Showing posts with label Elusive Images. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elusive Images. Show all posts

Friday, 1 October 2010

An interview with Glenda Waterworth

Yesterday we talked to Glenda about her business life, but today we get more personal and find out some fascinating insights into the brains behind Elusive Images and Graphicus.

Tell us a bit about yourself and your background
I was born and raised in and around Carlisle and the Lake District. Although my first degree is in Business, IT and German (there's a mixture for you!) I have always been creative and have drawn, painted and crafted in one form or another from an early age. Over the years, I've been a keen knitter and an occasional embroideress, as well as being a silk-painter and even a glass-painter for a while, before falling in love with print-making and rubber stamping. I have also studied traditional bookbinding and hold a Diploma in Art and Design. You would not believe the list of jobs that I've had since leaving school or the number of times that I've moved house!

Adrian was born and bred in County Durham in the north-east of England. He has a degree and a PhD in Computing Science (what a swot!) but his creative talents actually lie in the musical direction, rather than the visual arts, and he plays piano and guitar as well as singing. We met while working for the same computer company in the mid 1990's, but that's a whole other story. Although Adrian has been involved in Graphicus and Elusive Images from day one, he finally gave up his normal "day job" four or five years ago and joined the Graphicus office full-time. He can now usually be found sorting out technical problems on computers or other machinery, poring over the accounts or filling in endless reams of official paperwork. Strangely, he often seems to like it.

When did you first realise you had an interest in arts and crafts?
My interest in arts and crafts really did start at my mother's (and grandmother's) knee. In fact, most of my extended family are artistic in one way or another, so the interest in all things arty and crafty is probably genetic and could never be avoided. Whether it was embroidery, weaving, fine art, illustration, silk-painting, knitting or just colouring things in, I have always been surrounded by something creative and have been inspired to draw, paint and craft in some shape or form from childhood onwards.

Describe the path which led you to become a craft retailer/manufacturer.
I also knew from a relatively early age that I wanted to run my own business one day, but that I wasn't ready at the time. However, when the right time came along, becoming a craft retailer and manufacturer was the most natural thing in the world – inspirational, enjoyable, nice customers, constantly surrounded by pretty artwork and creativity, what's not to like? It really was option number one on a short list of one as far as I was concerned and I have never looked back.

What do you like best about running your own business? What do you like least?
The best part of running your own business is the element of freedom – particularly creative freedom in the case of an art or craft business. You have to be prepared to have broad shoulders or a thick skin at times – the buck really does stop at your desk and you stand or fall by your own efforts – but it's worth it for that freedom.

The worst part of running your own business is the paperwork – particularly any long-winded official paperwork that eats into your valuable art and crafting time. You'd also better not be scared of hard work – it's an old saying that you'll end up working far harder for yourself that you ever had to for anyone else and I've yet to meet any business owner who hasn't found that to be completely true.

What areas of craft interest you? Do you enjoy creating and if so what are your favourite techniques to use?
I love stamping and print-making in all its forms. Seeing a lovely, crisp image appear from under a stamp or printing block is always satisfying. I also enjoy bookbinding – both traditional and more modern, art-book forms. There's a real sense of creative fulfilment in taking some sheets of paper and turning them into your own book, made by your own hand. It gets even better when you are going to use the book as your own journal and you go on to embellish and colour it with stamps, inks and paint.

Alongside stamping, my favourite art and crafting techniques are all associated with colour. I love colouring in an image with inks, paints, coloured pencils or markers – especially my Copics, I adore using them. I also love doing all kinds of coloured backgrounds and background designs using direct to paper techniques.

Which product(s) are your personal favourites and why?
Well, I love Elusive Images stamps and Artylicious papers, but that's not surprising since they're bound to reflect my own taste and inspiration. In terms of other products, I like working with Stampbord – it's such a great surface for stamping and it takes colour so well – and I've already said that I love my Copic markers – they're great for colouring almost anything.

What aspects of teaching do you enjoy? What kind of things do you like to teach?
When teaching, I love to see people developing their own creativity – sort of coming out of their artistic shell. It's such a great feeling helping someone to realise their creative potential – particularly if they are unsure of themselves or not confident in the beginning. I also like teaching more complex and advanced techniques and helping people push their creative boundaries a little. It can be good to take someone a little outside their comfort zone, for example doing mixed media pieces where you're crossing that vague line between what people think of as craft and what they think of as art.

