Showing posts with label story telling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label story telling. Show all posts

Work Safety

In whatever career a person chooses to invest his or her time on to, it is not only enough that such person has the right skills and exposure needed for the task at hand. Equally important is the person’s dedication to the chosen profession or vocation. These two ingredients, right skills and dedication, are need for a person to be successful at work.

And because of this dedication that at times a worker goes beyond the call of duty and in the process risks life and limbs in the performance of the job. It is always thus a requirement that considering these risks, a worker observes safety measures to protect himself. Unfortunately, situations happen beyond anyone’s control and in an unexpected moment. Accidents are such that they at times occur even beyond safety precautions. It is on these situations that a worker needs
Accident Compensation. And it is in these times and situations that a worker needs assistance so as to be provided with the proper care.

It is equally important that
accident compensation assistance is provided by those which have integrity, independence and disposes the task at the interest of the worker. These claims can be done at the most professional way and thus is very relevant that a worker chooses the most knowledgeable professional services firm in handling accident compensation.

My BUCKET LIST Reflection

Don't ask me again if where and how I saw BUCKET LIST, the only thing relevant is that I've seen it. I'd like to share with you a sort of "my movie review" of the film, but this is definitely not a spoiler. A caution though, this movie’s genre is definitely not for teenagers. You may also have to be ready to feel the weight of sadness after watching the movie. If you want to have to feel relaxed, you’d better not buy tickets for this movie.

The Plot:
Bucket list showcases a simplest story telling outline without useless fancy twists thus gives the viewers more focus on the dept of what the story intends to deliver. It begins with a traditional backgrounder of each character and slowly develops the storyline of how the movie would evolve. The movie's beginning tends to be dragging and a bit boring but equally important to the entire storyline as this lay-out starter is the foundation of what develop as the story goes on.

The Actors:
Morgan Freeman's calm and humble persona and Jack Nicholson's sarcastic and straight-forward character was a great mixture to portray a story as deep as bucket list. The two were perfect for the roles which gave credit and further realism to the crisis the characters fought to overcome. MORGAN FREEMAN and JACK NICHOLSON - enough said, you know the works.

The Message:
Beyond the magnificent settings the movie showcased, it was the depth of the conversation that will move viewers to a lot of realizations. The movie's theme for me was: making up for lost dreams, where we realize that it is not important of how we will become but how we have lived our lives. The message was definitely not new as there have been a lot of movies that showcased such situations, but as it is in life, we will always never be tired of seeing people rise above crisis situations. More so, even if it meant that there would be no escaping destiny yet it is of the fashion that we face it with that will show our strength and character. I was moved by a scene in which the characters were in Egypt. It said that when people die, a question is given to one who wants to enter heaven and these are: 1 - Have you experienced joy in your life? And; 2 - Have you given joy to others?

Definitely a good movie for the weekend.

Searching for the Right Kind of Love

Love creates meaning to things we do. Beyond the trials we go through in our life journeys, it is always with a loved one that we surpass all of it. Be it love between parents to children, sons and daughters to parents, friends, husband and wife, man and woman, there are varied ways of expressing these by one to another.

The way we manifest our love may not be the same for everyone. As equally relevant is a person's uniqueness, each person requires too, different types of loving attention. Love may be shown to by how much we care for another person. A great tool to finding this care information is through the internet. Nursing homes vary to the type of services they provide thus is essential that we care search carefully. Through nursing home search engines, we find information on care.

10 Random Things About Me…

Nightdreamer shared this post to about 10 of us in his dopeblogs and I’m sharing it also:

1. This has to be first amongst others, I’m itching to have me a Digital SLR Camera. The earliest time on realizing that dream would be the last week of February but definitely before June 2008. Already, the wife is complaining about the incoming toy. I’m thinking about getting a brand new Nikon D40x or a 8-month old D80 from a former high school classmate, now a doctor in New York City which means that I’d be getting a 100% genuine D80 if I decide to get it. But I’m fixed to getting the darkside already.

2. I started blogging sometime June 2007 where I signed up for free hosting via wordpress. It was Novz who showed me the cool stuffs I could do with blogger, not to mention the earning possibilities, that I transferred to to it sometime November 2007. I carried the same blog title that I had when I started with wordpress.

