Showing posts with label wood you like to craft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wood you like to craft. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

WYLTC? Spring Theme Wreath Hanger

Make sure to pop over and check out the fun "SPRING" themed wood crafts this week over at
We are up today with our Picket Fence Wreath Hanger!
As you can see it holds signs too and is so easy/inexpensive to make!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Crafty Sisters WYLTC June

Just in case you missed last week's Wood You Like To Craft "SUMMER" theme~make sure to head over and check out the fun ideas!

We shared our super easy and quick Garden Stakes made from cedar wood fencing and other spare parts.  We made ours in the shape of our feline friends but you could do just about anything.  A great project for the summer with the kids!

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

WYLTC Welcome Spring!

With all the crazy weather going on across the country lately we thought 
this month's theme for Wood You Like To Craft was quite fitting~ Welcome Spring!

Here's our Grassy Mound of Flowers that we put together!
Pretty simple and easy!
Make sure to stop by to see what the other Gals have put together~Wendy did an adorable kite yesterday
that we just love!

Happy Tuesday friends~we hope the sun is shining wherever you are today too!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Wood You Like To Craft Snowman

Make sure to check in this week over at Wood You Like To Craft
for our January theme of SNOWMAN!!!

Krystal shared her cute snowman yesterday and we were up today with ours!
I'm just glad to have something to hang up now that all the Christmas decorations are down.  I always feel weird putting up Valentine decorations too soon so this snowman will do the trick for now.
Happy Tuesday friends!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WYLTC~December Nativities

Have you visited Wood You Like To Craft this month yet?
This month's theme is Nativities and Melinda from Under My Umbrella had
the best idea for all of us to use her original pattern she created years ago
and to do our own version of it.

We are up today sharing our version~make sure to hop over and see what Melinda and Krystal have already shared!  Wendy will round us up tomorrow so check back then to see hers too!  I will have to say what an honor it is to be able to craft with these incredibly talented women.  They are amazing and inspire us!

Tomorrow is our School Christmas celebration~I'm out in the freezing garage trying to make Santa barricades.  You know, those post thingies to keep the kids in a somewhat organized line....I think it will be a miracle if the cement sets up instead of just freezing.  If they aren't a colossal fail.....I'm may just share them tomorrow!

Happy Christmas scurrying!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

WYLTC November Turkey

Come join us today over at Wood You Like To Craft
with November's Thanksgiving/Turkey theme!

I've had this turkey mostly cut out for over 4 years begging me to get around to making him.
Another thing checked off my long list "for me" that I've been working on.
Come see what the other gals have done too!

No school tomorrow~I think I'm about as excited as my daughter is!  Happy Thursday!

Monday, October 7, 2013

WYLTC Halloween Beware Sign

Happy Monday Friends!
Today we are over sharing our quick, easy and inexpensive Halloween Beware Sign
over at Wood You Like To Craft!
Make sure to head over for a peek and some tips on how to make this fun sign and don't forget to check back in the rest of the week to see what Krystal, Wendy and Melinda have to share!

I'm attempting to get out all my Halloween decorations today to suprise my little girl when she gets home. What is it about purple, orange, green and black that make me so happy?
Bonus of the day~Hobby Lobby has Simplicity patterns on sale for .99 cents, so I no longer have any excuse to not get working on my daughter's costume.

How about you?  Do you prefer to buy or make your Halloween costumes?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

WYLTC July Pennant

Happy 4th of July!
Candace and I hope you are having a wonderful holiday
and we're excited to share our cute little wood Patriotic banner with you that we are also sharing over at Wood You Like To Craft today!  Make sure to head over and see all the cute Patriotic ideas shared this week!
It's pretty simple~we just made elongated pennants approximately 4 x 10 inches.
We cut them from 1/8" MDF, it's perfect for banners, not too heavy, not too thick, and makes them
a whole lot sturdier to store and hang.
What made these pennants fun was that we cut out a separate piece to layer on the top.
Scallop, round and triangle edges add a bit of pop and depth to each pennant.

