OK, the cards have arrived and the giveaway is closed! I'm pretty exhausted from work-related travel during the past four days, but thought I'd put of some scans of what is being given away. I think you'll agree, Mr. Trucks is an awesome individual who cares a lot about baseball fans and the games history. I can't wait to get the book!
So, you already know the 1954 Bowman:
Like I said, I sent Mr. Trucks a few more cards. First, this gem:
Yep, that is some mega-vintage 1950 Bowman Virgil Trucks. If you've never seen these, they are incredible. Whoever lands this beauty will be incredibly stoked. Next up:
1957 Topps. Another nice card, this one of Mr. Trucks playing with the A's. Pretty cool you can see the warm-up suit peaking out from under his uni. Even better, check out the back:
See '44-'45? It actually lists his service in the Navy on the back of the card. Nice. And we have this:
1959 Topps. This card, along with the '54 Bowman, was among those purchased at the cardshop in Devanport, IA, I mentioned
here. But that isn't all! Mr. Trucks threw in a few more graphs that he said I could give away.
The awesome things about these diamond signatures cards is that they were printed up specifically for players to give away. This is another version:
He also included this awesome cardboard you have already seen and that I am guessing is of personal vintage:
It is a little large than a "normal" sized card, but this cool card features a pitching tiger on the front and some great info on the back. And like I said, it's kind of Mr. Trucks's "if I designed baseball cards, my baseball card would look like this..." baseball card. I'm sure we all agree that some folks at the card companies could learn a thing or two from Mr. Trucks. And finally, I think you remember the "Fire Trucks" stamp:
He threw in 2 of them!
So, once again, many many thanks to Mr. Trucks! I'll run the randomizations tomorrow and cards will be assigned numbers according to the order in which they appear in this post, 9 in all!
Finally, because I have been out of town I am way behind on posts and emails. I will be catching up tonight, but I wanted to throw out a quick "Thanks" to the folks who sent me cards recently. I will be posting them over the weekend, but in the meantime wanted to say your generosity and thoughtfulness are awesome. And, look soon for a special post by the compa!