3. I talk to myself when I’m alone in the car or sing out loud, either that or I’m not driving or not alone in the car.

4. I don’t play basketball, nor do I watch it. The last time I got interested on watching basketball was when Michael Jordan was playing for the bulls. I know how to dribble or shot, but never played competitive basketball even in my teens.

5. I played badminton for 3 years during weekends, the last time being in 2006. Until now, I haven’t seen my badminton rackets since I stacked it in my cabinet since last year.

6. I’m a computer games geek. I play a lot of campaign scenario games. I know “Empire Earth” is such an outdated game but I love the idea of sending a nation to battle. I mostly play it on the “Dark Ages” scenario. I once played it for 10 hours straight, from 10PM to 7AM.

7. I’m currently searching for a good template to use for my planned photo blog.

8. I plan to join the sinulog photo contest by next year (January). I’ve seen the winners of this year’s photo contest and I think it wasn’t that demanding, but they were definitely quite a lot of good takes. I fairly have an idea of where to get inspirations for the photos during the event. I know quite a lot with regards to what events are, both religious and civic, during the festival.

9. The most complicated stuff I know how to cook is “leche plan” but I’m proud to say that I make darn good ones.

10. This wasn’t a random list since I first thought what I wanted to share that were not yet known of me in blog world.

I’m sharing this tag to Siu, Eds, Juliana and Francine and Neil.


There are two huge issues in the country these days. These things definitely involve politics though one of them directly affects the Filipino people more than the other, and of course includes the CEBU CITY MAP.

Issue number one is about the looming power war for the SPEAKERSHIP OF THE LOWER HOUSE OF CONGRESS. The battle for dominance and influence will be shown most probably this afternoon as CONGRESS may do voting on who, between the current speaker JOSE DE VENECIA JR. and challenger CONGRESSMAN NOGRALES of DAVAO CITY, will lead the Philippine Lower House. Though both are affiliated with the PRESIDENT GMA, both have been holding their own caucauses to convince fellow congressmen to take to their sides for a now definite HOUSE SPEAKERSHIP BATTLE. As CEBUANOS in the CEBU CITY MAP, we now only witness on the sidelines the power war that may start this afternoon. My hope is that may these two distinguished gentlemen always remember that whatever they are fighting for may benefit the majority of the FILIPINO PEOPLE and not just the select few who only wants to expand their influence and richness at the sake of a PHILIPPINE STABILITY.

Issue number two is the issue on a new law affecting our OFWs. It says:

Stricter rules on direct hiring of OFW was issued recently by the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. The rules which takes effect on January 15, 2008 allows direct hiring of OFWs by foreign employers only upon approval by the Secretary of Labor and subject to screening of employers and employment contract verification by the Labor Attaché or the Philippine Embassy.

Direct hiring may be allowed only for members of the diplomatic corps and of international organizations, government officials of m inisterial level, and employers who are hiring on one-time or trial basis. The number of employees to be hired directly shall not exceed 5.

More on this new can be found at this link.
I think this adversely affects the competitiveness of our OFWs in finding jobs outside of the country. I just hope the benefits further outweigh the disadvantage that this new law may bring to the CEBU CITY MAP and to the Filipino working population.

A Welcome from SMORTY

I have mentioned in a previous post how Blogosphere have made the world smaller. I could travel, gossip (haha!) and be informed of the news with just about anything and anyone though simply be in a little nook in CEBU CITY.

With the latest e-commerce driven developments on the Internet, it has now become easier to transact with someone, at the other end of the world from where I am located. Web logs are now mostly driven with not just with a person’s event in life but also as a form of a profit venture. A known profit venture of that sort is blog advertising. Smorty, one of the better known service provider in connecting bloggers to advertisers, gives me that opportunity. Once I signed-up for membership, in no time I received approval status and came with that were opportunities to get paid for blogging. I only had to write opinions or reviews on advertisers and provide readers with the advertiser's link.

It was that simple really, so why don’t you give that blogging muscle some adverstising money for a while. Its amazing to know how you earn dollars right at the comfort of your own homes, and in my case, right at the middle of CEBU CITY.

