Guest Designers


Showing posts with label color challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label color challenge. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2010

Challenge # 38 colors

Hello everyone!
Thank you to all last weeks participants..  so many beautiful creations.
This week is the last Guest DT work for Joyce, Bettina and Dawn
Thank you Ladies, it was a great pleasure to have you work with us.

This week our challenge is a color challenge...
We want to see the colors

Here is inspiration for you all... from our DT and GDT
Don't forget to leave them love...

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo
Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo
Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

The tag * Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Dawn forgot to use the color challenge.. but i think this is so beautiful we still wanted to present it.
Image CocoDingo

Thank you again ladies for your work.
Link your creations with the linky tool. Remember NO back linking.
See you all back next year.. :)

Monday, November 29, 2010

Challenge # 34 MONOCHROME

Good morning , and we wish you all a wonderful week. :)
Our challenge this week is monochrome..  the color of your choice.
Come on play with us.  You could be the lucky random winner of some free digital stamps from Lauretta and CocoDingo's ..

Here are the beautiful creations of our DT and GDT's
We would like to also take a minute to say a big THANK YOU to the 3 gorgeous guest's we had for the month.

Tina, Dorte and Meera, it was a great pleasure to have you with us... thank you so very much!!

mono ( black) CocoDingo
Mono (blue) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Mono (blue) CocoDingo

Mono (red) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Mono (yellow) CocoDingo

Mono (pink) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Mono ( blue) CocoDingo

Mono (blue) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Mono (black) CocoDingo

Mono (blue) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Mono (sand) CocoDingo

Mono (turquoise) Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Thank you for joining us this week.  Link your card to the linky tool. No backlinking please.
Hugs xx

Monday, October 18, 2010

Challenge # 28 colors

Hi Everyone ;)
This week we have a easy one for you... it is a color combo.  
We want to see you use these 3 colors in your  NEW creations.

We will announce the winner of last week.. a little later today.. so please come again.

Here is the wonderful creations from our DT and GDT

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps
Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital  Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image CocoDingo

Please leave the link to your paticipation with the linky tool.
Thank you

Monday, August 30, 2010

Challenge # 21 - Color challenge

SO many beautiful entries again last week.. WE are all so thrilled!
Thank you, to all of you..  Please come back to see who the winner is this week ok. ;)
For the winners.. If you all sent a message to me with your image request.. and after a day or 2 * did not hear from me... please send another message , or leave a comment.., because this would mean.. i never got your email.  Ok on to this new challenge.  We have a color challenge this week.. :)
And 2 new Guest DT :))
Please Welcome Shelley Riffle   and  Dawn Lotharius 

The colors asked for the challenge this week are PINK &  BLACK

And here is the beautiful creation from our DT and GDT.

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Thank you for joining us this week ;)  Have all a wonderful week!
Hugs x

Monday, August 09, 2010

Challenge # 18 - Color challenge

WOW...  challenge 18 already...
Mighty! Time goes by so fast!
Thank you, to last week's participants..  There was not many..
I hope this week we will get to see many creative blogger's join us :)

This week our challenge is a color challenge..
and we want to challenge you to use these 3 colors on your card.

here is inspiration from our creative DT and GDT.

Image Lauretta's Digital stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Image CocoDingo

Image Lauretta's Digital Stamps

Please use the linky tool to show us your work of art.. Good luck with the draw..