Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts
Showing posts with label portrait. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Crown in her Soul

'Crown in Her Soul' 
5 x 7 inches

'She's the kind of queen that knows her crown isn't on her head. But in her soul." Adrian Michael

This is one of my favorite paintings I've done in a while. I really loved the glow on her face and hair from the light, and the flash of red in her dress, and the colors of sunlight in her hair. And her smooth skin. . . cool shadows in her cheeks. . . I could go on forever I guess. The point is, I loved painting this one. 

I'm always amazed at how some subjects and scenes just click in my brain and it's like I vacate the premises for a minute and my body just paints it like it's on auto pilot. I guess that's called flow? It's a very cool phenomenon. The trick is figuring out what makes that happen and then do more of that haha! 

I'm super behind on blogging lately. I've been creating so much art, it's been amazing! But haven't taken the time to blog about it, even though I do post regularly on Instagram and facebook (crystalcookart on both). 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Lost in Thought

Lost in Thought

You know that quote about art washing the dust out of the soul? I can't remember how it goes, but I absolutely love it. It is so true. I spent this afternoon looking at an art book and I felt so refreshed (Karin Jurick's museum paintings, love it!). Yesterday I spent the day sculpting for my Tumble Creatures line. And every day since September first I have made a whole hearted attempt to paint. It has refreshed my mind, heart, and soul so much. 

It is so easy to get stuck in a rut of daily life, and not appreciate the wonder that it is to be alive. Art helps immensely with that. Don't you think? 

The main thing I learned with this painting was, to paint the hand in as few strokes as possible. I am pretty happy with that hand because I think they are the hardest thing ever to paint. And ears. Oh and mouths. And don't even get me started on teeth. Okay it's all dang hard amiright? 

Friday, June 21, 2013

A letter to the artist as a young girl

5 x 5.75 inches graphite on paper

A letter to the artist as a young girl,

I thought about you the other day. I pictured you sitting at that old computer desk that you dragged into your room. I remember how you placed it, with much planning and care on your part, so you’d have a clear view of the cherry tree in the backyard, the horse pasture beyond that, and the acres of apple orchards even further beyond that. 

I can see you in my mind with your pans of watercolors spread out in front of you, sketches of horses and ponies littering the floor, along with the odd crumpled up paper that didn’t quite live up to your expectations.

You are an artist, and you have been from the very beginning. And here you sit, painting and drawing away, feeling nothing but the uninhibited joy of a child creating.

With that in mind I have a few things I’d like to tell you. First of all, that I’m proud of you. For your passion for art, your perseverance even when things don’t come easy to you, and your faith in your future that you’re sure is filled with brilliant things.

The second thing I’d like to tell you is this. Don’t give up.

Now I know what you’re thinking. Why would I ever give this up? This wonderful happy-making thing that is art?

I’m afraid I can’t tell you that right now. Some things are better left for you to discover first hand. But know this, there will come a time in your life when things won’t feel this rosy and optimistic. All roads might seem to end up leading to nowhere. You will feel discouraged, frustrated, and maybe even a little hopeless. That dream that you’re holding tight in your heart right now might one day start to look a little tarnished, it might feel impossibly beyond your reach.

That’s why I’m writing you this letter. To tell you that no matter how dark things might look one day, they will get better. But not if you give up. The only way things will get better is if you keep making art with that same passion and love that you had when you were sitting at that beat up old desk under the window in your room. Things will get better if you listen to that voice inside that keeps whispering to you to paint your heart out no matter what anyone else tells you. Especially then.  Don’t ever let the opinion of others stop you from making art. Things will get better if you just don’t give up. I promise.

Now go on back to that desk and paint something pretty. I know you can do it.

Crystal (your future self, who just so happens to be a professional artist)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Almost a Smile

'Almost a Smile' 
7 x 9 inches
graphite on paper - not for sale
This is a beautiful little girl that lives in my neighborhood. Last fall I started asking some fellow moms I knew to see if there were any willing models nearby. And I had a pretty big response which made me SO happy! Then the holidays came and well, I am just now getting around to working on the photos I took of this darling little girl.

When I ask someone to model for me I give them the option of either me paying them for their time, or giving them a sketch. Her mother chose the sketch. I want my models to know how much I appreciate their time, so I always try to compensate them in some way.

Except for my children and my nieces and nephew who are exempt from this rule. They work for free, and occasionally cupcakes! :)))) Mwa ha ha!!!

