Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DIY. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

DIY Summer Tie Dye

Nothing says summer like a tie dyed T-shirt, tank top or scarf? Tie-dye can be so versatile and fun. There are tons of techniques you can use and each provides endless possibilities. If you are looking for a way to breath new life into an old garment or you are simply looking to add a splash of colour to your decor, consider tie dying.

Today's projects only took about an hour and were super fun to make. The first item is a scarf (thrift store find) and the second is a 100% cotton tank top.

The original scarf (left) and the finished tie-dyed scarf (right). The scarf was scrunched on the ends and
dip dyed to create an ombre effect.
Plain tank top (left) and the finished dip dyed tank top (right). The tank top was loosely twisted
while being placed into the dye bath (see below).

Dye packet (1)
Salt (based on instructions)
Garment (tip: use cotton, silk, linen or other natural fibre for best results)
Pot, large basin or bucket (tip: consider purchasing a stainless steel pot at your local thrift store)
Rubber gloves
Rubber bands
Large spoon
Measuring cup

What we used:
1 Tin Dylon hot water dye in "Windsor Purple"
100% Cotton tank top
Scarf from thrift store (unknown fibre)

Step1 - Prepare garments by washing and rinsing thoroughly. Squeeze out the excess water and keep damp. Fold, twist or scrunch the fabric as desired and hold in place with several rubber bands.

Step 2 - Prepare dye bath as instructed on the dye package.

The Dylon dye we used required mixing in boiling water to dissolve the dye. The dye mixture was then added to the pot and water was added, just enough to cover the garments. The salt was added and stirred into the dye bath. The mixture was brought to a simmer for twenty minutes while stirring constantly.

Step 3 - Allow the garment to sit in the dye bath to intensify the colour and to get a stronger result.

Step 4 - Rinse fabric until water runs clear and remove the rubber bands as you are rinsing. Hang to dry, away from heat or direct sunlight.

Tips: Using the salt, ironing and/or placing the item in the dryer can help to set the colour.

If you are looking for a natural dye option check out our post on: Making Natural Dyes.

Monday, September 24, 2012

At Home: Closet Makeover

I will like to introduce a new feature on Crafted Spaces' blog titled; "At Home." Through this new feature I will like to share some of the crafty things that I do in my life. This new feature will therefore focus on the various creative projects that I do in my home and will highlight some personal aspects of my life.

I love incorporating something creative into all things that I do, and my home is a playground for trying new ideas and creative projects. Many of the projects that I feature on Crafted Spaces are one that I have done at home or with my family.

I hope that this new feature will add another dimension to the blog, providing inspiration for how you can incorporate many of the diy projects we post. I also hope that you will enjoy this new component of the blog and will share your comments and feedback.

For my first post in this new feature, I will like to share a link to a previous blog post that I did at Verona Collections blog. The project shows the transformation of my front hall closet and shows a chair that has been recovered using the chair seat recovering technique as shown here.

View Closet Makeover here! This project features the following DIY Project: Recovering a Chair Seat.

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