Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Little kids just crack me up!!!

Over the weekend we were in Minersville visiting Cory's parents and just hanging out. We had just finished lunch when Kadence (4 years old) put her hands up and showed me some seeds and said "Mom can I plant these seeds."
I said "No, because you don't know what they will grow so we won't know how to take care of them while they are growing."
Kadence " Yes huh they'll grow sandwiches!"
me "What? How?"
Kadence "Well the seeds come off of my sandwich bun, so that's what they will grow."
We had Arbys so the seeds where sesame seeds. I just love kids and the smart things they say and how much they learn from just watching and listening. I love you kadence don't ever change you are the funnest kid to have around.


Em said...

So cute! And so smart really! I can't wait till Cru talks.

Mica said...

That is funny! I love the things they come up with too! At least one of them makes me laugh every single day! :)

Fun times with our Family

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