With this sketch I wanted the emphasis to clearly be on her eyes, so that's where I kept my darkest values and the most detail too. I am really happy with how it turned out. But let's face it, having such a beautiful model makes my job pretty easy right? Happy weekend everyone!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Bloom - SOLD

'Bloom' SOLD
6" x 6" graphite on paper

Sometimes I just really miss drawing when I spend so much time painting. Preparing a drawing for a painting is very different from doing a drawing to stand alone as a work of art. So the best thing to do is get out my pencils and sketchbook and go to town. I thought this girl from India had the most beautiful features I'd ever seen. I ended up exaggerating them a bit unintentionally because I loved them so much. :)

I have the hardest time photographing pencil work. It really makes me wish I had a scanner because while this is close to the original, it's really not as close as I would like

I don't plan on taking any time off now that the 30x30 challenge is done. I simply have to paint. And I have really enjoyed blogging more often. I'm shooting for Mon - Fri. Some days may just be works in progress since I would like to work on a large oil painting soon. I just have to get handsome hubby into the garage to cut up some more panels for me. :)

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!

Reference photo, with thanks, by Ryan Lobo

Monday, January 28, 2013

Before Sunset

'Before Sunset' 
5" x 7" oil on masonite panel
$100 plus $7 US shipping or $20 International

“Now she’s lit by the warm orange spreading from the horizon as not-quite-day, becomes not-quite-night”
David Levithan, Every Day

It seemed like every quote I looked for about sunset was either about death or love lost. Not exactly what I was looking for. I've always loved sunset, but not as much as sunrise. Maybe it is because sunset seems to mean the end where sunrise marks the beginning. 

This is my favorite oil painting to date. :) I feel like I can say that since I mention my struggles with oils oh-so-frequently. :D 

Reference photo by Kelsey's Love Fusion, thank you! 

A note to my International buyers: As of January 27 USPS shipping rates have raised dramatically for International shipping and so I had to raise my  shipping prices as well. But, if once I ship your package, it ends up being much less than what I've stated as the fee, I'll refund you the difference. Thank you so much for understanding! If you have any questions about this feel free to email me.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

A sketch of my son, and something entirely different

a graphite sketch of my middle child

My middle child loves to draw. He just turned eight years old, and this is something he has loved his entire life. When he was barely a year old he loved to sit and scribble with crayons for hours and hours.  

For Christmas we got him a set of Prismacolor pencils, and you should have seen the excitement on his face! He has been looking at mine with such longing for quite a while and he quickly outgrew the kids art supplies with all the drawing he does. He's 'serious' about drawing and wanted 'serious' art supplies. 

He loves to draw with me, and this time when we were both sitting down together I decided to do a drawing of him, so he could see it come to life on the paper. It was a good time together. :) I remember doing the same thing with my mom when I was little.

And now for something entirely different. . . 

 I sculpted a little dragon. :)

Last year I found THE most darling little dragon sculptures on Etsy. I fell in love with them, but they sold out faster than I could click the buy now button! Although I did finally manage to buy one in December and it is now my studio mascot.

Then I found the woman, Becca Gollins of Dragons and Beasties, who made these little critters on deviant art this last summer, which then lead me to her facebook page, and her youtube sculpting tutorials. And I thought why not? So I gave it a shot and made my boys three little dragons for Christmas.

They turned out pretty cute. Not professional by any means, but cute. And the boys really liked them so that's what counts right? Right. :) Anyways, I gave the sculpting thing another go this week and made this little one for my mom's birthday, which is today. Happy Birthday Mom!! :) 

So. . . yeah. . . that's all. Just a little dragon and a sketch. :) Thanks for taking a peek. See you guys on Monday! 

This is painting/drawing 10/30 (it counts right? the drawing, not the dragon ;) in the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Around the Corner

'Around the Corner'
5" x 7" watercolor on aquaboard (will not require framing behind glass)
$65 plus $7 shipping

Earlier this year me and my son (who's crazy about dogs) went to a dog show. His favorite part was the agility course and my favorite part was the cute fluffy dogs! I found this one spot behind the scenes where I could take photos without being noticed (or being in the way) and that's where I saw this lovely Golden Retriever girl.

She was getting all gussied up to go into the ring but she kept her gentle eyes on me the whole time I was there. And I wasn't exactly close to her either! I was using my long lens so I was pretty far away, but still she watched me. I wonder what she was thinking.

In other news, last Friday was my oldest son's birthday, he turned eleven years old. Happy Elevensies my sweet boy!

