Crawl Across the Ocean

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Sun Run 2010

2009 post here
2008 post here
2007 post (with details on what the Sun Run is) here.

After running the Sun Run in 45:43 last year, I wasn't too optimistic about beating that time this year, and with good reason as it turns out, since I think I finished in around 46:35 or so, similar to my time from two years ago.

Running the half marathon last summer, and moving to the hilly land of Port Moody a month ago helped with my stamina, as I didn't feel fully out of breath at any point in the race, and I think I could have maintained a similar pace for a few more kilometers (both of these points were definitely not true the past two years), but what I lacked was speed training on the flats, and I wasn't able to maintain a fast enough pace on the long flat stretches (km 4 and km 7 in particular) - due to leg fatigue and stomach and shoulder cramps - to match last year's time.

It was a beautiful sunny day for spectators of the run, albeit definitely too warm for my tastes for running (every underpass was a sweet 3 seconds of shade...) - not that it was super warm (maybe 12C) but my Irish genes and Vancouver training lead me to prefer overcast skies and a temperature around 5 degrees for running!

In last year's sun run post, I suggested I might try a different distance at some point, which I did, running the Scotia half marathon last June. This year, I'm thinking about possibly training for a triathlon at some point, although this would require buying a bike and learning how to ride it at a decent speed, not to mention learning how to swim properly (I was never keen on putting my head in the water!) I guess we'll see, I wouldn't hold my breath.

Until next year...

Updated to add that my official time was 46:33, good for 1,694th place, two places better than last year, despite the slower time - either people suffered due to the 'heat' or more likely there were fewer entries this year, possibly due to the delay due to the Olympics, fewer corporate sponsors, or the conflict with Mother's Day. The time was 185th best out of the 1,753 men in the 35-39 age bracket who ran the race.

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