Good Morning to you. I here today to show you what I've been doing over at Amazing Crafting Products. I hardly ever know what I am going to make until I make it. Oh, I definitely think about future projects, but I hardly ever think them out. I like to just go with it most of the time. Even when I do run it through my head, it hardly ever turns out the way I imagined it; therefore I love to experiment. Sometimes it fails, but most of the time I have success. Remember, there is nothing wrong with experimenting and failure isn't always a bad thing. Sometimes new and fun things come about using my "failures".
So here we go... I wondered how I could create a hole
within a molded piece and came up with this idea.
I rolled out a bit of the Amazing Mold Putty about 1/4" thick and using those metal cookie cutters, I cut out the shapes. You do not have to use the metal kind, but those were the smallest ones I had. I needed them to be small enough to fit into my domino molds I made here and here.
I then just placed my "heart shape" into my domino mold and poured my Amazing Casting Resin into the mold tinted with the Alumilite Black Dye. Do not over pour and cover your "heart shape" though.
After it cured for about 10 minutes I de-molded it and used my X-acto knife to clean up the edges a bit and now you have a perfect hole in the shape of a heart.
I wanted to add something to the bottom of the domino piece and thought about darts.
I Love Darts!!
Or a music note... You Make my Heart Sing!
Or maybe a key... You Hold the Key to my Heart!
I opted for the latter and added a bit of Rub 'n Buff® – this is the finished piece.
I hope you've enjoyed my piece today and hope I've inspired you to "void" a mold.
Please head over to Amazing Crafting Products and see what everyone over there creates and get inspired.
Please head over to Amazing Crafting Products and see what everyone over there creates and get inspired.
What would you use as a "void"
in a molded piece?
As always, have a great day and God Bless