Too Little Time, Too Much to Tell

Let me give you a breather from all my Cebu City Map series and talk about something supposedly entertaining, until you watch it. I've seen "The Seeker: The Dark is Rising". No, don't ask me about where I saw the movie, this entry is not about that. This wouldn't be much of a spoiler also since I wouldn't be talking about the plot either. This would probably have to be my 2 cents on the movie in general.

I have not read the novel and neither have I heard of it prior to watching the movie, so my only source of information about its story was the movie itself. The story was fairly simple; nothing shown in the movie that got too complicated. But that was actually one failure they had. It showed nothing about the past of the groups' beginnings. It said that the boy was "the seventh son of a seventh son", so what? Did it mean that his father also had 6 big brothers? And then what? Or did it mean the generation to which the father belonged to? Why the coincidence to the rise of the dark side? How were the "Older Members" of the society chosen, where they the 6th son of a seventh son that they didn't qualify for the job? (Ok, I'm being corny! LOL!) Where the "Old Members" related to the boy's family and indeed they belonged to the same family tree? Or were the "Old Members" also seekers in their youth but their powers have now faded?

Darn, at the end of the story, you'd end up making your own storyline than be convinced of what was presented. And oh, I watched the movie because I don't have time reading the novel. Watching it was like entering the movie house at the middle of the show, you wouldn't know how it came to be other than the fact that the boy had the responsibility to save the world and he had powers, for some reason though, I did not see him using it during times of battle.

There clearly were numerous attempts of mellow-dramatic scenes, but it failed miserably. It was like the scenes were very much in a hurry to have itself done and move on to the next that it ended up being just a show of special effects rather than a story-teller. There have been movies which lasted for 3 hours or more yet it gained a lot of revenues. So budget constraints might have been the factor of cutting a movie that could have been great, but that was one movie very much in a hurry to be done and over with.

I felt terrible after watching the movie. Not that darkness failed to conquer the light, but darkness indeed conquered my imagination. I didn't know what to make up with it. I had lots of questions about the movie that now I'm trying to google the story just to feed my inquiries.

Numbers in Action

I am a geek, in a way I think. No, its not because I was suddenly inspired by Bill Gates' latest $19.9M donation to IRRI, nor was I all of a sudden an adoring fan of Steve Jobs. I just surmised that I may be a geek after all.

If I would have been a lot younger, being tagged as a geek would instantly mean social death especially if I were either an elementary or high school student. I remembered watching "Pirates of Silicon Valley" which supposedly was a story about how Bill Gates and his team started what is now known as Microsoft. But then again, that is "Silicon Valley" and I was in Cebu City which meant that geeks were simply that, social outcasts of the majority.

I love accounting and a lot of people could attest that I love the profession I am into. Having said that fact though, I just feel that accounting indeed is a bit geeky. There is simply nothing melodramatic that goes on while doing it. I think that it is actually a reason why there have been no movie or television series even in the United States that depicts a life of a CPA. How could an unbalanced trial balance put the world's fate in peril? LOL! It even gets more geeky when accountants already discuss about accounting laws.

But beyond all that, I simply love the profession. It could be way far-off that CSI stuffs but the adventures of an unbalanced worksheet just appeals fun to me. The sense of satisfaction that I get from delivering a financial statement report is just right for me.

CEBU’s Photo Perfect

CEBU has a lot to offer to artists which I think is the reason why I have been captivated by art more. If some call themselves frustrated singers, frustrated basketball players, then I could call myself a frustrated artist. What captivates me with artistry is not only the sense of freedom that it gives but beyond it is ability to convey itself a message through a medium other than words.

I have some friends in the Information Technology industry, some in Advertising and some in Marketing. The innate perks I see on their job is that it allows them to be an artist. My friends in the who are into website development clearly is able to exhibit art in the designs they deliver to clients, so do also with those in Advertising and Marketing.

ACCOUNTING is rather more science than art. Perhaps the interpretation of certain transactions gives one a sense of independence as to its treatment, but bottom-line is that accounting laws be foremost considered. More than ever, ACCOUNTING policy making and interpretation have been ever more stringent following corporate collapse of mammoth business organizations in the past few years. It has even anchored more of itself on its conservative nature though have been responsive to the present demands of business, even in the local CEBU arena.

