Showing posts with label wood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wood. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Face-In-Hole DIY - "Toy Story"

Before I even begin with this post, let me just say that I cannot believe it is 2020 already. It's one of those things that seems like nothing because it is what it is but also like- WHERE DID THE YEAR GO?!  So please excuse me while I go stress breathe for a few minutes.

Okay, I'm okay now.  A couple months ago I briefly shared on my Instagram page that my son (age 5) asked for a "Face-in-Hole" at his birthday party.  Being as he rarely ever asks for anything specifically, I figured I should oblige.  Of course I had no idea how to do it and I have ZERO artistic skill despite being so crafty so I came up with this plan that ended up being incredible easy to do.  Seriously y'all- it turned out so much better than I could have expected and although it took some time to do, it wasn't very hard. [disclaimer: I had my husband do all the wood cutting!]

Just in case you would ever like to have one at your birthday/baby shower/bridal shower/totally rockin' part-ay, let me share with you how we did it:

[Dislaimer: This post contains some affiliate links to products I used in making this project. Purchasing through these links earns me a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you for supporting my blog.]

[I don't know why but this is one of my favorite photos. Project half done,big ol' glob of paint on my neck, crazed look on my face. It's really got it all.]

- 1 large piece of Lauan Plywood (this is ideal because it is sturdy but thin)
- A few 1x4 boards (to use on the back to help it stand up) 
- An assortment of acrylic craft paint 
- Paintbrushes (I used foam ones like these
- Projector (don't worry, you can DIY it easily!)

First things first- if you don't have a projector, you CAN easily make one.  Being as my husband is a teacher I was sure I could borrow his but apparently they don't use them anymore so I had to find another way.  I wish I had taken a photo of my ugly-as-sin concoction but basically I used an idea similar to this one. It wasn't pretty but it got the job done.  I also used an actual piece from an old projector and I think using a magnifying glass like they suggested would have been a lot better.

Next, cut the lauan plywood to whatever size you would like. Consider the height of most of your guests (people can bend down some and kids can stand on stools too). Then using the projector, pull a photo up on your cell phone that you want to trace. I used two separate photos to get the different poses for our Buzz, Woody and Jessie characters (Toy Story).  Adjust as need be to make the photo fit your wood piece and trace an outline in pencil.

As you can see, I also wrote the colors on my Buzz Lightyear trace so that I didn't accidentally color one of his sections wrong.  The other two were obvious enough I didn't need to do that. It's covered with paint so if you trace light enough, even the words wont show through.

After it is traced, cut out holes for the faces -SAND THE EDGES- and bring inside to paint.

Now the hard part is over and the fun can begin.  It takes some time, especially with detailed or multi-character boards but I finished painting this one in just a few nights working a few hours a night on it.

Color big sections, common colors (like they all had white on them) and bottom colors (Like the shirts and vests which have patterns printed over the top of them) first and let try completely before moving on.  Try to plan ahead so that you aren't rubbing your arm over wet paint as you go back and forth across the large board.

As you start to get more details it might get you all excited and hyped up that you will want to pull an all nighter just to see it finished (ask me how I know).  After the painting is finished, cut your 1x4 boards and screw them into your plywood in the back in an "L' or triangle to prop it up.  We also added some weights to the finished 1x4s to give it extra stability since so many kids would be running around it but that's up to you.  The lauan is pretty light for being so large so it's not likely to hurt anyone if it does fall over but use your best judgement.

If you are doing Toy Story characters as well, Buzz has the perfect size head for kids where as Woody and Jessie are great for adults. (You could always size them all the same, but I kept it more true to their actual shapes)

But it's so fun that even with 3 kids in each one, it is still looks great!  

This was a big hit at the party and an even bigger hit with my kids.  I was able to bring my son's idea to life and help make his birthday that much more special- and really, that's what it's all about.  Now I just need to figure out what to do with it because it's still sitting in our playroom! And yes... they still play with it!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

DIY Wooden Work Bench

You may remember me saying that my husband and I are big fans of giving one large gift for Christmas over a million little things.  Most of the time, we try to make this gift handmade.  Why?  It's just something we value and let's be fair... handmade quality is far superior to crappy store quality.  Last year, my husband not only made a gift that my son loves but also held memories for himself.  He recreated a work bench almost identical to the one his father made for him as a child.

[Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. Purchasing through these links earns me a small commission at no extra charge to you. The products listed are similar to the ones I used in this project. This helps to fund future projects to bring your more DIY content!  Thank you for supporting my blog.]

Little ones love to build and create things. It's just part of being little.  We as adults, should encourage this because it helps them with their fine motor skills, problem solving and imaginative play (among other things).  There are some plastic work bench toys on the market such as this one and this one (a cheaper alternative) but if you are anything like us, you might want to build one yourself.

Here's a peek at the original bench that my husband owned as a child:


Ahh he's so little and cute!  It's also totally clear where our daughter gets that blonde hair!  My husband used this picture and what memory he had of it to build our son (our daughter enjoys it some now too as she gets older) his own for Christmas last year.  We set it out right next to the tree so that it was waiting for him on Christmas morning.