I've always said that pretty much everyone has some creative ability just waiting to be released. Over the last ten years, I've seen proof of that time and time again and I love it!

What are your achievements both personally and professionally?

That's a hard question – I feel like there are so many things I could say! Of course, there's the degree and the diploma and all the academic sort of stuff, but I guess that some of the achievements I'm most proud of at the moment are the ones associated with Graphicus itself. We've managed to put together a fantastic team in the office and they're a great bunch of people to work with. Our regular customers are also lovely people and it's really satisfying seeing them and chatting to them at workshops and open days. Building and running a company with that kind of friendship and loyalty – both from the staff and from our customers – is an achievement to be proud of.

Thank you to Glenda for sharing that with us. Do visit her beautiful blog at: - it's packed with inspiration and beautiful stamped creations.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

SOTY sponsor - Elusive Images

This week we learn more about the the wonderful Elusive Images stamp company who are kindly sponsoring our competition this year with an awesome selection of their gorgeous products.

Elusive Images is a very popular UK-based manufacturer and distributor of quality rubber stamps with a distinctive, elegant style as well as the Artylicious line of CDs and papers. The company is run by Glenda and Adrian Waterworth and has been trading for 10 years. Glenda also runs Graphicus which supplies Elusive Images stamps and a huge range of other stamping products directly to the public. I asked Glenda to tell us a little bit more about her companies and their products.

What are your product specialisms?

Elusive Images rubber stamps, most stamping accessories (ink pads, embossing powders, etc.) Artylicious CDs, Copic Markers, Stampbord, and lots more besides.

What are you most proud of in terms of your business?

We're very proud of our customer service. We have a lot of very happy customers who keep on coming back to us as their first port of call for their stamping and paper-crafting needs, so we work hard to make sure that we continue to get things right and provide all of our customers, both old and new, with first-rate service.

We're also proud of our in-house design and craft expertise – most of our staff members are accomplished artists and crafters in their own right.

Our unique selling points include the specific ranges of products that we carry – particularly with regard to our own designs (Elusive Images stamps, Artylicious CDs) – and the Graphicus Guild, which does offer special deals and discounts to members, but which is really focussed on education, artistic enjoyment and creative inspiration.

What is your greatest achievement?
It's hard to choose a greatest achievement – on the business side we've been asked to give presentations to other small business owners and to university business schools, while on the artistic side we have had several pieces published in magazines over the years and I have also contributed artwork to books. However, we would probably say that our greatest achievements have actually been through some of our customers whose creativity we have helped to develop and who have not only become talented crafters themselves, but they have also become friends to all of us here through regular attendance at our open days and other events.

Do you run classes, crops, demos or open days?
We have a regular programme of classes and workshops, taught by our own staff and by external tutors. We also run a regular crop and our open days are always well attended – they take place every two or three months and run over two full days (Friday and Saturday), usually with at least four or five different demo stations manned throughout both days and often with special guest demonstrators in attendance.

Do you have a design team?
Elusive Images has a dedicated and talented design team which has only recently been re-organised and refreshed with some new members. Membership is juried, based on samples of artwork, and all of the Design Team members bring their own creative and artistic flair to using our stamps and other products – that's why they're chosen! As far as the business is concerned, what they really bring is their creativity and that just gives everyone even more ways to see what can be achieved with all of the different products that we stock. You can see some of the design team's work at

What drives you in business?
Although any business has to make money to survive and grow, the principal driver behind Graphicus and Elusive Images has always been creative freedom. That's not only our own creative freedom, in terms of our own designs and artwork, but also the creative freedom of our customers. We don't just want to provide the products that people need, but also the inspiration to help them release their inner artist and develop their creative abilities. That's why we like it so much when we regularly see that happening at our workshops and open days.

To find out more:

Visit: (retail website for all things Graphicus and Elusive Images)

and (trade website for Elusive Images rubber stamps, etc.)

Email: or

See more of Glenda's beautiful stamped artwork at:

Telephone: 01833 695958

Come back tomorrow for a fascinating interview with Glenda Waterworth.