These I believe is what has driven me to blogging. Perhaps, my eccentricities have long been tamed enough that it looks for ways to manifest itself. In as much I love and enjoy the cubicle adventures of a corporate warrior, the artistic adventurer also wants a piece of my identity. I have for so long been at awe of visual art, specifically photography, in its ability to give objects a chance to project itself beyond what it is. These are the sides of my personality coin, I suppose and CEBU’s treat of sceneries and culture is just waiting for me to take the plunge.

Cebu Sinulog, Me and this Cubicle

My last post was last Friday prior to the Sinulog 2008 weekend. My Sinulog was different this time though as there were things I was able to do last year that I wasn't able to do now, but that was most probably because of the scattered rains during Saturday and Sunday. Nevertheless, I was able to do the things I thought I should join in, and not only me but the relatives as well. In fact, my nieces were able to have their photos taken together with my uncle who joined the San Diego Dance Group contingent (as he always does and most definitely on Sinulog 2009 and so on).

I purposely didn't post an entry last Monday and Tuesday because I simply got burned-out with all those SEO experimenting that I did last week. I didn’t also want to post an entry when I just felt that I have nothing to talk about, I just felt burned-out and felt a loss of topics to write about. I realized that beyond all the SEO maximization that I do on this blog, I should have written more, and I should write more. My goal for this blog is to post relevant topics and enriching topics not only personally but of my profession, but aiming for that simply burns me out.

Interestingly, there are key words that I think I should focus more on, not only of the wars of Abs-Cbn and Gma as I miserably failed on that experiment. As I believe I am already way out of the Valentine's day gift ideas and Valentine's day surprises SEO maximization that I fell I would rather leave the same to those who's good at the topic. My topic on financial ratio analyses are still getting hits from time to time especially on my "Show Me the Money" posts or "Making Cows turn to Cash". At least these gives me the stamina to continue on this thriving blog and focus on what I have always planned for it since.

Though this is clearly niching but this might just have to be case of Cubicled Playground. I may as well have to focus on being a work related blog or business blog as this is what I feel I could be good at anyways. As boring as it may sound, seem or really is, that that may simply have to be Cubicled Playground - Business Blog niche. Oh, perhaps until such time I realize my project on getting my hands on those DSLR cameras.

Of Teleseries and Reality

It's not that I am a die-hard fan of whichever of the two GIANT TV NETWORKS at war. I just happen to be a buff of horror movies, and wherever there is one showing, I will try my best to watch it even if that means following a TELESERIES. I am talking about the television series "Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara". It's shown in Abs-Cbn while Gma shows Kamandag during that time-slot.

I have mentioned in a separate post that during the Sinulog week, my relatives on my mother's side usually hold the annual clan reunion as this is also the time when most of our relatives from abroad comes home to Cebu. Yesterday, my Lola's sister and Uncle arrived from Chicago. They said SINULOG is on full swing IN CEBU as they themselves were greeted with SINULOG dancers upon arriving at the Mactan International Airport. They were actually on one of the balikbayan trips scheduled to arrive on that day.

As customary for my clan, we welcome the arriving relatives in throngs at that airport. Among those who even fetched my Grand Aunt and Uncle were my nephews and nieces. Lucky for them - my nieces and nephews, I mean, they were the first ones to receive news of their pasalubongs.

Lola: Girls, I have a surprise for you!
Nieces: Yehey! What is it Mommy?!
Lola: I brought you baby dolls!
Nephew: Hala! Patayin sa Sindak si Barbara!

My nieces though were happy that they'd have something in store for them when they arrive home, were already frightened of the thought already.

As expected, it took the whole family the entire afternoon to convince my nieces that the dolls were beautiful and far from what they saw in television. The nieces were so afraid upon seeing the dolls that they cried when they saw it.

It's freaking similar, looked really like the one used in the show!

Updating Cebu City

With cellular phones still part of the must haves that every Filipino wishes for, undoubtedly we still are the texting capital of the world. We don't use cellular phones mainly for calls, but we mostly use it for short messaging service (sms) or most popularly known in the Philippines as text messaging. Here is an article from Sunstar Daily on the still text-crazed Filipinos and why the Philippines is still the texting capital of the world.