I find that my banners all end up looking very similar though, I can resist to bejewel them
for a little pop!  I guess it's okay to go along with today's "sparklers" right?!
Wishing you the best from Crafty Sisters and a very grateful thanks for all those
who serve to make our freedom possible!

Monday, April 8, 2013

WYLTC? Mother's Day Craft

We are hosting Wood You Like To Craft this month
and our theme is "Mother's Day"!

Come check out our cute Mother's Day Wooden Flower Bouquet
and stay tuned for what Krystal, Wendy and Melinda have to share this week!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

wood you like to craft

Just in case you guys missed our post over at Wood You Like To Craft
we thought we'd re-post it here.
Make sure to head over and see all the fun ideas for this month's theme
"April Showers".
Maybe it's the fact that I watched a couple of episodes of
Hoarders and Animal Hoarders over Spring Break,
whichever the reason Candace and I are both
in full Spring cleaning mode this week.
I mean serious gutting of our houses, bags of stuff to be hauled
away and an actual resemblance of a home remaining.
So until the crafts start coming again.....Enjoy!

Today we are getting a bit sentimental
with this month's theme.
When Wendy showed us her super cute Umbrella idea
the only thing that came to mind was the beautiful quilt block
from our childhood.
So while Candace has been so busy finishing up her Master Bedroom reveal
I of course couldn't pass up a fun opportunity to work with wood
Our Grandmother made everyone a quilt when they were married 
and the one she gave our parents we called
"The Pink Lady Blankey".
I snuck some pictures this weekend of the quilt while our parents
have been out of town.
We loved this blanket~I mean what little girl wouldn't?
All the pretty fabric's used on the dresses, bows and parasols!
Against my mother's wishes I snuck it away with me to college
where I'm sure it got most of it's damage.
I've always wanted to recreate it and I have great plans to this summer,
but until then I thought this would be a fun way to do it.
This can of course be done with any favorite quilting block pattern.
I traced a pattern as best I could and sketched the rest out on paper.
Then I made a copy so I still had the original to go off of.
Using a glue stick you can glue it right to your wood.
It makes it really easy to cut out instead of tracing each individual piece.
Plus the paper just peels off when you are done or can
be easily sanded away.
I used 1/8" MDF to cut it out of.
I cut a plaque out of 3/4" MDF that was approximately 18" in size.
After you cut them out, lightly sand.
It's like putting together a puzzle~my daughter loved it!
I gave everything a quick coat of white paint
and then Modge Podged some cute papers on.
Then you just glue the wood pieces onto the plaque and it's ready to hang!
I'm going to make 2 more to hang up in my daughter's room.
Pretty simple and pretty fun!
Thanks for great inspiration Wendy!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Wooden Silhouettes

We couldn't resist!
After working on the fun Bunny Silhouettes
for Wood You Like To Craft,
we had to make some more!
Candace has been wanting to make some of her boys
and I couldn't wait to follow suit!

There is a really great (and easy!) tutorial for creating
a great silhouette picture to use from Design Dazzle.
They are so fun on paper but you know us and our love
of using wood~we thought it would give the silhouettes some great dimension!

After we took some pictures
we printed them off and cut them out with scissors
to make our pattern.

Candace traced her silhouettes directly from the computer screen,
sizing them to an 8x10 image.
Next, we traced directly to the wood.
 You can use pine, mdf, or whatever scraps you may have on hand.
We found that a scroll saw works best to cut out the fine detail in the face.
Be sure to wear a mask and eye protectors!
We ended up just spray painting them with a glossy finish.
Candace sprayed hers in a dark brown
hanging them with ribbon from 
cute decorative drawer knobs from Target.
I sprayed my daughter's silhouette in a glossy black
and adhered the ribbon with a really hot glue gun.
I found some really cute knobs from Hobby Lobby
but I'm still deciding on where to hang it.
I have to say how special this project was!
I've seen a ton of silhouettes around and yes, they look cool and all,
but there is something about seeing the details of your own child
the pout of their lips, their cowlicky rooster tails and their little chins....
They just make us smile!
Definitely a project to put on your list to do!

Our Wood You Like To Craft Linky party starts tomorrow
so make sure to head over and link up your great Silhouette projects!

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