Monday, December 14, 2009

It's begining to look like Christmas?!

Well as much as it can in St. George. It is starting to get cold and we have been getting ready for Christmas.  I love this time of year for a lot of reason's but mostly it just seems like you get to see alot more of family and we just hang out and have alot of fun.  The girls showed Addi how fun it is to play in the leaves.  She thought it was so fun and didn't want to come inside even though she kept showing me her red hands and shivering!

Tiffany has been bringing her kids over lately and it has been so much fun for me I just love having my nieces and nephews it is a blast for me.  I haven't figured out why it is easier for me to entertain all of my nieces and nephews all at once than to just have my 3 girls.  Maybe it's just because I love all of them so much and I also just love having kids around sometimes it just makes me happy. Addi is starting to figure out what toys she likes to play with and which ones she is willing to share it is really funny to watch her with Lexie because she loves giving her toys and then taking them back.  Thankfully Lexie hasn't figured out what she is doing yet but she will very soon.  Addi loves playing with Lexie I think they are going to be Best Friends when they get older it will be so much fun. 

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