While others may disagree... I don't mean in the cooking sense. ...
The monkey business has begun! Not to be outdone by  Will and his new job, Wilhelmina has her own enterprising idea. ...
We just recently finished painting our living room and dining room, laying hardwood, and flipping our living and dining rooms around. It feels like a whole new house. It was a happy, happy day when we tore out the carpet that came with this place. The dining room reveal will come in the New Year... ...
I've had a sign in mind for weeks now and much to my frustration, it just wasn't coming together. Vickie's Beach Sign Enter inspiration from: Vickie at Ranger 911's scrumptious beach sign. I loved the soft colours, shape and shading...     Source                   ... and this cute garden shed sign. A few minutes at the computer and I was in business. I loved the pointing finger and bird. I wanted a lady's hand and actually found free brushes  here.  In flew the chickadee (we love our chickadees) and then the shape (banner 3 in Photo Shop Elements' shape templates). I used one of my favourite fonts, Muffaroo, and added the shading in PSE. I haven't the skills of the artiste Vickie to free hand it yet. :) Out came the trusty ole fence boards, jigsaw and graphite paper. I cut the shape first and transferred the design after sanding the edges. The fo......
2006 Canada Day is just around the corner and we are looking forward to it as always. My 'little' girl just turned 10 and as soon as that birthday rolls around I know our next big celebration is not far away. Last week I got out my trusty ole fence boards and made a new sign for the mantle. Yes, I still have those hideous Canadian Tire sconces and the tile fireplace. They are closer up to the top of my hit list than they are on Mr. CF's hit list. Sigh.  Start by selecting old fence boards from your carefully cataloged and meticulously stored stock from under the deck. I screwed two flat pieces of scrap board vertically to the back to join the boards. Our flag has a 1:2 ratio and the centre white square is the dimensions of the height of the flag. I was happy to learn this when making this sign; I'll be sure to get that right on my future mini flags! My boards measure 17x33. Technically it should be 34" wide, but I didn't want t......
I made a new sign for Sunday... a little tweaking of the spring mantle and we're ready for our annual Mother's Day brunch. At least the mantle is ready. The grocery shopping has a ways to go yet. Easy, peasy and total cost: $0. I used the font LD Petticoat Black, printed out and transferred to one of the old fence boards in my stash. I used craft paints that I had on hand and dried well using my high dollar drying station, pictured at right. Sand and voila! I enlarged and printed the photos at home and picked up the clothespins from Mom last night. They are the same ones that I used to pin the clothes on the line back in the 60's and 70's when we were much smarter and used clotheslines. I printed photos of everyone that will be at the brunch with their mothers. My mom, my dad, my daughter, my husband, my aunt, my mother-in-law, hubby's aunt and our neighbour. We're all there and DD knows who everyone is in these old ......
I have a new health and safety poster at my desk -- albeit a bit too late. I don't know what I was thinking, but we didn't put my desk up on a perch when we moved here and it is too low. Or... my armrest was too high and I didn't think to lower it. Needless to say, many hours of doing genealogy, surfing, scrapping, and pinning and I have mouse elbow. It is similar to tennis elbow, but I am finding it much harder to heal. I am trying to rest it, but it is the start of gardening season. I am using my left hand for my mouse when I can, icing it, massaging it, and taking ibuprophen. Sigh. I thought that making a poster would help -- but I used my right hand for mousing. Ooops. The skeleton & Miss Mousie are from The Graphics Fairy  of course. The text was found  here  with a slight modification on that last line. The addition of the Red Cross logo was inspired by Vickie at Ranger 911's post  here . I think it makes it look awfully official! I......
Joni McPherson Source There were four things that I've always wanted in my yard: 1. Bird Bath (check) 2. Arbor (check) 3. Robin Shelter (check) 4. Nesting robins... no check.  I'm so happy about the first three and still waiting for Mr. & Mrs. Robin to take up residence. After following Nan and her sweet little robin story at  You Could Make That  I hit upon an idea to encourage tenants in our robin shelter.  In this photo from last August you can see the robin shelter tucked up in the arbor that Mr. C.F. and I built almost two years ago. We all love birds at our house and have started the transformation of our barren and beat up yard since we moved in almost four summers ago now. There is a big apple tree to the left in this photo, flowering raspberry behind the arbor and a serviceberry tree right around the corner... robins like fruit, right? A photo from last summer of the handy fountain/bird bath -- complimentary......