Showing posts with label the last race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the last race. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday Snippets / Donate Life Week / The Last Race

Fabric designed by Me

And so we've come to the end of another busy week...

Some extra contract admin work came my way, which meant that there was no time for crafting.

Speech Bubble Blackboard by the Blackboard Boy

Even though this blog is a politics free zone, I have to say that I'm really disappointed about the ridiculous political circus that has dominated the media for the last few days, when the focus should have been on Donate Life Week.

Pretty Wall hanging gift from Vic - Gorgeous Crochet Bunting made by Trudi

I want to say a huge thankyou to everyone who emailed, left me a comment, or helped to spread the Donate Life message this week.

As a finale to Donate Life Week, there's a documentary called The Last Race on ABC1 at 6.30 PM tonight.

  • About The Program

  • Coinciding with DonateLife Week, a national week of raising awareness and promotion of organ and tissue donation, this dramatic film tracks a family's heart-wrenching dilemma when their beloved son is declared brain dead after a cycling accident.

    At the hospital, they wrestle with the decision to donate his organs, having never asked him his wishes and never having had the conversation among themselves.

    Meanwhile, in intensive care, a father is watching his teenage daughter with cystic fibrosis struggle to breathe and deteriorate to critical condition. She needs a new set of lungs to survive. Elsewhere in the hospital, a 45-year-old woman also is on the recipient list, where she has waited for two years.

    The cyclist's organs become available, but the doctor must decide whose need is greatest.

    Then the race is on.

    Fewer than one in five Australians has had memorable discussions with their loved ones about their donation wishes.

Sunday Snippets via Tinniegirl