Have you seen Pride and Prejudice? (Mr. Darcy = swoon.) After hearing a reference to a "turn about the room" during an exchange between Caroline and Elizabeth, I thought it was a thing, like a Jane Austen era type-thing? (Anybody have any insight on this?) Anyway, Caroline says, "it's awfully nice to get up and move around after sitting so long in one attitude." Caroline is a total snob, but I absolutely love this reference. In fact, I've added it to my repertoire, and I've encouraged my students to do the same. Let me tell you why...
When I'm in the lab tutoring, or in the classroom teaching, my stimulus level is through the roof. I'm working through Algebra and Statistics problems, or I'm leading a discussion on the Forensic Applications of traditional Psychological theories. Killer. When I'm not in the lab or the classroom, I'm fiddling around with technology - writing an email, blogging on about something ridiculous (like turns about the room), or prepping a lecture. Or, if I'm working on an assignment for school, I'm pushing my neural boundaries, and that is mentally exhausting. The reality is, my stimulus level is sky high all the time. So, then, when the stimuli are removed, I become jittery and anxious. (I can't even talk about my addiction to technology!) Interestingly, I see the same for my students. After a few hours of dedicated brain power and mental sweating, they are totally spent. However, they're driven to just finish it, whatever the cost. They try and try, and become more upset when a concept doesn't stick. My response...
Go turn about.
Leave everything behind. Do not take your cell phone, your computer, your tablet. Do not take any of your study materials. Just peace out for ten minutes. The truth is, I think Caroline is on to something. When you've sat for so long in "one attitude," it is downright heavenly, and simply refreshing, to walk away and absorb some fresh perspective. I might take a bottle of water with me and just focus on breathing - in through my nose and out through my mouth. I think this is a totally under-rated activity and can be effective in any profession. Just an hour ago, I took a turn about the building. It was nice. And now, here I am, revved up and ready to go again. After committing to this for about six months, I've noticed a genuine difference in my attitude. I feel a genuine sense of warmth after I do it, and I am less irritable at the end of the day. Try it. :)