - March, I will be using a gorgeous piece of blue fabric I purchased while out in CA a few weeks ago. I have quite a collection of under water themed goodies: drift wood, seashells, nautical laces, beads and starfish. I plan to try and incorporate a starfish into each months design.

My first block is about 2/3rds done. I'm still in the thinking process as to how I am going to finish it up.


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