We put some peg hooks on the pegboard and hung up his hammer, which he already owned.  The toolbox was a gift that he received the day before from grandpa, which was filled with real tools of his own, such as a wrench, a level, a mini measuring tape, a plastic putty knife, some pliers, a carpenter's pencil, these adorable mini sized screwdrivers and more.  It's easy and fairly inexpensive to stock up on some basic tools and they really do have a lot of "real" tools in compact sizes- perfect for little hands!

Yep... he even got his own little hacksaw and vice.  This should go without saying- please use your judgement on what your child is capable of. Our son was very familiar with tools and tool safety so he knows how to use this tool without harming himself or others.  Our daughter is still too young to be trusted with it so it's put out of her reach when he's not using it or when she is around.

I can't tell you exactly how it was made but it's a simple shape made from wood pieces and a pegboard backing.  You can make it as fancy or as basic as you wish.  Since my husband was using his childhood work bench as inspiration, he made it look like that.  We love the simple wood look to it.

As you may have guessed, it was a hit!  When it got warmer out, we moved it into the tool shed so that our son can work at his work bench while my husband works at his own.  It's very cute to see. (I should probably come back and add a photo of that later- the downfall of writing blog posts at 11 at night is that you can't take last minute photos!)

What do you think?
Do you believe in giving "big gifts" at Christmas/holidays too? Do you ever DIY them?  If you have a little "maker" and "builder" in your life, you should whip them up a work bench just like this one! It's easy but makes for a lifetime of memories.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wood Disk Necklace Pendants- Natural Beaty in a Whole New Way!

Oh what a neat little project I have for you today and to think- it almost never was!  I had a whole different post planned until I realized I was missing a crucial piece.  Oops! Time for plan B.  Oh wait, I don't have a plan B.  This week has been a crazy one (good crazy though, I got a new job in my field of interest, that is with a christian founded company and with awesome people!  More on that another time.) so I didn't have my normal list of backup craft options.

Then suddenly it hit me!  What are two things I love more than almost anything?  Rustic outdoorsy stuff and jewelry.  And so, my friends I bring you....

Wood Disk Necklace Pendants!

Are you as excited as I am?  They are super easy to make too.

Find a branch that is about 1 inch wide.  Cut into pieces about 1/8- 1/4 inch thick (whatever thickness you want on your necklace) and smooth if desired.  I left mine rough but I dig that rugged look.

Let your creativity run wild!  I made one with (my new favorite) color of blue and a heart negative to let the wood show through.  I used a vinyl heart and peeled it off when the paint was dry.

{That's the vinyl before I painted over it}
{I prefer the sides unpainted so that I can see the bark... I love this!}

I painted another one gold and dipped the edge in blue glitter.  My husband may not care much for glitter but he has to admit... this is pretty cute!

Have you ever tried wire wrapping?  I hadn't but took a go at it for the next two pendants.  First a green one:

{I am loving the bead in the middle.  It looks like a bug or something hanging out on a mossy tree!}

... then a bare wooden one:

{A long bead that I got years ago from the Earth Festival sits perfectly atop this bare wood piece}

Each piece was covered in Mod Podge to seal it up after the colored paint was applied.  The bare wood one was also covered in Mod Podge to give it a finished look.          

{Your Turn}
Would you sport these done-up wood disks this summer?  I love having a piece of nature so close to me and having it be so fashionable!  It's a win-win!  What are some ways that you would decorate yours?

Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann

Friday, November 23, 2012

Easy DIY Sign

Hello!  I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We went to my husband's side of the family yesterday and today we are heading to mine.  That being said, I will make the chit-chat brief!  I made this sign to hang up during the holidays.  Right now it is sitting on a stand, but as soon as I figure out where to hang it, I will drill two holes in the top and attach a cute Christmas ribbon.

It's easy to do and can be completed in less than 20 minutes (including drying time!)


You only need a few things. 
{1} An unfinished wood sign.  These can be found at most any craft store or online.
{2} The vinyl design on your choice.  The kissing couple in the middle is from the Silhouette store.  The man in the picture is kissing her on the forehead.  I just found this so sweet that I had to have it!
{3} Paint

{How to Make it}
{1} Paint the wood, let it dry.
{2} Cut on design in vinyl, attach to wood.

(optional) {3} Apply Mod Podge to the edges and sprinkle with Diamond Dust. (This WAS done on mine. I think it looks really pretty but it's up to you.)
(optional) {4} Cut holes in the top and string some ribbon through it to hang.

{Your Turn!}
Isn't that easy? You can make these for any occasion or design. I just LOVE that red color (it's called "Santa Red"- perfect huh?) and the sweet mistletoe message. Perfect for my Christmas decor!

Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann  

LINK LOVE! Linked up to: Every Day is an Occasion and Chick-n-Scrap

Monday, November 12, 2012

Glitter & Frost Snowman Decor {Tutorial}

I love wintertime.  I hate the cold- but I love wintertime.  It is all the magic in the air and the snow falling gently to the ground.  It is being snuggled up in warm scarves and cozy blankets.  It is building snowmen.  In the spirit of this beautiful season, I wanted to get an early start on that whole "building snowmen" part of it.  So, here is what I came up with:

I actually came up with this idea after we had frost one night.  Our patio furniture was still out and the glass top table was covered in frost.  As I walked past it, I drew a picture with my nail (we're really all children inside, aren't we?) cutting away the frost on top.  What I found was so neat:  the sparkling frost that covered the bottom of the table was showing through my design, creating this dimensional look that you see here.  That look was just beautiful and easy to recreate too; let me show you how:

{What You Will Need}

Gather the materials listed above as well your vinyl pieces (3 circles to fit these blocks).  For the wood/glass pieces, I used the sizing as follows:
(Bottom) 3.5 inches wide x 2.5 inches tall
(Middle) 3.5 inches wide x 2 inches tall
(Top) 3.5 inches wide x 1.6 inches tall

If you will be cutting the wood and glass yourself, you will also need a saw and a glass cutter.  If not, your local glass store would be happy to make a few small pieces for you OR check your local craft store for pre-made sizes.

{Step One: Paint & Etch}

Paint each block with a couple coats of white paint.  Since it takes a few minutes to dry, paint one side and move onto the etching.

For the etching, place your vinyl in the center of each matching piece of glass.  Make sure that the edges form a tight seal.  Then, apply a generous amount of etching creme to the rest of the surface.  Follow instructions on your bottle.  {Hint:  I always keep the etching creme on much longer than it says.  15 minutes or so wont hurt it!}

Finish this step by painting the remaining sides of the blocks and (after the proper time has elapsed) cleaning off the etching creme.

{Step Two:  Applying the Glitter}
Add one more thin coat of paint to the front of the wood blocks. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle diamond dust over the top. While it dries, lightly press them in once or twice.

{Step ThreeFace Details}
Use whatever you desire to create the snowman's face.  I was going to use seed beads, but was having trouble getting them to stay on the glass.  I am happy with the paint though, because I could make the black parts look more misshapen like rocks or coal.

{Step Four:  Attach the Pieces Together}
Using the glue gun, make four blobs of glue on each corner of the glass. Quickly attach to the wood, pressing lightly. This will allow the pieces to attach together as well as create a spacer between the two (which gives it that dimensional look). Continue this process with all three pieces.

{Your Turn}
Any other designs you would make using this technique?  Have you made any winter crafts using etching creme before?  It seems like the perfect "frost" to me!  As always, I would love to hear your feedback or any input on future crafts you would like to see.

Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann

P.S. As I was writing this post, it started snowing here!  Too perfect!

LINK LOVE!  Linked up to: Every Day is an Occasion and Chick-n-Scrap

Monday, October 22, 2012

DIY Wooden Home Decor Blocks

Hello and a BIG thank you to those of you who came back to check out my real  Monday post.  You guys are the best!  I promised you that it was a good one and I even surprised myself with how well these turned out.  Even more exciting, I took pictures along the way so that you (yes YOU!) can make this at home!  Let's get started shall we?

- 3 wood blocks
- Paper designs (If you like my design, I've included free printables!)
- Paint & Paintbrushes
- Mod Podge
- Acrylic Spray Coating

{Step One: Sand the wood}
Sand the blocks so that they are smooth and easy to handle. I also like to sand down the edges and the corners to both round it out and give it that distressed feel.

 {Step Two: Paint the wood}

Paint the front of the block. There is no need to paint the middle since your paper will cover that. If you so choose, paint the sides of the block as well. I chose to partially paint it and create a sort of "smokey" look. These are, after all, going to be in the fireplace room! It is all a matter of personal preference here.

{Step Three: Sand it again!} 

If you want that distressed/rustic look, lightly sand the front edges again. Be careful not to take off all the paint! I have never been very good at distressing, but I LOVE the way these turned out.

{Step Four: Attach the paper}

Next, cover the back of your paper with Mod Podge and attach to the block. Start at one end and smooth as you lay it down, keeping any bubbles or bumps out of it.

Want this design? Here are some free printables for you!
Always be joyful
Never stop praying
Be thankful in all circumstances

If you're curious, this message comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 which says in full:
Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
{Step Five: Paint the paper edges}

We're almost done! Now, take a small paintbrush and add some paint to the edge of your paper (where it meets the wood). While it is still wet, smudge it with your finger, creating a distressed look. This is where it really starts to look neat!

{Step Six: Seal it up}

Using a clear acrylic coating spray, lightly spray the tops of the blocks. I don't know if this is necessary, but I chose to do it so that my ink and paint would not smear when I used Mod Podge. After letting that dry, cover the tops of the blocks entirely with Mod Podge to create a smooth and sealed up surface.

{Your Turn!}
I ended up LOVING this craft and am just tickled with how it turned out. I hope that I have given you inspiration to create your own at home! I would love to answer any questions that you have or to hear any feedback that you might have as well.

Happy Crafting,
Kelsie Ann

LINK LOVE!  Linked up with: Every Day is an Occasion and D.L. Art