Birthday hugs :)

His requested birthday pie (apple of course), that's a lot of candles! I didn't keep track I just stuck a bunch on there to light that baby up! :)

We're full on in Christmas preparation mode around here. Brodie went out and bought some small trees for each of the boy's bedrooms and tonight Grandma is coming over to help decorate. So naturally I had to make a delicious and sugary treat to go along with the festivities. :)

I'd share but. . . well it's kind of hard to do that through a computer screen. But trust me it's delicious!! Have a great week all.

Friday, November 23, 2012

No Sunshine SOLD

'No Sunshine'  SOLD
6" x 6" oil on panel

I have been on a mission to paint an oil portrait that I really like. And this time I finally did. I think that's why I've been sticking with the oils so long this time. I felt like I just HAD to paint a portrait that felt like me you know? So. I'm happy with this one. And that's all I have to say. :) 

I'm recovering from a turkey coma today and hanging out with my family. And I'm off to see the Nutcracker tonight with my mom, sister, and nieces!! I'm so excited. I've been wanting to see it for years. 

I love the Christmas season. :)

Hugs to you and yours,

 reference photo by the awesome Steve Evans, thank you! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Solemn 2 - sold

'Solemn 2' - sold
7" x 10"  watercolor on paper
This was a special request for one of my good collectors. This version is a little larger, and slightly different, mostly because of the nature of watercolor and the semi-impossibility of recreating those spontaneous effects in the background. But also because I think I've grown as an artist in the year since I painted the first 'Solemn.'
My palette isn't quite the same and I think my observational skills have gotten better too. This painting was kind of a challenge, but in the end I was really happy with how she turned out, especially her eyes. :) And my collector was happy with her too so that makes everything worth it.
Meanwhile, on the homefront, me and littlest Cook are getting ready to make caramel apples and cute Halloween crafts involving handprints and black cats. I'll try and save you an apple but I'm not promising anything. :)
Reference photo by the awesome Steve Evans, thank you!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Hidden in Plain - sold

'Hidden In Plain Sight'
5.5" x 7" watercolor on paper 

Last year I had this idea that I was going to paint a big series of myself (because I'm a cheap model, I work for free) in a bunch of different masks. I was so excited. And then I started painting my first one. It was a close up of just my eyes and the mask. After that first one my excitement kind of. . . left.
It is wicked hard to paint yourself. It feels like the worst kind of narcissism to think that I am important enough to be painted, by my own hand no less. It feels like getting dressed up to go to the prom when you're actually just going grocery shopping, and you're a thirty year old woman who is just way too old to be getting dressed up for the prom.
I couldn't shake that feeling. I don't like looking at myself for a long time. So my project got set aside. Until now.
Because it's Halloween time (Almost! Chocolate, sugar, zombies, ZOMBIES!!!) and I love Halloween. :)
It also helped that I was wearing a mask so I could pretend that it wasn't actually my face I was painting, but some random blonde woman. He, he. :)
And now I shall end this entirely too awkward blog post, in this entirely too awkward way of telling you I'm going to end this blog post.
I think I need some chocolate. . . Huzzah!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Inquisitive - sold

'Inquisitive' - sold
6" x 6" watercolor on paper
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitter steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree you still believe it to be a beautiful place." -Kurt Vonnegut
This statement is never more true than with children. No matter what their life is like they still believe the world to be a beautiful place.
Reference photo by Steve Evans, thank you!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


6" x 6" oil on masonite panel

This is the last of my oil paintings for now. I've enjoyed painting with oils this last week, but I'm very ready to head back to my watercolors. It's like being on vacation for a long time. It's fun, but eating out every day and sleeping in hotel rooms gets old pretty fast. You start to miss home. :)

Watercolors are my home. Vacation's over and I'm feeling a little homesick. I think a portrait in watercolor is in order straight away! ;)

Reference photo by Reine Haru on deviantart, thank you!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Esoteric - sold

6" x 6" oil on masonite panel

Something that I find really difficult with oil, or even acrylics, is achieving bright colors. I'm used to exploiting that white paper to get a glowing look and well. . . I can't really do that with oils.

But, I do really enjoy the process of painting with oils. I like how much easier it is to build up the portrait when painting alla prima. There's no layers and waiting for paint to dry it's just go, go, go. A lot like sketching that way which is probably why I like it so much. :)

I really loved this model's hair and those dappled trees behind her. And such Pretty light!

Photo reference by BelleDameSansMerci on deviant art, thank you! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

Snuffles - sold

ACEO 2.5" x 3.5" colored pencil on bristol

I had to try the ACEO again. I think they are incredibly cute little miniature works of art. And it's such a challenge to draw that small, AND they get done fast! Zzzzzippp! Two-ish hours later and Finito!!