New Year's celebration is actually just the start of grand festivities for Cebu as this still continues until the third week of January for the Sinulog celebration. This festival complementarily infuses religious and civic activities in one grand celebration which formally starts at about the first day of the Novena mass for the Senor Sto. Nino (Baby Jesus) up to the day of the street parade which we call as the Sinulog.

One controversial move that's making headlines also the past few days is the request of the Provincial Government to have the provincial jail inmates join, at least, on the Sinulog dance showcase as guest presentors. As you may have read or perhaps seen over the net, these Cebu Provincial Jail Inmates made record by dancing Michael Jackson's Thriller and showed it via YouTube (But that’s nothing compared to an appeal on Britney Spears’ Fan on YouTube). They even made it to Time Magazine's list of top videos for 2007, or something sounding-like-that award. For anyone privy to Cebu politics, the governor and the city mayor aren't the best of friends, so I'd leave the math to you.

And talking about that celebration, it's such a boo-hoo that I haven't been able to get that dreamed and dreamt DSLR Camera yet so I think I'd have to pass on my good friend's invitation, the Magnificient Perez and his cousins, on joining the photoshot contest during the Sinulog. That would have been a blast.

Another interesting item today is Cebu's know newscaster and journalist Leo Lastimosa, arrested on the count of Libel. It came from a case filed by the Governer of Cebu Province against the said newsman. Here's the rest of the story from The Freeman Newspaper.

Ungo-ungo sa Banga

“Oy, kani suki nindot lagi ni, kinahanglan gyud ko nimong mapahangyo niini”, ang paray’g ni Mira sa tindira sa usa ka Antique Shop.

Mamalitay og antique collections si Mira og iya kining usa sa mga actibo nga hobby gikan siya na byuda sa linghud nga edad nga 30. Gani, ubay-ubay na ang antique collection sa byuda sukad sya nagsugod niining iyang passion, lima na ka tuig ang nilabay. Nagkada-iya ang iyang mga collections, gikan sa mga gagmay’ng butang sama sa post-war coins ngadto sa nagkada-iyang mga table pieces.

Usa ka talagsa-ong ornamental jar ang na-ibogan ni Mira sa iyang antique shop nga suki sa IT Park sa Lahug. Kini gibana-bana nga nabuhat pa sa panahon pa nga wala pa ni-abot ang mga kastila sa atong kadagatan. Usa ka butang nga nakamahal nianing butanga kay sama sa bago pa gyud kining ginama, walay tipak, walay liki, walay tatsa nga bisan gamay.

Sa una pa lang nga pagkakita ni Mira sa ornamental jar, sama sa siya gisigi og kaway niini para paliton. Nasulod na sa huna-huna ni Mira nga dili gyud siya mobiya sa antique shop hangtud nga dili niya mapalit kining butanga.

“Sige nalang ki, ihatag nalang ko ni sa imoha og 8,600, pero sa imoha lang ni siya ha, kung uban pa to ako gyud ni syang ibaligya sa 10,000”, tubag ni Mrs. Tinang nga tag-iya sa shop, human sa dugay-dugay nga hangyo ni Mira.

“Yehey! Salamat gyud Madam ha, naka-uyon man gyud gud ko aning jar nimo oy sa una pa lang nako syang pagkakita”, ang malipayong tubag ni Mira.

Galing man, nadala gyud ni Mira ang ornamental jar sa iyahang panimalay sa usa ka subdivision sa Talamban. Iya kinig gibutang nga corner piece sa iyang living room.

Sa kabuntagon ni-ana, sayo nga namukaw ang iyang katabang nga si Inday Pinay sa amo.

“Maam, sus kakuyaw na gyud sa panahon karon, didto sa eskina naay gipatay! Ingon pa sa uban natong silingan, ungo daw ang nipatay ni-adto!”, asoy ni Pinay sa iyang amo.

“Ay sus Pinay, mga adik-adik nasad tingali na nga naka-tripping ang maoy salad-on ni-ana”, tubag ni Mira.

