Thursday, October 29, 2009

We found the Culprit!!

I took Addi to the Allergist today and we found out why she breaks out in hives. First off she is allergic to cats and horses which is really sad because Cory's parents have both and they are their lives but that isn't what is breaking her out and she will just need to take benadryl and zyrtec when we go there so that isn't a big deal.  She breaks out because that is her skin type.  I didn't know there was such a thing as a HIVEY skin type but there is so the things that will break her out are viral infections such as colds, sinus infection, UTI, and so on, pretty much just being sick will break her out, and for the sad one her nerves they say sinse this is her skin type she will most likely break out when she gets nerves, scared and over excited. The example he gave me "When she gets to the point of likeing boys she will get nervous when a cute boys walks by her or stops to talk to her and she will break out."  If that isn't the saddest thing I don't know what is!?  He did say she can and probably and will learn to control her nerves so she doesn't have the out breaks and I beat she will grow out of it. The good thing is it isn't life threatning she doesn't need an epie pen so that is very good news.  We just need to make sure we always have medication with us.  So all in all it is no big deal, that is until she's a teenager!


Kiesha said...

That's good you found out what it is but sad it is what it is. Hopefully she'll grow out of it. Davin was alergic to eggs a few months a go and now he does fine with them so hopefully for her sake she'll grow out of it!

Our Family said...

It seems like it is always something huh. Poor Addie! She is so cute, and getting so big, we haven't seen you guys in a while. Glad you got to the bottom of it and she will be ok See ya soon!

Brit said...

As long as those ears dont swell up when a boy asks her out I think it will be fine! Glad that you got it figured out so you dont half to keep stressing.

tammylozano said...

Crap thats bad she got them again she looked pretty bad in those pics last time poor girl but hope she will out grow the problem nOw you no what it is.

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