I like that. :)

And could someone please tell me if this is a French Bulldog or a Boston Terrier? Because I'm leaning toward French Bulldog, but I'm not a hundred percent certain. My son says Boston Terrier. He looked it up in his big ol' book of dogs. Either way that snuffly little nose is so cute. Just asking for a kiss right?

Happy weekend everyone. :) Huzzah!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Sliced - sold

'Sliced' sold
2.5" x 3.5" ACEO colored pencil

Decided to try something a little different this time. A smaller size (holy cow was that tricky!!), a different point of view, and a bit of an edgy feel to this portrait.

I kinda like the results. Although I don't know how often I will do these itty bitty pieces (do you have any idea how difficult it is to draw a face that small?) but it was fun, so I guess that means I will have to try these ACEO's again. One day. :)

This was last week's Daily Paintworks challenge, paint a miniature. And honestly I had no idea how hard it would be when I attempted it, or I probably would not have.

It seems to betray all logic that something so small was so blasted difficult doesn't it?

Yep. I thought so too. Have a good weekend everyone! Huzzah!

reference photo by Kelsey's love fusion on flickr, thank you!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


6" x 6" acrylic on masonite panel
$65 plus $7 US or $15 International shipping

One of my mom's favorite stories to tell about me is the time I went to see our new doctor for the first time. I think I was about five years old. I remember sitting on that exam table that seemed so very tall, with my hands under my legs, listening to the paper covering crinkle under my fingers, and the swish of my legs swinging back and forth.

I don't remember much else, but I do remember what the doctor said. Or maybe I just remember my mother telling me about it.

He studied me, then finally he pushed his thick glasses further up his nose and looked at my mom. He took a deep breath then said, "She doesn't say much, but you can tell she's a thinker."

The little girl I painted reminds me of me when I was tiny. Always far away and thinking about something. I had dark hair as a kid too, and big chunky cheeks. :)


Friday, May 18, 2012

Vices and Virtues SOLD

'Vices and Virtues'
6" x 6" graphite on Strathmore 400

I love to draw. But really I can't think of an artist that I know who doesn't love to draw. And if you're an artist who doesn't love to draw, you need to learn to love it. Make drawing your favorite. :)

Technically this drawing isn't a sketchbook study, it's much more. . . fine tuned, I guess you could say, than most of the drawings in my sketchbook. But it is one that I started while waiting in the car to pick my kids up from school. I do a lot of drawing in my car, I hate waiting and being bored. :)

When I first saw this woman I thought she seemed a little haughty. But the more I studied her face as I was drawing her the more I thought of her as just plain confident instead of prideful. She had a good mix of the two I suppose. And there is a certain curiosity in her expression that I really, really like. Don't you think?

P.S. I'm hopefully going to be posting more drawings and sketches every Saturday. . . As long as I get to it before my children wake up and demand breakfast and park trips! Loveable little minions. :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012


'Martha' SOLD
6" x 6" watercolor

Yesterday while I was painting this sweet girl I had the thought that I was doing something that was just right for me. Painting faces. It felt so natural to smooth my brush down the contours of her face and catch the highlights in her eyes.  

For all that I love to try new subjects and new mediums I will always come back to my watercolors and an expressive face.

They feel like home to me. :)

Huzzah. :)

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Colored Pencil Work in Progress (or the most boring title for a blog post ever)

untitled colored pencil work in progress 8" x 10"
Prismacolor on bristol

I've been working on and off on this colored pencil piece since July of last year. Why has it taken me so long you ask? Because I am very impatient and sometimes I just get frustrated with how long colored pencil takes me.

I look at how much work I've gotten done in the last hour and realize that I could have accomplished the same thing with my watercolors and a hair dryer in about ten minutes. Which then makes me put this colored pencil piece away and go work on my speedier watercolors.

But still, there's something about colored pencils that appeals to me. A lot. I don't know if it's because it's more similar to drawing, one of my major loves in my art life. Or if it's because looking at a box of colored pencils with hundreds of color choices feels like the best grown up 'coloring' experience ever.

Probably both, but maybe a little more with that last one. I still look for excuses to color with my kids in their coloring books. So fun. :)

So, now that I've played around with acrylics and colored pencil I think I'm ready to get back at home with my watercolors. I kinda miss them. I have a couple of paintings that I'm REALLY excited about that I can't wait to get started on. I think that's one of the best thing about the whole painting process. The anticipation of getting started on your next great project. Don't you think?

See you next week everybody!


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