“Dili Maam, naa man gud daw nakakita sa ni-ataki sa biktima, ngil-ad daw kaayo og nawong ang nipatay. Naglagot gani ko sa sulti sa atong silingan nga naa sad daw silay nakit-an nga tao nga nigawas gikan sa ato-ang balay mga lapas na sa alas-dose kagabii”, ingon ni Pinay.

“Pinay, nasuya lang na sila nato kay dili man kita mag-apil apil sa mga chismis sa atong palibot. Pasagdahi lang na sila”, hinay nga tambag ni Mira ngadto sa iyang katabang.

Unang gipangita ni Mira human sa ilang istorya ni Pinay mao ang jar nga bago lang niyang napalit. Kani iyang nabantayan nga medyo na-irog gikan sa iyang gibutangan kagahapon.

“Pinay, imong gi-irog ning jar?”, pangutana ni Mira.

“Wala Maam oy! natulog naman ko dayon paghuman nato og arrange sa living room gabii”, tubag ni Pinay.

Dako kaayo ang hibolong ni Mira pero iya nalang kining gibale-wala.

Sa kagabhi-on ni-anang adlawa, dugay nakatulog si Mira tungod sa asoy sa iyang katabang nga si Pinay. Mao nga tungod niini, nakadesisyon si Mira nga huwaton niya ang alas-dose nga takna og tan-awon niya kung tinu-od ba ang duda sa iyang huna-huna.

Tu-od man, sa pag-abot sa alas-dose sa tungang gabii, hinay-hinay nga nikana-og si Mira gikan sa iyang lawak og iyang gi-obserbahan ang jar nga naa sa iyang living room. Dili makatu-o si Mira sa iyang nasaksihan sa iyang pagtan-aw sa iyang living room. Susama sa may bugnaw nga hangin nga nigakos sa iyang tibook lawas og nanindog ang balahibo niini sa iyang tangkogo og iyang mga bokton.

Pipila ka gutlo sukad niyang pagbantay sa iyang jar, kalit nga may ulo nga nibutho sa iyang ornamental jar. Walay sama nga ka-itom ang buhok niini og pirting pagkaputi sa panit. Dagko kaayo ang mga mata og sama sa kalayo ang kapula sa kolor niini.

Nidagan si Mira pa-ingon sa switch sa suga sa iyang living room bitbit ang usa ka dos por dos nga pirmi tapad niya kada gabii. Iyang dali nga gipasiga ang suga sa iyang living room aron maklaro niya ang tao nga nigawas gikan sa iyang ornamental jar.

Leche ka! Unsa man ang imong gibuhat diha sa akong ornamental jar! Nag-unsa man ka diha………Pinay!?!”, singgit nga pangutana ni Mira sa tao nga nibutho gikan sa iyang ornamental jar.

“Nindot man gud kaayo diri Maam oy, bugnaw kaayo unya puslan man ari ko matulog sa folding bed dapit sa atong kusina, diri ko matulog sa jar kay lagi bugnaw kaayo! Pero dili raman sad ko magdugay diri og istambay Maam, kay sa taud-taud init naman diri unya mo text ra ba to si Ondung nako og “gud nyt” nga kinahanglad sad akong matubag”, tubag nga pahiyom ni Pinay.

“Sunod Pinay, dili nako gusto pa nga anha ka sa jar matulog ha! Palitan nalang tika og aircon sa imong lawak ugma!”, lagot nga sulti ni Mira.

Human ni-adtong higayona, nibalik og katulog si Mira sa iyang lawak. Sulod sa huna-huna niini ang dako nga kahimoot sa gibuhat ni Pinay.

Tu-od man, pagkabuntag dayon gipalitan gayud ni Mira ang iyang katabang og 1-horse-power aircon para sa lawak niini. Samtang padulong na usab si Mira pauli sa iyang panimalay, iyang nabalita-an nga usa diay ka akyat-bahay gang member ang nasikop isip suspetsado sa pagpatay nga nahitabo sa ilang subdivision sa nilabay nga adlaw. Asoy pa sa mga silingan nila ni Mira, dariyot na gyud nga mabiktima sa ni-aging gabii ang panimalay ni Mira sa akyat-bahay kung dili lamang nahadlok ang mga kawatan sa dihang may nakita silang mura og ungo nga nibutho gikan sa banga sa living room….